C# - Add Textbox Via Dynamic Imagebutton In A Panel?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a problem I seem to stumble over all the time, I have a Drop Down box and you can select a number which creates x number of textboxes with images buttons its for a survey it the image buttons are used to create "Sub-Answers" so they can have answers to answers so my question is I need to when they hit the image button to create a textbox under the orginal textbox here is the code.


As you can see I just add controls to the panel, I need to know when that ImageBUtton is hit I can add a Textbox and in this case it could be more then just one textbox to it.

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C# - Update Panel Losses Dyamically Added Controls On ImageButton Click Event?

Jan 24, 2011

Im working on app that queries another website, and pulls back an xml, I then populate a result panel with ImageButton(s), and time in a click event, when the image is click I want to popup a div box using the jquery ui, that will show more information, about the picture clicked on. however whenever id this this seems to wipe out my results panel(Panel Control) and the div box never appears and as far as I can tell the imagebutton click event never fires. I've tried doing this two ways one with an update panel and again without, I would appreciate any help on this.Im wondering if I'm doing to much long on my search button click, Im wonder if I should just let the post pack handle populating the result panel and ditch the update panel.(and yes my div tag is set to runat server)I'm also up for suggestions maybe there is a better way to do this, I thought creating hidden div tags for each item, and then running javascript for when the image is clicked and showing it that way, However that seems stupid, in my opinion it seems to make more sense to make my div control once and then update the labels inside it on each image click and then show or hide it.

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Imagebutton To Update Text In Textbox

Mar 28, 2010

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code behind:


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How can I get those dynamic textbox values from dynamic tables? I am working with a masterpage.

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Dynamic JavaScript Not Working In Update Panel?

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I am working on an application where i have got, a content page within a Master Page. I have placed a gridview on the page. This gridview has three fields, one of them is TemplateFied, a BoundFiled and a CommandField, along with paging enabled in the gridview.

In the template field i am creating a dynamic javascript on RowDataBound.

I wanted to place this gridview in Update panel so that it doesnot re-loads when command is clicked or page is changed.

I placed a scriptmanager and an update panel, and placed the grid in it. Now my command field works only once and not more, and same is true for the javascript, it doesnt gets initilized.

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Here Unique Id value is coming null.

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I have a project That Is Some Ebooks project..,I want to create a dash Board,If User Register then he Login To Dashboard and he will upload some books in his admin panel..,if new user register then how to create a other Dynamic Panel..Each Admin Panel for Each User..dynamic Panel..how to create it..? 

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AJAX :: How To Do Update Panel And Dynamic Controls And Post Back

Sep 29, 2010

I have a page that is mostly dynamically built in the page load of my VB.net code behind page.

The issue is that I made a change to the page and added a button that redirects to a secondary page. When the button is clicked there is a very noticeable lag until the button click event fires because the page is being rebuilt every time.

I had not wrapped the code in the load event in the If not ispostback.... because I have dynamic controls that the user interacts with and I need the page to be rebuilt when the user clicks them.

The dynamic controls are clickable table cells. I did some looking and I found that the RegisterPostBackControl. I thought this would be perfect but, it does not although I maybe using it incorrectly.

Here is the code flow.


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Jul 6, 2010

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User is allowed to choose any radio option and enter any value in the textbox beside it and then goes for submit button to move to next stage.

Problem Descritopn:

I load the controls in the panel based on the index of a combo control on the same form.it is done in selectedIndexChanged - This is working fine.

When i go for the submit button and ask for the textbox control, it says "object reference not set to instance of object", denoting that instance is not available. Moreover the panel control list gets empty automatically.

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Rendering Dynamic Controls Via JavaScript In A Wizard In An Update Panel?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a user control.

On that user control is an update panel.

In that update panel is a wizard.

One of the steps is as follows.


What this does is create a javascript spinner control. Now when I click the NEXT button onto this step it generates the spinner control. I click next to go to the next step, then I click PREVIOUS to go back to this step and the spinner control is not generated.

Now I have tested this on an ASPX page and it seems to work, I then copy the code across to an ASCX control and put the page live and it does not work.

