in my application. I want to insert the student registration entry through my web form. but want to use proper object oriented method. like by create the object as "Student" it will have required property. and want to insert new node with incremental (auto increment) Student ID. I am using c#. how can i achieve this? will Linq is best way to do this?
How to get user details from facebook api found here
How do I get a bigger user picture?
the default image size is 50px X 50px (default from facebook) and i need 350px image
I saw in facebook developer site that there is a height and width property for user_photo parameter, my question is how to use it with the snippet found in article?
I need to develop a web applicaiton which will have a user tree like shown in the picture.Generate Labels dynamically with different "CSSCLASS" and design it like that.
Admin, Coordinator, TeamLeaders, Endusers...
How to give such a UI to the user.... There no options required, but it want to show as group and team level.
I am trying to get the following code behind to store a file in a datbase using Linq (with *dbml). I am getting an intellisense error in my "For each" loop the says the following":Value of 'Byte' cannot be converted to 'System.Data.Linq.Binary'I have been searching for awhile, but I can't seem to find a solution that has worked for me yet.
i use visual studio 2010 i have stored image into sql server in binary format and how to retrive that image(which is in binary format) and display in image contro
All radiobuttonlists and checkboxlist popluate from the database.comapring product productgroup and productvalue.after customer seleted items from these radiobutton list and checkboxlists iwant to create it as record to sttore in diffrent table with the all selected item + total that in future we just serch record and we get it with and induval price and total price and seleted item.also its show image on selted items too.I dont know how to do it , I have MS ACESS database.I am using C# am working on it since last week.I dont know how i start it. I want to show image when it retrive the record which is customer seleted.
When Select an entity by linq with entity framework 3.5 ...and thenn select it again using stored procedure ..which change the value for a field for that entity ... i got that with old value ...not procedure value...............When i called that procedure before .. the select ... i got the correct value.........but in my case i shall call the procedure after select with linq statment
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="totalcount" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT COUNT ([CID]) FROM [WWAMembers] WHERE([CID] IS NOT NULL)"></asp:SqlDataSource>
how do I get the totals displayed with label or other control?
If the from date is given then i have to retreive all the values above from date .IF to date is given have to retrieve all the values below Todate.else between from and to date how it will make changes
I am develping an application that integrates with an RFID kit. The problem is, the kit comes with an .cs class that accepts data stored in a byte array however, each information stored in the array respresents an int. I wanted to store String information in each array but, my research suggest that a String itself can be converted to a byte array and not a the code from the .cs class:
I tried with no succcess doing a search here on the forum for some answers or pointers. So here goes.
I would like to Calculate total time from a records in a table.
the Table we'll call it "Time Table" may have four rows IE.
Field1 Field2 IN 08:00:00 OUT 12:30:00 IN 13:00:00 OUT 17:00:00
I am trying to display these records in a Child gridview with a total. Is there any SQL that can total time like this? or any other way I can total this?
I have data grid with page size 15. I need to find total number of record(s) in a grid. How to do it?There is two ways to do:
1) Here I have used LINQ. So calling stored procedure again and we can done using .Count () property. But here I don't want make call to data base again.2) Creating our own logic like here I have done like:
i have stored the txt file to sql server database .
i need to read the txt file line by line to get the content in it.
my code :
but here i have used the FileStream to read from the Particular path. but i have saved the txt file in byte format into my Database. how to read the txt file using the byte[] value to get the txt file content, instead of using the Path value.
Currently, I am using Itextsharp PDFStamper to Fill my PDF template. But my problem is, How do I return the completed File in Byte[] so I can open it using Response.BinaryWrite(Byte[]); in outputting the PDF file