Lost All Default Controls In Toolbox Except For Html Controls - How To Restore Them Back

Apr 5, 2011

For unknown reason, I lost all default controls in the toolbox except for html controls. How to restore them back?

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Installation :: How To Restore The Functionality Of All The Toolbox Controls

Feb 20, 2011

- I am Using VS 10 Professional, Vista Ultimate, Asp.net 4, Mvc 3. Razor View Engine.

- Attempted to install a Third Party , only one, Control "Poll Control" to a project that I am developing.

- However, the third Party installation program downloaded all their controls,that I didn't ask for, created a new folder in the Toolbox and listed all their controls under the heading of the new folder.An intrusive action that I don't need and didn't ask for.

- The Razor engine, that I am using to develop my program, doesn't support Design View and deals only with Source View.

- However, the Third Party's Controls need Design View to be activated. As a result, the installation program appears to have caused the following:

1- All their Controls appeared grayed and unusable in the Toolbox.

2- All other Controls in the Toolbox are grayed as well.

3- I properly un-installed all their Controls as well as their heading, however, all the other Controls are still grayed and unusable.

- This graying out appears only under the " Lazor Engine"

- All the Controls of the Toolbox appear and function properly under "Aspx. engine", Where Design Views are provided.

- I tried everywhere, for about a week,to find a solution without any success. I went as far as un-installing Visual Studio and re-install it again, without any success.

- I Contacted the Third Party Support Department and I received the following response:

" This is not something we will help you with. You will need to contact MS or other resource to find that out. We only support our product, we do not have the in depth knowlege about how Visual Studio works. "

MY PROBLEM.How can I restore the functionality of all the Toolbox Controls?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Normal HTML Control Values After Post Back

Jun 28, 2010

I need to process surveys. I have modelled them in SQLServer, just need to generate the forms to input it.I have nested SqlDataSource/DataLists. The outer gets the questions and the inner gets the various options as a plain HTML radio buttons. I can't use ASP.NET radio buttons because of a bug with them inside itemtemplates not mutually exclusive http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;316495Anyway, so now I need to know the which radio buttons were selected so I can insert the values in the database. What is the best way of doing it?

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FormView Default Value Is Lost After Insert

Apr 21, 2012

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While stepping through in debug mode, the last thing to happen is the InsertTemplate section of the included code, below. After the last text box is referenced within the InsertTemplate, the FormView values go blank and the GridView that it feeds gets a new row. But processing does not come back to the code behine file and the default date field stays blank.I have been trying to find an event that happens after the FormView empites itself of it's values so that I can set the date field the same way I am setting it on page load, but so far nothing works.

<asp:FormView ID="FormView_Discussion_Input" runat="server" CellPadding="4"
DataKeyNames="Discussion_ID" DataSourceID="DataSource_Discussions_Input" DefaultMode="Insert"
ForeColor="#333333" Width="695px" BorderStyle="Groove" BorderColor="Black"
<FooterStyle BackColor="#990000" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
<RowStyle BackColor="#FFFBD6" ForeColor="#333333" />


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Feb 13, 2010

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Dim li As New ListItem("heading" , "0"))
li.Attributes.Add("style", "font-weight:bold")

however, it loses after Post Back, ie., on SelectedIndexChanged event.

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Feb 24, 2010

I have a css file which is external registered in Master Page which contents the following code :

background-color: #def2fd;
font-weight: bold;

The Item is applied for GridViewRow. This GridView is in a UpdatePanel, when I click a button to do a Ajax Post Back the CSS applied for the GridViewRow is useless (IE 6 only).

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Data Of Text Box Is Lost After Partial Post Back?

Mar 18, 2011

I have used update panel and in that update panel I have kept ASP Table control in which I am creating rows dynamically which in turn contains 1 dropdown lists and 3 text boxes. My problem is that after partial postback text boxes and dropdown list are found but text property of text boxes is showing empty and dropdown list's selected value is set to the first record in that box. I have also stored entire table in session and retrieve it in(!isPostBack) condition at page_load event.

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I want to add one row on every addRowTbn click event there by retaining previous rows.

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Jan 6, 2011

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i tried a javascript above code to move items between listbox using html input button problem when i trying to save listbox.items.count giving 0 can anyone tell me why this happening and also when post back occurs listbox items lost.

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According to the above article you "Unblock" the zip file and then unzip it. You then create a new tab within the toolbox window and add the dll to show and use the toolbox items. However when I do that I'm getting the following:

'Request for the permission of type


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Jun 6, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Sql Backup And Restore Command

Jan 4, 2010

i m using these command for backup and restore sql database

DISK =N'db_report.bak'
WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'Report-Full Database Backup',
FROM DISK = N'db_report.bak'
MOVE N'db_report' TO N'C:db_report.mdf',
MOVE N'db_report' TO N'C:db_report.ldf',

but i want to set backup drive name with today date and time yani my i will set drive D:db_report010320100910am if u will see theres is db_reportMonth(01) Day(03) Year(2010) Time(09:10am) and when i want to restore then ask me which one u want to get restore

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DataSource Controls :: Automatically Restore .bak Files?

Apr 23, 2010

I want to restore .bak files from a server directory into database. The problem is it should behave automatically. Whenever a .bak file will be uploaded in that specified directory of the server that file will be restored. It may happen by using sql procedure which will restore all the .bak file which it will find at a certain time in that specified directory. Or, it may happen by using asp.net program which will run exclusively on server and call a sql procedure to restore a backup file whenever a backup file will come in that specified directory. But I am not getting how to figure out this ideas programetically.

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DataSource Controls :: Restore Deleted Tables From SQL Database

Apr 3, 2010

i am using sqlserver 2008 express.

i have a problem here, unfortunately i deleted "Manually" some important tables from my database, now i need to retrieve those tables,

i didnot take a backup for those tables,

can i retrive those tables or roll back delete process?

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Feb 17, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Restore Master DB To Test Server?

Jun 16, 2010

restore a master database from production to test server.

The reason to do this because I need to test and evaluate some login in master database.

I tried to restore master database to test server, but I got some errors regarding about user databases are not exists in test server. I don't want to restore user databases, I only need master database for evaluate user login.

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DataSource Controls :: Restore Database From Shared File?

Jun 17, 2010

I need to restore the database daily. I have a BAK file in shared folder. I have to restore it from my machine. I have used the below script to restore the database but I am unable to restore it. Its throwing error. I have shown the script and error what I got when I execute my Store procedure.

CREATE Proc GetRestoreDBS
@BakPath varchar(1500)


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VS 2008 AJAX Controls In Toolbox?

Feb 5, 2010

I've been using AJAX 3.0 in my project for a while. Today I started another project and wanted to use some of their other controls I have read about. I only show a few controls in my toolbox such as Pointer, Script manager, Script manager Proxy, Timer, UpdatePanel and UpdateProgress. How do I get the others to show such as the HTMLEditor control?

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Toolbox List Duplicate Controls

Jul 13, 2011

All controls listed in toolbox are duplicate.

For example, 3 text boxes, 3 labels..., all controls are listing 3 times.

I reset toolbox yesterday but today the same thing happened.

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