Hyperlink - Setting Alt Tag Of The Image?

Feb 14, 2011

How can I set the alt tag of an image that has been set using HyperLink.ImageUrl? I read an article that states you should be able to do HyperLink.Attributes["text"] = "My Alt Text" but that doesn't seem to work.

I want to try and avoid creating a separate image control and adding it to that hyperlink just to set an Alt tag.

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Web Forms :: Setting A Hyperlink To DataTextFormatString Of RadioButtonList Control

Jun 10, 2010

I have a radiobuttonlist control on my control, where the datasource is a collection, and I am using the DataTextFormatString to set the text field to a hyperlink. All this bit works, but where I am struggling to work is to add to the url path the value from the datavaluefield. Nothing I try works! Does anyone know how to set the datavaluefield into the url? Further, and one last question, my radiobuttonlist control is in a wizard step, and when the user clicks on a hyperlink, I want it to go on to the next step, all that is happening is that the link is going back to the first step.

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C# - Setting Image Using A Method But Image's Not Displaying?

Oct 13, 2010

<div class="sp1" style="background-image:url(<%#GetImage()%>);" runat="server"> </div>

Tested my method by assigning the String(containing my image's path) returned by it to a label..its getting the path alright..then why wont it display when I run the code?when I viewed the page's source..this is what I see..

<div class="sp1" style="background-image:url(<%#GetImage()%>);"> </div>

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Image As Hyperlink In A GridView?

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Setting ContentType = "image/tiff" And Sending An Image Is Not Working In IE?

Jan 20, 2011

I need to send an image (as a downloadable file) from an ASP web page. It is working correctly in every browser except for IE (all versions).

Here is the server side code:

bool export = Request.QueryString["Export"] != null;
if (export)
byte[] allBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:MyImage.tif");
Response.ContentType = "image/tiff";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename="MyImage.tif"");
Response.OutputStream.Write(allBytes, 0, allBytes.Length);

And here is the JavaScript:

$('#ExportFrame').attr('src', 'Default.aspx?Export=true'); // ExportFrame is an iframe
In IE, I keep getting an error saying "Internet Explorer cannot download Default.aspx from localhost". I thought it might be an issue with loading it in an iframe element, but redirecting to the URL is not working either. The really odd thing is that going to the URL (/Default.aspx?Export=true) does not work the first time, but works every time after that. Again, this works in every browser I've tried except IE.


The aspx page has the following code to keep the page from getting cached:

// Never cache this page
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";
Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
Response.Expires = -1;

Removing the first 2 lines and leaving only Response.Expires = -1 resolved the issue.

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How To Add Onerror Event To Image Url Of Hyperlink

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Web Forms :: Label Can Be Seen But Not The Hyperlink Over This Background Image?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a panel like this. I have an image control inside this panel that I have put as a background image for the panel using the style where I adjusting the z-indexes.This works fine!

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<input name="ui_taskFormControl$ctl03$ctl00$ctl03$ui_BirthPlaceImage" height="20" id="ui_taskFormControl_ctl03_ctl00_ctl03_ui_BirthPlaceImage" type="image" src="SmartPenHandler.ashx?FormId=XYZ&FieldId=BirthPlace" complete="complete"/>

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Crystal Reports :: Image From SQL - Give One Hyperlink To Display

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Data Controls :: Add Image To HyperLink Inside GridView

Mar 17, 2014

I have hyperlink control in my page that bind it from database

<asp:DataList ID="DLP" runat="server">
<asp:HyperLink ID="lnkRemove2" runat="server" CssClass="LBP3E" Text="print" NavigateUrl='<%# "print.aspx?BehCode=" + Request.QueryString["BehCode"] + "&Id=" + Eval("Id") %>'></asp:HyperLink>

I want replace hyperlink with imagebutton How I can use above code for image button?

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C# - Image Control URL Setting?

Jul 5, 2010

I have an image control .NET.

<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" />

How do I set the URL using code in C#, like


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Adding A Class Attribute On The Image Tag Generated By The Hyperlink Control

Jun 14, 2010

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Aug 9, 2010


I am trying to display a hyperlink in the gridview with an image. I want the url to redirect to the id variable from the id field in the database.

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Setting Backgroung Image To Button Tag?

