JQuery :: How To Save State Of A Toggle Button After Partial Postback
Oct 7, 2010
lets say you have the toggle buttons from this page: [URL]
and you put it in a UpdatePanel AJAX... so lets say on a partialpostback.. when you re-create teh controls on server-side, the state of whether or not those buttons were pushed is long-lost and gone.. so how then how do you remember those states?
Can I save each button state into viewstate or session state? regenerate each button then call the javascript function to change its color-state depending on the session state variable?
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Aug 3, 2010
l have a jquery Collapse Panel in UpdatePanel.When I PostBack.I want some Panel Remember its state is expand or collapsed.
Here my code in Jquery and How Can I Improve it !
My HTML Code :
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Oct 7, 2010
I've got a rather difficult one here. I have a JavaScript jquery toggle button inside an update panel. Right now i'm using <form body="onload"> to recall this javascript to re-apply the button state after each partial postback. It works, but it requires two clicks sometimes.
The problem is... after a few clicks, it is significantly slowing down the PC, and I can see the clicks trailing half a second to nearly a second. If I have a group of buttons, all those click events are just catching up to my clicks. It is rather amusing but I suppose it has to do with the fact that the postback is calling the <body onload=" event> each time after the button is clicked.
so how can I then, make this performance faster?
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Aug 25, 2010
I have this jquery functions below in external file. So after partial postback jquery is not working. I need to load jquery from server side on partial postback.
can someone show me what I need to call in this code and how to load jquery
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Jun 23, 2010
I have some textboxes (in an UpdatePanel in a ModalPopup in a User Control) that look like this:
<asp:TextBox ID="exampleTextBox" runat="server" MaxLength="10"
CssClass="datepicker" ReadOnly=true
Text='<%# Bind("ExampleDateField") %>' Width="77px">
I also have some jQuery (imported from file on the Master page) that hooks up the jQuery DatePickers like so:
function pageLoad() {
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
showOtherMonths: true,
selectOtherMonths: true,
beforeShowDay: $.datepicker.noWeekends,
showOn: 'button',
buttonImage: '../Resources/Images/Calendar_scheduleHS.gif',
buttonImageOnly: true,
buttonText: 'Select a Date'
The DatePickers appear correctly, even after a postback. The problem is that the value of the textboxes is not changed when a postback occurs. This is very odd since the textbox shows the selected date in the browser. However, the value of the textbox is still the date that the textbox originally had, not the date selected from the datepicker.
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Oct 8, 2010
I've created a dynamic button from another control outside of the update Panel. The button is given an ID and such. When the button is click, a postback occurs and I've re-created this button during Page_Init, Page_PreLoad, and Page_Onload and NONE of them is preserving the value.
The only way for me to find the control was to look at the Page.request.form's allkeys and compare the string with a any text string that contains: Button. Because I ID'd teh button as: ButtonRow_0Col0. But the actual ID is null. However, when traversing through page.request.form, the allkeys shows that ID with no problem.
So how come the actual ID is lost after a partial postback yet, the page.request.form's allkeys can pull out its allkey's value??
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Jul 28, 2010
one button i use to save form entity.and other is to navigate to next pagwhen i click on save button i use jquery to save form entity in database. and form remains as it is
<script type="text/javascript">
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May 7, 2015
In my previous question mentioned below.
My previous question mentioned
Now i am having two dropdown one is asp dropdownlist and 2ND is MultiSelect-DropDownList-with-CheckBoxes. 2nd dropdown is populating on selected value of first.On page load it works fine. Now, on change of value in dropdown, selected index change 2nd dropdown (MultiSelect-DropDownList-with-CheckBoxes) fills but i see a list box instead of dropdown.
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Jun 2, 2012
i have a gridview with itemtemplate, edittemplate and footer template placed in update panel..i have placed Add button to insert new record in the footer template.i want partial page postback when Add button is insside gridview is clicked.
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:GridView ID="grdMatReq" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
ShowFooter="True" Font-Size="Small"
AllowPaging ="True" onrowediting="EditMatReq"
View 1 Replies
Jan 28, 2011
iam using the Jquery Uframe with asp.net project.Iam getting a postback problem here.
In side the uframe ,button control getting postback the page even the client side method call also.
i tried with the Html button Control also by setting the type="submit" ,iam facing the same problem.
And I got very limited reference about the uframe(codeflex,codeProject).
View 6 Replies
Sep 1, 2010
I am using ASP.NET MVC in C#
I have a page where the user can move different Widgets around the page, and I now need a method to save the state of the widgets. I am using jQuery in the HTML page, and the jQuery posts the new page layout using JSON. I am unsure how to read the JSON in the controller.
The code I'm using is based on this example here - [URL], but the code for saving the result is in PHP.
I am willing to consider alternative ways to do this, as I may not have chosen the best way to do this.
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May 30, 2010
I haven't been able to find it if there is. Note - my issue is with a background-color, not a background image. Anyway, after having spent most of an entire day trying to fix this problem & unsuccessfully sourcing help on the web I thought now that I've managed to resolve my issue I'd post my solution here to keep someone from suffering the same headache.
