DataSource Controls :: Restore The Data When Its Name Is Changed?
Apr 29, 2010
my SEL Server name is changed. I have a backup file. Now I want to take the data in the older file. So how can I restore the old data in the new SQL server which name is changed?
Whenever we have an issue in production, we restore DB backup from our nightly sql backup files in our testing environment. This way we get all data from production.
New Requirement:
Instead of restoring the db which takes upto 2 days, they want to do only selective restore based on few parameters. Requirement is to a build a new ASP.NET page in our application with few inputs. On submit button click, I should select data from prod and insert into testing environment. This involves opening new sql connection.
i m using these command for backup and restore sql database
BACKUP DATABASE [db_report] TO DISK =N'db_report.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'Report-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10 RESTORE DATABASE [db_report] FROM DISK = N'db_report.bak' WITH FILE = 1, MOVE N'db_report' TO N'C:db_report.mdf', MOVE N'db_report' TO N'C:db_report.ldf', NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
but i want to set backup drive name with today date and time yani my i will set drive D:db_report010320100910am if u will see theres is db_reportMonth(01) Day(03) Year(2010) Time(09:10am) and when i want to restore then ask me which one u want to get restore
I want to restore .bak files from a server directory into database. The problem is it should behave automatically. Whenever a .bak file will be uploaded in that specified directory of the server that file will be restored. It may happen by using sql procedure which will restore all the .bak file which it will find at a certain time in that specified directory. Or, it may happen by using program which will run exclusively on server and call a sql procedure to restore a backup file whenever a backup file will come in that specified directory. But I am not getting how to figure out this ideas programetically.
how can I achieve this using the SQLdatasource control? I'm using the VB language. What controls/commands should I use to have a backup and restore function on my website?
restore a master database from production to test server.
The reason to do this because I need to test and evaluate some login in master database.
I tried to restore master database to test server, but I got some errors regarding about user databases are not exists in test server. I don't want to restore user databases, I only need master database for evaluate user login.
I need to restore the database daily. I have a BAK file in shared folder. I have to restore it from my machine. I have used the below script to restore the database but I am unable to restore it. Its throwing error. I have shown the script and error what I got when I execute my Store procedure.
I have an SQL 2008 R2 database on an X86 machine that I have backed up a database from. Now I want to restore it to an SQL 2008 R2 instance on an X64 machine and keep gettting format errors (attributed to restoring a higher version of database to a lower database instance ie 2005 to 2008). On inspecting the databases I find the X86 is version 10 and the X64 is version 9 (which is supposed to be the 2005 database)...are there different versions of the same DB for different software platforms?
1. i have created aa database named "qraghul" which contains two tables. i want this database to backup from my system and restore it to the host server or any other system. how i can do it.
2. suppoose if i backup and restore it to any system or server. whether i have to change the connection string in my application eg Data Source=QUANO-462F6EB27;Initial Catalog=qraghul;Integrated Security=True bcoz my server name is QUANO-462F6EB27 whether i restore it to any system. i need to change the server name?
In our project we need to restore the analysis service database back up(.abf) files.Now i can connect to analysis service and can create new database.May i know how i can restore the abf file .i saw i can do this by using sql server SMO dll .check the below link
how to get the samples are located in <system_drive>:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100Samples folder,if you alrady installed the documentation
I am using untyped database bind to gridview in an edit form. Now user makes some changes to that datatable (update, delete, insert). How do I detect which rows he changes and which rows he deleted (so I drop them from DB). I know it can be done easily via table adapters but I am supporting a previously built app using untyped datatables/datasets.
Existing records can be updatedNew records can be insertedAll existing records can be deleted & new ones can be insertedExisting records have a primary key field New ones are just blank inserts
All this detail is stored in a data table. On form update I only want to update existing (only modified rows) & insert new rows. I have gone about loading the changed records in a new data table
Is there any way to stop Gridview to turn back to first row when user click edit link button. Say there are 50 rows in gridview, user scrolled down to 45th row then click edit button. Gridview shifted to editmode but user need to roll down back again to reach the row 45th.