Mar 22, 2011

i tried to set image to the button tag in asp.net but it gave an error saying background-image cannot be applied to . I wrote the following code

<asp:Button ID="bsrc" runat="server" Style="left: 545px; position: absolute; top: 18px;font-family:Tahoma; font-size:small" Text="Search" Width="101px" />
<img src="search-icon.png" alt="" style="left: 649px; width: 29px; position: absolute; top: 17px; height: 26px" />

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Setting Image Size Via Css Or Jquery / C#?

Mar 26, 2011

can you set the the image size of this control with css?

<img style="border-width: 0px;" alt="Test image" src="userdata/1/uploadedimage/database%20entry.jpg">

Not sure if theres a way I can assign a certain size to this either by css or by Jquery? Or if I can do it directly in my C# code using something like img.Style?


Just to clarify my css is like so:

div .test
border-top: thin solid #736F6E;


So how would I use the below answers in this combination

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Web Forms :: Setting Image In The Textbox Like As Watermark?

Dec 3, 2010

How we can set image in the textbox in place of text like as watermark textbox in asp.net.

How it can be possible...

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Setting Image Width / Height In Codebehind?

Jul 27, 2010

I am trying to set the width and height of images in a datalist in the codebehind.

The plan is to do something more complex than this based on the width/height, so setting width and height in the aspx file to 50% is not an option.

For some reason I always get 0 for width and height. Image1.ImageUrl is what i would expect though. Image is the System.Web.UI.Webcontrols.Image, not a System.Drawing.Image.


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Setting The Src Of An Image Tag Getting Null Reference Exception?

Dec 6, 2010

We have a chart on a page that current is hard coded with test data, client likes and we are trying to now link to live data.I have tried different things in the code behind to build the url and keep getting Null Reference Exception even though when i debug the url is there and complete. I can take the value that i get in debug and paste directly to the browser and the chart works. so i know that im building the url correctly, but setting the .Src of the image in the page_load event doesnt seem to be the correct way to populate the image..Here is the complete link that is built in the code behind that is passed to the src of the image control.http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?hs=300x265&chd=s:bD&chdl=DVDs|DVDs+with+Scracthes&chdlp=b&chl=44|5&chma=40,60,0,40&chtt=DVD+Report&cht=p3&chco=751010|FFCC33 In the page load event i have the following:



I place a break point on the line where i set the src and as i step thru everything is correct and the src is being populate with the correct link, but when i step past that line, then i get the null reference.Now why is it that i can paste that link to the browser and it works.. and if i hardcode that link in the image src on my aspx page and comment out the code behind it works there also..

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VS 2010 / Setting Image Button URL In Code Behind?

Sep 16, 2014

I created an image button in my header template. When clicked, it calls the Sorting method. When I change the image url in code behind, it does not render. By setting a break point, I can see the property being updated, but I assume it is getting overridden by the default I set in the HTML page.


<span>Claim Id</span>
<asp:ImageButton ID="btnClaimIdSort" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Styles/UpArrow.ico" OnClick="Sorting" ToolTip="ClaimId" />


protected void Sorting(object sender, EventArgs e)
var sortButton = (ImageButton)sender;
// parse new sort
var newField = sortButton.ToolTip;
// parse existing sort
var existingSortArgs = this.ClaimSort.Split(' ')


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Web Forms :: Setting A Default Image For The FileUpload Control?

Oct 21, 2010

I am trying to find a way of setting a default image(e.g. file path) for the FileUpload control so that a default image can be used if a user did NOT choose to upload an image.

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Web Forms :: Setting Webpage / Master Page Background Image?

Aug 24, 2010

I want to have the background of my masterpage (the master page for all of my .aspx pages) have a sort of gradient. I imagine the only way I can do that is with an image. Or maybe even some other design, but I want to move away from the "solid color" background.

Is the easiest way to do this just to make an image and set that as the background? What image size should I make it, because some users could possibly have the normal aspect ratio, or maybe a widescreen? What should I make it like so that it looks good on [b]all[/b] computers?

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Custom Server Controls :: Setting Image On Button Both Side?

Jul 7, 2010

I am creating new custom command button control derived from asp.net command button. In my custom control I want to set two images (i.e. one from left and one from right). In center command text will come. I tried background image property using css. But I won't work out for me. The image is coming left but the actual command button style is lost and the second problem is I could not able to set image on right side.

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