State Management :: Clear Back Button To Force A Postback?

Sep 18, 2010

I am using 3.5 and use master pages for most of the website. I need to make sure that users after they logout are not able to use the back button to see in cache data.

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Similar Messages:

State Management :: How To Clear Sessions After Clicking Back Button

May 17, 2010

I would like to clear sessions after hitting back button . Iuse the java script to disable back button how can i clear sessions now after hitting back button.

I use the following script

<script type="text/javascript">
function preventBack(){window.history.forward();}
setTimeout("preventBack()", 0);

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State Management :: Clear A Textbox On Postback?

May 26, 2010

I have a form that takes the user information. When the user submits the form, after the postback, I need to get all some of the textboxes in the form cleared. I tried disabling the ViewState and ViewStateMode. But both of them failed. Also tried disabling the cacheability for the page. I know I can clear the textboxes on the page load event. But I am curious to know if there is another way to do this.

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State Management :: Click Back Button No Refresh Data

Apr 18, 2010

I have 2 webpage 1 is a.aspx and 2 is b.aspx on a.aspx it contain gridview data on 2paging when click on gridview data on 2paing link to b.aspx so on b.aspx have back buttom when i click on b.aspx it will be back to a.aspx but i dont want a.aspx refresh data to 1 paging. I want to click back buttom it show data on a.spx on 2paging not 1 paging.

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State Management :: How To Control And Add Extra History Points In IE8 Back Button

Jun 23, 2010

I wasn't sure where to post this type of question so here you go. The title says it all really I'm using the Microsoft.web.preview dll so that we can provide history support for the Ajax controls used in a .net 2.0 project. This works in IE6 but fails to function correctly in IE8 it appears to add additional history points when you attempt to navigate backwards through history.

Enter the page > Make a change using Ajax (add history point) > press back button you would expect to go back to initial page state but another two history points have been inserted between your initial page request and new your manually added history point. there is no where in the code that is adding these additional history points by accident. Remember it works perfectly under IE6. What are my options do I have to upgrade to 3.5 .net to make use of the history functionality built into the scriptmanager?

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State Management :: UserControl Data In Viewstate And Retriving On Back Button?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a page with a few usercontrols. from a usercontrol I will redirect to a new page(response.redirect). Now On pressing the back button I want the data to persist for the usercontrols as well. I have tried it out by overriding DeterminePostBackMode, LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium, and SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium but all data except the ones within the usercontrol persist. i feel what i have tried is ok for the page data but for usercontrol data do i need to do something else.

P.S: I understand that i could be storing all user controls value in a session but I am looking for another way because its going to be a huge task taking each controls values in a session. I am not using any dynamically loaded user controls. May be if I know of a way of saving and restoring viewstate for user controls it would work but..

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State Management :: .Net Website Logged In Pages Still Displayed By Pressing Back Button In Mozilla Firefox Browse?

Jun 18, 2010

I want know, If an error has occurred and website is redirected to the Custom Error Page and is also logged out. If back button of the Mozilla browser is pressed, previous logged in page is displayed. I have also used

in Page_init on Custom error page. Also set the values of .ASPXAUTH and other cookies to 1 but again page is not going to the Login Page. These cookies could also not be removed.

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State Management :: How To Clear Private Data

Aug 2, 2010

I need to clear private data programmatically when someone clicks logout ?

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State Management :: Clear Session Id On Logout Click?

Nov 25, 2010

I am using master page and i use session id to identify coming user before navigation

i have a link button to logout ..this link button only will navigate to login page

once navigated if i click back i am still able to browse the page

clickin logout button not cleanin the session? how to avoid page click back?

or how to clear session id when user click logout?

View 7 Replies

State Management :: Clear Session In Multi Domain?

May 24, 2010

I have multiple sites with main and subdomain. all doing one same method for the login. login is done with the multi domain cookie but there is problem with the logout. I'm using cookie and session for that state.

When ever I logout form the any domain. I should logout form the all domain.

(Like yahoo or google)

As per my method , My all domain have logout page which has code


and main site( have

So what can I change in this code to do the Logout process for the all subdomains.

View 3 Replies

State Management :: Clear Private Static Collections?

Aug 9, 2010

I am working on rewriting an application. The previous developers have declared some Private static hashtables within a class in a class library. The first time when the application runs, this hashtable gets populated by running the query. After that this hastable is refrenced elsewhere to get the employee information.Even if the employee is removed from the DB, he is still able access the application, Since the private static hashtable holds the employee information. I totally understand that the hashtable is referenced to prevent the DB calls everytime.

The problem is even after closing the browser and restarting the application the hashtable holds the employee information. How do i get clear this so that it calls the DB?

