Web Forms :: Why Double-postback In Different Toggle Buttons

Oct 17, 2010

I am using a toggle button and when a button is clicked, the CSSclass is changed by checkign whether it is a 1 or 0. if it is a 1(on) , it will be set to 0, if it is a 0, it will be set to a 1.

Only 1 postback occurs on each click , and thats how a button is toggled on or off. In Internet explorer, this is working great. However, in FireFox and in Google Chrome, something odd is happening! When I click teh buttons, it is causing a double-postback.

This double-postback cancels out the first postback which was to turn on the button.

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JQuery :: How To Save State Of A Toggle Button After Partial Postback

Oct 7, 2010

lets say you have the toggle buttons from this page: [URL]

and you put it in a UpdatePanel AJAX... so lets say on a partialpostback.. when you re-create teh controls on server-side, the state of whether or not those buttons were pushed is long-lost and gone.. so how then how do you remember those states?

Can I save each button state into viewstate or session state? regenerate each button then call the javascript function to change its color-state depending on the session state variable?

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Web Forms :: User Control Causes Double Postback When Using A Delegate?

May 14, 2010

I was able to get a user control to use a method on the parent page. The problem is, the delegate causes the page to do two postbacks. Is there a way to fix this?

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C# - GridView Showing Double On Postback?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a gridview that is supposed to refresh using

gridView.DataSource = null;

before binding it to the updated datasource (which is a DataTable).and then

gridView.DataSource = newDataTable;

The problem is that it won't clear and from time to time I get a table on top of another table (the one on top is the updated one, the bottom one is the data before the 2nd DataBind).

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C# - AsyncFileUpload Postback Causes Double Upload?

Feb 16, 2011

I implemented the AsyncFileUpload control on a web page. This web page requires uploaded files to appear in a gridview. The gridview contains the following columns: "File Name", "Confidential" Check Box, and a "Remove" button to remove the uploaded file. Since the AsyncFileUpload postback does not do a full page postback, I need to "force" a postback on the OnClientUploadComplete event of the AsyncFileUpload control in order to render the gridview after uploading a file. In the OnClientUploadCompleteevent, I use javascript to call __doPostBack. In this postback, I only bind my gridview and display the file information (I don't re-save the file).The problem: On the AsyncFileUpload's first "partial" postback, the file is successfully uploaded, as expected. On the second postback that I force with __doPostBack, the file is re-uploaded. You can verify this by using Google Chrome, which displays the upload progress. The behaviour is as follows: After selecting the file, the progress increments from 0% to 100% and the file is uploaded. After this, the __doPostBack executes, and you can see the upload progress increment again from 0% to 100%.ow can I make sure the Gridview is properly populated, but that the file is not uploaded twice?I attached a sample solution which contains the issue:https://www.yousendit.com/download/MzZFc2ZBNDRrYUN4dnc9PQ

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AJAX :: Updatepanel And Double Postback On Page

Feb 7, 2011

i am using an updatepanel and loading diffrent user controls(.'ascx') in to it by the server side.

in every user control i have diffrent controls, max 4 controls in one user control.

no matter what control i am using when ever i cause an event from any control on the user control

the page postback twice and the item/option/text ichoose or checked or wrote in the control disappers, and the control

that caused the event returns the his original position like no change was made to it.

does anybody have any ideas or have a suggestion what causes thes double postback.

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Forms Data Controls :: Can Set The Update Buttons In The Gridviews To Postback After Updating

Mar 21, 2010

I have multiple gridviews on one page that connect to the db with different sql datasources.

They each show records with differents "status's"(this is a column in my table). When you update the status on one record I'd like it to display straight away in the other gridview. At the moment I have to reload the page after the update in order to see the changes. Can I set the update buttons in the gridviews to postback after updating?

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Web Forms :: Create Dynamic Radio Buttons In Webpage And Then Access Their Values In Postback?

Mar 24, 2011

I need to create dynamic radio buttons in my page, and then access their values in postback

I create the buttons using the following code:


In the post back I try to access the radio buttons using their created ID:


But it seems that the find method is never finding the Radio button control.

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Web Forms :: ASP:TABLE And Get The Postback Data From A Programmatic Generated Radio Buttons In TableCell Object

Sep 13, 2010

I am having a bit of trouble trying to get teh postback data from a programmatic generated radio buttons in TableCell object. I have the following ASP user control:

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="wcntrlCallFlow.ascx.cs" Inherits="CallEvaluation.wcntrlCallFlow" %>
<style type="text/css">
width: 100%;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: Black;
width: 100%;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: Black;
width: 100%;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: Black;
<asp:Table ID="tblControl" runat="server"/>

I generate the TableRow and TableCell base off XML data file. When the submit occurs I can not access the data values from the radio buttons that are generated. I try to get the data in the following manner:

this.value = 5;

I notice that in the Request object the table row name is passed back like: "wcntrlCallData1$wcntrlCallFlow1$CallFlow".