The update panel has an animation extender that just displays a div with a processing gif when you click next/previous.

So any reason why it creates the control on the next and not the previous step?

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AJAX :: Multiview Dynamic Control Disappear Into A Update Panel?

Jan 12, 2010

I have a page with an UpdatePanel in wich I load the menu selected Layout pages, and the layouts loads its contents dynamically.

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In the Multiview I have a ListView, in the listview I have Linkbuttons that opens another view and shows the information of the specified row dynamically.

when I click in the link so the page disappear from the update panel... why? I do not a full postback of the page, so I think I don't need to reload that page on the update panel... Right?

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AJAX :: Update Panel Versus Dynamic Populate Extender

Dec 20, 2010

I have an invoice form that I want to be able to populate using an ajax control. There will be a section at the top that will allow the user to select a record from a db or create a new one. This section will have several criteria types that can be used to select the records. They will be able to choose the record by the invoice id, date of service....etc.

I'm trying to decide between using the dynamic populate extender and the update panel for the different areas of the invoice. For example, there are different sections that show the customer's info, notes for the invoice, the services performed and the totals for the work done. I want each of these to be dynamic. For example, when a new service is added to the invoice the total is updated. Or if an existing invoice is opened these fields will be populated for that record.

I'm trying to decide if the dynamic populate extender or update panels should be used for each of these dynamic sections of the invoice. It seems like either can be used but I'm not sure which would be better.

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Aug 23, 2010

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not have a Master Page configure to this webpage. Once I have a masterpage congifured.. I get a "Object Reference not set to instance of object" error on the Panel_Control.Controls.Add(Checkboxlistnew) line:


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Dynamically Add Textbox N Label In Panel?

Jul 5, 2010

is there a possible ways when i click on a add button it will add a text box and a label in panel1.. when i click on the delete button it will remove the last row of text box n label in panel1.which mean i can add a lot of text boxes n labels in panel1 and when i click delete it will remove only the last row of the rows in panel1.

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AJAX :: How To Update Panel And Textbox

May 26, 2010

Refering to my post here http://forums.asp.net/t/1562244.aspx

My Code


Text Changed


now i m trying to show the result in the label by taking the update panel but its not displaying

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Jul 31, 2010

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The save button should write data to database, unfortunetly it dosen't. Instead are loaded empty data. I think The reason is that the textboxes are inside updatepanel.

I tried to make an attempt to with Label. Data where to show from the textbox, instant i have an error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


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Mar 11, 2011

I have an update panel that contains a textbox..I would like a situation when on selectedindex_change of one of those textbox to have my update panel containing the textbox invisible and then when another button is click to have my update panel containing my textbox visibile again. How do I do that.

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What Is Meant By Dynamic Textbox

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AJAX :: Cannot Write In TextBox When Using Update Panel

Apr 27, 2010

i have a Textbox inside an update panel, and each time the timer interval hits, anything being typed inside the textbox clears.

Is there anyway i could make the textbox retain the text inside while the update panel still updates?

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AJAX :: Cannot Clear Textbox Outside Of Update Panel?

May 18, 2010

I have a update panel that is being refreshed every second or so, and the user is inputing data into this gridview via a textbox. when the user presses enter or send i would like the text box to be cleared. I call it to be cleared on my button event but it doesnt. It post to my gridview perfectly but it will not delete the text. I am assuming becasuse the control is outside of the update panel or the timer is a problem, I was looking around for a answer and saw to complete this you have to use java script. Can someone show me how to implement this in my code,

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"


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Web Forms :: AddHandler For Dynamic TextBox?

Oct 25, 2010

I have created TextBox dynamically, and i need to makd AddHandler on lostfocus event. If i use AddHandler Textb.TextChanged, AddressOf TxtBox_OnChange it work well, but i am passing the textbox value from javascript (popup window) so it is not recognizing the textchange. and if i enter the text by keyboard then TextChanged is calling the the function well. how i can call TxtBox_OnChange on lostfocus on the TextBox.

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