Basically in my asp.net solution I have a div which has a mouseover class toggle bound to it. Within that div I have several divs which contain HtmlAnchors & Images (<div><a><img /></a><div>). These divs also have a class toggle bound to them. So, herein lies the issue:
when skipping between the .Div2s, '.Div1' would suffer from a flicker which looked terrible. (This only happened in internet explorer!) The fix I finally came up with was to set a timeout on the class-toggle of .Div1
This works for me in ie6-8! Phew! Time to get away from my computer.
View 3 Replies
Dec 16, 2010
I'm trying to make a div tag retain its state through postback. here's my code
What happensis this: If you click the "toggle" button div tag id sub3 will display. If you click different button div tag blah will display. If you click refresh then both the toggle and different div tags disappear.
What I want to happen is to have the div tags to be in the state they were before the user clicks on the refresh button.The refresh button can do anything to make this happen but I need the div tags to save their state through postback.
View 5 Replies
Aug 13, 2010
could any body explain me how can i save state of two list boxes on post back i am using jQuery of this kind i dont know on what event what should i do or where can i save view state or how can i use hiddenField to persist the state of both list box
View 1 Replies
Oct 17, 2010
I am using a toggle button and when a button is clicked, the CSSclass is changed by checkign whether it is a 1 or 0. if it is a 1(on) , it will be set to 0, if it is a 0, it will be set to a 1.
Only 1 postback occurs on each click , and thats how a button is toggled on or off. In Internet explorer, this is working great. However, in FireFox and in Google Chrome, something odd is happening! When I click teh buttons, it is causing a double-postback.
This double-postback cancels out the first postback which was to turn on the button.
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Aug 2, 2010
Is there a way to make an image button look like a toggle button? I want it to specify the image for checked and unchecked state. Either that, even if it doesn't look like a button, I'd still want to use custom images instead of the standard dot inside a hole.
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Feb 28, 2011
I have an asp.net ajax enabled form that looks like this:
As you can see in the OnPreRender event, the Save button gets enabled or disabled depending on whether the datagrid is in edit mode or not. When I step in the code, it operates correctly in the code, but it does not get reflected correctly on the screen. That is, even when btnSave.Enabled set to true in the code, the browser displays the disabled button. Any idea why this might be happening?
View 9 Replies
Jun 14, 2010
I have a page with a number of user controls, In one of my user controls I have a button event. I turn on output cache for the user control that has the button and vary by control using the ID property of a hidden field control in the user control. whenever I turn on the output cache my button event doesn't fire.
View 2 Replies
Sep 13, 2010
i would like to hide the % of toggle item when image is + then it sum up the % which is incorrect.
Hence i would like to hide the % column when toggle image is + otherwise show the % column value.
i tried something - IIF(TextBox.ToggleState,false,true) or iif(toggle state = 'Collapsed', Parameter A, Parameter B)) in visibility column with expression but it does not seems to work in SSRS 2005.
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Sep 18, 2010
I am using asp.net 3.5 and use master pages for most of the website. I need to make sure that users after they logout are not able to use the back button to see in cache data.
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Dec 30, 2010
i want to do it without page refresh .....
Protected Sub s1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles s1.Click
If s1.ImageUrl = "~/selected.gif" Then
s1.ImageUrl = "~/available.gif"
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text.Replace("1", "")
ElseIf s1.ImageUrl = "~/available.gif" Then
s1.ImageUrl = "~/selected.gif"
View 2 Replies
Feb 28, 2011
I have a set of server side combo boxes in a table. Based on client events, I need them to appear or disappear. I've tried the following with no success:
document.getElementById("cboToothNumber").style.visibility = "hidden";
View 2 Replies
May 7, 2010
I wrote below code for Collapse/Expand some section. It is working fine. Finally If I click "Save" button and I am re-loading page again in asp.net. So then sections are going default Colleapse again. I need them back to expand. How can I do that?
$(function() {
.css("cursor", "pointer")
.attr("title", "Click to expand/collapse")
.click(function() {
$(this).siblings('.RegText-' + this.id).toggle();
View 3 Replies
Jul 23, 2010
I have used this Plugin in my asp.net(C#) web app.
I have modified the code according to my requirments and web app layout, here is my code-
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".signin").click(function(e) {
When I click on the login link it display the div but when I again click on the login link to close it it does not close the div.
It seems the toggle() is not working, I have checked it in FF, IE, Chrome and Safari and this issue apprears in all the browsers.
View 19 Replies
Feb 23, 2010
I have the following ASPX page:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
<title></title> [code]....
When the user click on TreeNew button appears the modal dialog, then he/she choose an option an click Ok button to do a postback.I need that the server side execute TreeNew_Click method: How can I do that?
If I use __doPostBack('TreeNew', '') it throws me the following error: "Object expected".
UPDATE:I found the origin for the error: the function __doPostBack is not defined. I'm not going to delete the question because I think Chris Clark's answer is so interesting.
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