View 4 Replies

Javascript - Way To Disable All Submit Buttons After Postback

Nov 16, 2010

I'm trying to write code that will disable submit button (or all submit buttons) on the page to avoid double postback.I thought of generating my own postback javascript function (and inject postback javascript using GetPostbackEventReference) but maybe there are some better ways to do this? Or maybe there is some other way to avoid double postbacks?

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AJAX :: Accordion Control - Buttons Not Doing PostBack

Feb 24, 2014

I have an accordian with 4 panes.  These panes are designed to submit data.  I default to the 1st pane.   When I submit the 1st panel, the data is submitted to the database as expected.  When I attempt to submit to the 3rd panel, the button does not fire the code behind.  Is there a reason the 1st panel would work but not the 3rd?  I've included the code used to call code behind for the 1st and 2nd panels. 

This is the 1st pane that works...

<asp:Button ID="btnReferCompany" runat="server" Text="Submit" CommandName="SubmitCompanyReferral" />
Protected Sub SubmitCompanyReferral(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReferCompany.Click
This is the 3rd pane that does not work...

<asp:Button ID="btnSubmitIdea" runat="server" Text="Submit" CommandName="SubmitIdea" />
Protected Sub SubmitIdea_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmitIdea.Click

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Controls :: Radio Buttons With Auto Postback

Oct 25, 2012

Working on VS2008 with using .vb

I have placed two radiobutton's on simple .aspx page. I didn't used any Update Panel or any javascript on that page also set both radiobutton's AutoPostback="True", But it's not responding as I want.

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AJAX :: Async Postback Modal Popup With Multiple Buttons?

Aug 12, 2010

I'm trying to create a modal popup that has multiple buttons that a user will click to choose options. This is all well and good but when the user clicks an option it fires a full postback. The modal opens async, but I can't get it to hide async. Heres some code:


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Find Out Which Button Triggered The Postback Before Hitting The Buttons Event Handler?

Dec 8, 2010

In Page_Load, Request["__EVENTTARGET"] is an empty string.

IS there some way I can find out which button triggered the postback before hitting the buttons event handler?

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Web Forms :: Clicking Radio Button In Web Control Causes All Other Web Control Radio Buttons To Fire Postback?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a web application that shows a page containing between 6 and 20 AJAX UpdatePanels, contained with Custom Web (.ascx) Controls.

You can see an example of such a page here:


The problem I'm getting is that when the user FIRST clicks any of the radio-buttons on any of the controls in the page, ALL the radio buttons that have an active selection ALSO fire an rb_CheckChanged event (see application log below). On subsequent radio-button
clicks, only that RB fires the event (as expected).

This behaviour is having a dramatic impact on performance. The page loads quickly, and a "normal" RB click provides an AJAX update correctly within 1 second. The problematic first RB click, however, takes up to SIX seconds to process, which is unacceptable from a user experience standpoint.

Developed in VS.NET 2008, ASP.NET 3.5. Also I converted the "Web Site" solution to a "Web Application" (pre-compiled) and got the same performance (still too slow). Release builds run only marginally faster than debug builds.

Why would a single RB selection change cause all RB's that have a "selection" set on them to also fire? (The "selection" is determined through database settings every time the control is populated, which is called from within the parent page control's Page_Load function. This selection is determined also at first page load, since all the controls get populated then, so why would the clicking of an RB cause them all to fire an event, and only once? That's what I don't get...)

Not sure if this is an AJAX issue, or general ASP.NET UI issue, so I'm posting in two forums on this one.

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Web Forms :: Toggle Controls That Are On Different Pages?

May 28, 2010

If I had an e commerce website and wanted to toggle certain controls on or off through a check box or other control that resides on say an admin back end page, how would i go about doing that in C#?

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Web Forms :: Toggle Or Switch Back And Forth Between Two Views?

Aug 5, 2010

I want to do is have a Multi view control on my form with two views that toggle between each other. When I click on a button on each view (Like a Next Button) I want the view to show the other view or to redisplay itself. I keep getting an error saying that the index is out of range.