To what extent equipment efficiency is user friendly Dropdownlist1 Value for course Fees Dropdownlist2 Decision to chosen HIMT Dropdownlist3
In the above dropdownlist when i select the Poor from any of the dropdownlist, popup screen will open in that one textbox is there reason for poor will type. Then I have one ok button and click that button. When I select the any dropdownlist from the above, commonly one popup will be open if we select the above dropdownlist in that popup screen one textbox is there reason for pooor will type.
My question is how do you know which dropdownlist is selected and give the reasonf for poor. For that how can i do in
i need to Filter and display Google Map Markers from database based on DropDownList selection. for that I need to pass the selected value of DropDownList to the query.What should i do in the following code to do the above task?
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI;
After some code change I have published my AJAXised web application to the server and the application failes to work properly - something weird is going on, as all .aspx pages are displayed as an ASPX markup text (page declaration, html controls, etc.), rather than a page is being rendered as an html. I have not changed the webconfig, only changed my pages' content/code behind.
I have a few textboxes,dropdowns and one checkbox in a DataGrid. when the checkbox is checked/unchecked i need to save the record.How to raise a event when a checkbox is checked/unchecked in a grid.How to Identify the row which is checked.
I am creating a WebApp and got stuck on the "Save" process. I am gathering data from a SQL DB and using a DataReader to populate the DataList. The DataList hold employee data and there are quite a few. What is the best way to save the data to the database?
I had originally thought that once a Supervisor has verified the employee data, just click the "Update" button and save to the DB but how would I determine which fields in the DataList have been changed? I only want the changes saved.
use a Dataset to populate the DataList then build a second Dataset with the same structure and compare the two. Then save the changes to the DB. I had read before on the 4GuysFromRolla website that using Datasets in a web app wasn't the greatest ...
I probably should not bother writing these posts at this time of day. I have a gridview control on a web form page. Within the gridview I have
<asp:BoundField DataField="phone" HeaderText="Phone Number" /> <asp:CheckBoxField DataField="displayFrontPage" HeaderText="Display on Front Page?" />
From the documenteationI see, it seems to me that the checkbox I have here should be bound to the data field BIT on SQL Server. The gridview displays a checkbox. Lovely. But when I click the grid's edit, check the checkbox and click the grid's update, the value is not saved/changed.I thought this was straightforward asp control.
does anyone know if the gridview can tell you if a cell's contents have changed (during an edit) in order to determine if an update should be made against the database?
- I am Using VS 10 Professional, Vista Ultimate, 4, Mvc 3. Razor View Engine.
- Attempted to install a Third Party , only one, Control "Poll Control" to a project that I am developing.
- However, the third Party installation program downloaded all their controls,that I didn't ask for, created a new folder in the Toolbox and listed all their controls under the heading of the new folder.An intrusive action that I don't need and didn't ask for.
- The Razor engine, that I am using to develop my program, doesn't support Design View and deals only with Source View.
- However, the Third Party's Controls need Design View to be activated. As a result, the installation program appears to have caused the following:
1- All their Controls appeared grayed and unusable in the Toolbox.
2- All other Controls in the Toolbox are grayed as well.
3- I properly un-installed all their Controls as well as their heading, however, all the other Controls are still grayed and unusable.
- This graying out appears only under the " Lazor Engine"
- All the Controls of the Toolbox appear and function properly under "Aspx. engine", Where Design Views are provided.
- I tried everywhere, for about a week,to find a solution without any success. I went as far as un-installing Visual Studio and re-install it again, without any success.
- I Contacted the Third Party Support Department and I received the following response:
" This is not something we will help you with. You will need to contact MS or other resource to find that out. We only support our product, we do not have the in depth knowlege about how Visual Studio works. "
MY PROBLEM.How can I restore the functionality of all the Toolbox Controls?