JavaScript - Add Items To A Table From A Thread In C#?

Aug 14, 2010

I have a HTML table which I add items to from javascript on an ASP.NET callback when a button is clicked.



This callback system works fine but it's not quite what I wanted.

I have a C# function to calculate a set of results based on a given input number. This can take a long time so I want to run it on a thread, and update the table whenever a new result is obtained.

But I can't figure out how to call the javascript from my C# thread...

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cellColumnInfo.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top;
cellColumnInfo.Width = 600;

[Code] ....

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SELECT q.CompStatus, q.EQID, c.CompsID, q.LastName, q.FirstNameFROM _EQ AS q, Comps AS cWHERE q.CompStatus=1 AND c.CompsID=q.CompID
SELECT q.CompStatus, q.EQID, c.CompsID, q.LastName, q.FirstName
FROM _EQAS q, CompsAS c
WHERE q.CompStatus=2 AND c.CompsID=q.CompID
SELECT vwComp1.*, vwComp2.*
FROM vwComp1, vwComp2

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Bob White Rhonda Red
Bob White Freda Freschetta
Bob White Linda Lime
Bob White Jean Green

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Bob White Rhonda Red
Fred Redd Freda Freschetta
Jim Brown Linda Lime
Rob Black Jean Green

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Oct 6, 2010

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function FillJavaScriptValues() {

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