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Web Forms :: Toggle LinkButton In A GridView With A Loop

Jul 29, 2012

I am using GridView to display a list of forms submitted by a user and in one of the column I have a LinkButton which has got a conditional logic behind it to either display or hide it. The pseudo code for logic basically goes like this:If User has received a comment    Show the link to the comment on the GridView. Else     Hide LinkThis is the SQL that checks whether the user has got a comment for each submitted form:

Sql = "SELECT * FROM TableStudent INNER JOIN TableComment ON TableStudent .sID= TableComment .sID WHERE TableStudent .sID=@sID"
The SQL is working fine but I am having problem with looping through each form row to check if they have comment or not. Currently, the code hides the first row (correctly) but does not seem to be hiding the link for the following rows that does not have comments. I think my syntax for looping throw each row is incorrect.

For Each row As GridViewRow In gv1.Rows  If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then     TryCast(gv1.Rows(0).FindControl("lnkBtnComment").FindControl("lnkBtnComment"), LinkButton).Visible = False  Else     TryCast(gv1.Rows(0).FindControl("lnkBtnComment").FindControl("lnkBtnComment"), LinkButton).Visible = True  End IfNext

I revised the code as it seemed to be affecting only the first column and changed it to this:

For Each gvrow As GridViewRow In gv1.Rows                If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then                    TryCast(gvrow.FindControl("lnkDisplayComment"), LinkButton).Visible = False                    Response.Write(ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count)                Else                    TryCast(gvrow.FindControl("lnkDisplayComment"), LinkButton).Visible = True                    Response.Write(ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count)                End IfNext

Now the output for this has been if the associated form has any comment, it shows all the links and if the associated form has no comment, the comment links are hidden. And I have one applicant with two forms submitted; one of them has comment and the other does not. But my repsonse.write is returning 1 for both rows when I should clearly be 0 as it does not have any associated comment.

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Web Forms :: Toggle Panel In Master Page From Webform

Mar 5, 2011

I'm planning out a new website, using a master page. Now the site calls for two different layouts throughout. The home page will have a big image slider in jQuery. It's almost like a landing page. All other pages in my site will be without this slider, and will just have a bar with a heading on it.

Now my question is, can I use the same master page for both layouts by setting up certian areas of that master page into Panels that I can toggle the visibility on? The HTML is modular, so technically I can surround the slider div with a panel and depending on the visibility property, display it.

The bit I am wondering about, is, can the master page panels be toggled from the individual pages that use said master page?

I know I can probably put some code in the Master page to detect what page the user is on and toggle the visibility accordingly, but ideally i'd rather use the previously mentioned method.

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ADO.NET :: Showing Any Mapped Float Fields From My Db Tables As "Double?" Instead Of "Double"

Oct 13, 2010

I'm using linq to sql,everything seems to be working fine except one thing,I'm showing any mapped float fields from my db tables as "Double?" instead of "Double", and when binding to a datagrid, any of those "Double?"fields don't show.If I iterate through the items and spit out the property,the float value is indeed there and properly returned.

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Forms Data Controls :: Toggle Visibility If Database Is Null?

Aug 17, 2010

One task that I would like to make a lot easier, is to be able to toggle a control's visibility to off/false if a particular database field is null. Is there an expression I can put in the visibility='<%# %>' part of my code that could handle this?

IsDBNull(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "expLeaflets")

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Checked Radio Buttons - Display Three Image Buttons

Mar 4, 2010

In my form i have three radio buttons and nine image buttons, three image buttons per radio buttons

If the user check one radio button, the respective three image buttons only has to be displayed.

In a single time one radio button only can be checked the rest two would be unchecked

Here i have pasted the aspx file design source


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Forms Data Controls :: Toggle Show/hide Details In Datalist Using Javascript?

May 30, 2010

I have a datalist bound to a sql source having two columns: Name and Description. The datalist contains a "Show Description" link as follows on clicking on which it calls the javascript which shows the description div.


The asp.net page source for itemtemplate of the datalist is as follows.The problem is that since the div id "Description" is applicable to multiple records, no matter I click on whichever "show details" link, the description of first record in the datalist is shwon and hidden since its the first div encountred by the javascript. In other words, I want a way to show/hide the description of each record in datalist indivigdually.

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Forms Data Controls :: Grouping Gridview With A Toggle Button To Show Hide Rows?

Jan 19, 2010

I am looking at building a grouping gridview, which I will know, will suit my needs. Therefore, I am not looking for a nested gridview. My answer is based upon an example I found at [URL]

However, what I am looking to do is to add a button to the group header row, which when pressed the rows within the group can either be shown or hidden.

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C# - How To Toggle The Grid Cells Value

Apr 29, 2010

I want a 10*10 (100 cells which is created dynamically) grid to be displayed in the following manner.Initially all the cells' color is green.If i click on any cell its color becomes red if it is green and if i click again it becomes red.(Toggle the cell color)I should be able to display dynamic number of link buttons in each cell.On the click of which it pop ups a window.

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