Installation :: How To Restore The Functionality Of All The Toolbox Controls

Feb 20, 2011

- I am Using VS 10 Professional, Vista Ultimate, 4, Mvc 3. Razor View Engine.

- Attempted to install a Third Party , only one, Control "Poll Control" to a project that I am developing.

- However, the third Party installation program downloaded all their controls,that I didn't ask for, created a new folder in the Toolbox and listed all their controls under the heading of the new folder.An intrusive action that I don't need and didn't ask for.

- The Razor engine, that I am using to develop my program, doesn't support Design View and deals only with Source View.

- However, the Third Party's Controls need Design View to be activated. As a result, the installation program appears to have caused the following:

1- All their Controls appeared grayed and unusable in the Toolbox.

2- All other Controls in the Toolbox are grayed as well.

3- I properly un-installed all their Controls as well as their heading, however, all the other Controls are still grayed and unusable.

- This graying out appears only under the " Lazor Engine"

- All the Controls of the Toolbox appear and function properly under "Aspx. engine", Where Design Views are provided.

- I tried everywhere, for about a week,to find a solution without any success. I went as far as un-installing Visual Studio and re-install it again, without any success.

- I Contacted the Third Party Support Department and I received the following response:

" This is not something we will help you with. You will need to contact MS or other resource to find that out. We only support our product, we do not have the in depth knowlege about how Visual Studio works. "

MY PROBLEM.How can I restore the functionality of all the Toolbox Controls?

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@BakPath varchar(1500)


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