LoadControl From Windows Application

Nov 26, 2010

Is it possible to LoadControl in windows application? I have email generation as web, but I want to move it to windows service for monthly newsletter.

Emails now are implemented as UserControls, in this way html person can easily modify look & feel.

Current rendering implementation looks like:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(4000);
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb);
HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
Page page = new Page();
EmailTemplateBase emailCtrl = (EmailTemplateBase)page.LoadControl(
// Exception here
emailCtrl.DataContext = dataContext;
emailCtrl.Parameter = parameter;
emailCtrl.RenderMode = renderMode;
subject = emailCtrl.Subject;
string MessageText = sb.ToString().Replace(" ", "").Replace(Environment.NewLine, "");

return MessageText;

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Installing Windows Application On Client System (Example: Windows Update From Microsoft Site)

Nov 23, 2010

I have a ASP.NET application. From that, User register, User will get email after registration. My Req : When user click on link provided in email. Then it should go to my ASP.Net application page . That page should install a wincows application on Client system through web ( I was inspired by Microsoft Windows update from Microsoft site)

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WCF / ASMX :: FTP Directory Listing In Windows Application But Not In Windows Service?

Dec 13, 2010

Iam using ftp client wrapper class for accessing ftp.

iam able to download files from ftp when used in windows application

when i try to use the same code with windows service i get an error

the error is

"The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive. "

this error i get on directory listing

the stack trace is:



FTP is getting connected throgh service
FTP is getting connected throug FileZilla, internet explorer

soruce code:


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Installation :: Uninstall .net Windows Application From Different Windows User

Jul 7, 2010

We have a website portal hosted in Windows 2003 server. For security reasons we are using different windows Login user say (xxxx) for signin other than Administrator. Now with this user (xxxx) name I installed .net Windows Application. It was working fine. For some reasons I renamed the original windows Login user(xxxx) to different say (yyyy). Now this .net Windows Application is not working with (yyyy) and even it is not allowing me to uninstall it.

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C# .net Windows Application Setup Not Running In Windows 7

Apr 12, 2010

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MailMessage Sent To Any Adress From Windows Forms Application, But Not From Asp.net Application, After Both Are Using The Same SMTP-server?

Jan 27, 2010

I'm experiencing a to me mysterious error when sending e-mails through a SMTP-server from an ASP.NET web application. I get the famous error "unable to relay for xxx@yyy.zzz". What's mysterious to me is that when I cut and paste the exact same code that sends the e-mail into an usual .NET Windows Forms application, send the e-mail with this application, it all works just fine. This made me think that perhaps the problem is that the ASP.NET application runs as NETWORK SERVICE while the Windows Forms application runs on a domain user account, but it turns out that I have another ASP.NET application sending e-mail through the same SMTP-server running under NETWORK SERVER at the same IIS, and this application does not experience this problem.

I've further tried to send e-mails through the SMTP-server manually by telnet the smtp-server on port 25 and running the SMTP-protocol manually, and it all works fine. The SMTP-server is not configured with any kind of authentication or SSL.

Another mysterious fact is that the ASP.NET application can send e-mails from an adress within the same domain to an e-mail adress within the same domain, but not to any adress outside of the domain. But the Windows Forms application, that uses the exact same code, can send e-mails from any adress to any adress both within AND outside of the domain.

So to summarize:

The ASP.NET application can send
e-mails from addresses within the
domain to adresses within the domain,
but not to addresses outside of the
A Windows Forms application running
the same code on the same computer
can send e-mails from ANY address to
ANY address.
Another ASP.NET application on the
same IIS running under the same
account (NETWORK SERVICE) can send
e-mails using the same SMTP-server
from ANY adress to ANY adress.
There is no authentication configured
on the SMTP-Server.
Both the ASP.NET application and the
Windows Forms application utilizes
the System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient class
to send a

The code that sends the e-mail massage is:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MailMessage mesasge = new MailMessage(txtFrom.Text, txtTo.Text, "Test mail", txtBody.Text);
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUserName.Text))) //Is false since txtUserName.Text is empty
client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text);
client.EnableSsl = false;
client.Host = txtServer.Text;
client.Port = 25;
catch (Exception ex)
txtResponse.Text = ex.Message;

As far as I can understand, this should be a matter of configuration rather than coding issues.

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Migrate Application Running In Windows 2000 Server To Windows Server 2008?

Mar 10, 2010

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Can Windows Service Application Share A Bin Folder With A Web Application

Jan 5, 2011

I have some common dlls that are referenced by both a windows service application and a asp.net web application. I don't want to make separate copies of the dlls and I also don't want to put those dlls into GAC. I try to put that service application under the same root folder as the web application so that they can share the same bin folder. I am not quite sure if this will cause any problems? I did find the web application had random session timeout, but not very often. Not sure if it was caused by the shared dlls.

