How To Use Profile In Web Site/web Application

Apr 4, 2011

Some years ago I worked at a very large project in C++/Java with the a CORBA ORB and we were using Rational Purify/CodeCoverage to instrument, detect memory leaks and discover bottlenecks on server code. From that time I did not have any experience on using tools like that on the .NET platform either working on pure c# or with a web application

Do you use tools?Do you estimate traffic and do calculations on the expected bandwidth needed?

Do you profile differently server code and web page rendering?

What code coverage tool are you using?

I know this is a very big topic. Some information I have are from the book "Performance Analysis for Java WebSites", who is fo the Java platform and reference tools for that platform but ises an approach that is transferable and so the core ideas apply generally.

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<add name="Name"/>

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