View 9 Replies

State Management :: Clear The Session When Pass From One Page To Another?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a report parameter page which contains many pop up windows for the parameter selection. For example, for driver , there is a pop up window called driver.aspx which contains a listbox that contains list of driver's name.

Now, for each of these pop up windows, i am passing the values of these windows as a session value.

Now, when a user logs in the system, there are many parameter pages for different reports which commonly share the same pop up windows if the parameters are same for different reports.

The problem now is,a user selects 10 drivers for report 1 and runs it. When he goes to report 2 and runs the report, the report 2 takes only those 10 drivers as the driver parameter value.

It means, the error can arise on the system because he may forgot that he have selected 10 drivers for previous report 1. User will not have time to recheck each previous selected values of different paramaters.

What i want is, when a person moves from one report page to another, i want to clear all the session values and adjust it as default for the new report .

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State Management :: Clear Cokkies When Website Open?

Sep 17, 2010

how to clear cokkies when my website open

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State Management :: Set Session Timeout - Clear In C# And Kill When Close The Web?

Aug 23, 2010

How to set session timeout and clear session in web.config and login.aspx ? And when we close the web application , the session must be cleared? I have use session.abandon as per below but is not working.

protected void btnLogout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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State Management :: How To Clear Session Variables,cookies On Page_load

Dec 21, 2010

I have 4 webpages. In those pages, i am using session variables,viewstates,cookies. I am passing session variables,viewstates to different pages. Now the problem is sometimes i am getting the old cookie values or session values. I want to clear all these things when i close the browser or if i open a new tab of browser.

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State Management :: Clear Sessions If The User Navigates Away From The Site?

Jun 17, 2010

I am wondering if it is possible to clear a session variable if the user navigates away from my site.

My example is I have a session storing the logged in user. This is checked for user access to each page.

If the user goes to another site (e.g. google) I want them to relog into the site.

This is to prevent others getting access to a users account if they use the same pc minutes.

I do have a logout that performs this and I know that it is impossible to make users use it! :)

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State Management :: Clear Application Cached Object Without Restarting IIS?

May 26, 2010

I am caching a file in ttpContext.Current.Application object. Now when I change the values in file, it does not get reflected in the application (I am reading the values from the file for app version).

Even after restarting the app pool and the website in IIS, the changes does not reflect. I dont want to restart IIS.

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Security :: How To Force A User To Logout On Back Button

Nov 15, 2010

How can I force a user to logout when he press the browser back button ?

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C# - Force Full Post-back From A Button Within An UpdatePanel?

Mar 30, 2010

c# - How do I force full post-back from a button within an UpdatePanel?

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Web Forms :: How To Clear Cache In Browser Back Button

May 7, 2015

I am inserting and updating the image from html file upload to my gridview / insertion goes fine , but when i update the image by clicking on edit using onselectedindexchanged event of gridview, I fetch the image then change it with other image, with this simultaneously i rebind the gridview, in the beck-end everything goes fine it updates and replaces the image but in gridview it won't show after updated. I am using postbacktrigger on my submit button, but gridview won't refreshes, until and unless i click on address bar and press ENTER , or until i won't press CTRL+F5 to clear the browser cache.

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State Management :: Display A Link On The Same Content Page That Actually Clear The Cache?

Jul 20, 2010

I have an content page that got

<%@ OutputCache Duration="600" VaryByParam="*" %>

Now i want to display a link on the same content page that actually clear the cache.


But its just not working, What i am doing wrong here?

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State Management :: Create A Logout Page With Clear Session And Cookies?

Nov 20, 2010

how to create a logout page that clears the session and cookies??? using c# .net...

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Clear Text Button - Doing Post Back And Trying To Validate Fields

Jul 2, 2010

I have a Contact page, with 4 textboxes and 4 field validators. I made a RESET button to clear the text when pressed. But for an example: if i type on 2 textboxes and then press the RESET button, it tries to validate all 4 textboxes.


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How To Force A Postback On Button Inside A JQuery Modal Dialog (div)

May 7, 2010

I think my title says it all. I have a modal dialog showing up and the user can make some changes and then click a 'Save' button. I need that to totally post back the whole page. I just assumed the button would fire off regardless of the jQuery.

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State Management :: Keep Panel State After Postback?

Apr 27, 2010

I have the following tabs. After a postback, the tabs automatically gets focus back to 0. I want it to keep on the same tab before the postback. What's a great way of getting this done.

<div id="settingspagetab">
<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="changeTab(0)">General</a></li>
<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="changeTab(1)">Site Layout</a></li>
<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="changeTab(2)">Marketing</a></li>


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