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Get Application File Path In Windows Forms Application?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a simple windows form app that I need to get the file path for. I am placing a config file in the same directory and I need to be able to get the path to that file.

I have used
but that returns the path with at the end.

but that returns the path with indebug at the end

Is there anyway to get the path to just the main file directory without anything appended to the end?

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Web Forms :: Same Codes From Windows Application But Can't Compile The Same Way In Web Application

Jan 25, 2011

why is it that the exact same codes that i use to create a Windows application, which is able to work, does not work on a Web application? i created a windows application using c# and socket programming language. i will be connected to a remote server and through the windows application, and i will be able to send the "byte[] msg" to the server and activate the LED lightbulbs attached to the remote server. that exact same codes works well on the Windows application. however, when i create another Web application using the same exact codes, i does not have any error yet i am not able to activate the LED lightbulbs attached to it. is it that through the web or internet explorer i am not able to send the "byte[] msg" correctly? or that i sld modify "byte[] msg" to suit the web usage? or any other reasons?

View 7 Replies

Performance: Using LoadControl In For-each?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm trying to make a decision about how to display my data. What I have now is a list of products displayed in a repeater. But for code-maintenance I've put my product items in a seperate usercontrol and loading them in a loop with db results using LoadControl.The product control itself is very simple, just a few public properties like title, url, rating but I'm not sure if this will affect my performance. I did some reading here and on forums and some people say it's not the best practice especially if you have more then 20 or 30 of these controls. So, is it really a performance hit using this method or does it stay ok with around 10.000 hits a day.

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LoadControl - How To Add Attributes

Jun 30, 2011

I have a usercontrol that I load dynamically:

Sub PageLoadEvent()
Dim ctlIntrotext As Control = LoadControl("tryktabKapacitet.ascx")
End Sub

and then adds the sub to the Page_load, that works fine.However:

1) How do I call subs from the usercontrol?
2) How do I add the OnClick-events which I normally have in the webform source, see example...

<uc9:TryktabKapacitet ID="TryktabKapacitet1" OnBtnNulstilClick="TryktabKapacitet1_BtnNulstilClick" OnSetAllModulesK="TryktabOptimering1_SetAllModules"
OnBtnClick="TryktabOptimering1_BtnClick" runat="server"></uc9:TryktabKapacitet>

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C# - LoadControl (string) In Different Assembly?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm developing a stand-alone ASP .NET component for dropping in to various sites we create.

Part of the application is a CompositeControl, which needs to load a UserControl.

However, CompositeControl has no LoadControl() method - in stead, I must (as far as I can see?) rely on Page.LoadControl() and this is a problem! How do I know the path to my control, when the page is not part of the assembly?

The page the CompositeControl is situated on resides outside the assembly I am writing the Page.LoadControl() code in, and thus cannot find my .ascx file.

I've tried LoadControl(type, object[]) but this doesn't load the "code infront" file, which I need.

So - how do I find the Path to some .ascx file inside some included assembly (name known, ofc) for my Page.LoadControl? Or, alternatively, is there some other way to load the control from inside the CompositeControl?

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Passing Data From Windows Application To Web Application?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a windows application and a web application. The windows as well as web application has a login page. The username and password are same for the windows and web application.

In the windows application, the user enters the username and password. With this username and password in windows application, is it possible to log into the web application? If yes, How to pass the data from windows application to web application, thereby logging into the web application. Is it possible to pass the username and password from a windows application to a web application?

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Converting Windows Form Application In Web Application?

Dec 27, 2010

Is it possible to convert a windows form application into a web application?

If it is not possible, how can I add the OpenFileDialog in a web application form?

I cannot see it in the toolbox if i choose new web application. On the other hand, I can see it if I choose windows form application.

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WCF / ASMX :: Passing Value From Web Application To Windows Application?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a web page where I used a gridview and a button.When selecting rows in the grid and click on the button another windows application fires.I need to pass the values of the selected rows to the windows application.

Rightnow I'm saving the values in an xml file and fetch the values in the windows application.But this is not practical when creating xml files with random numbers(Scan125.xml,Scan7867.xml,etc).

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Local Web Application Or Windows Application For System?

Jun 17, 2010

I am going to design system that will keep track of publications due by researchers in my work place
Need for this project :

1- a database housing the information .

2- Automatic reports must be generated .

the users will upload PDF and we have around 25 researchers.

I can't decide which one is better for my system .

My questions are :

1- Local web application or windows application ?

2- Access or SQL as database ?

3- I have visual studio 2010 for student use, Could I use it or I need to buy one ?

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Web Application References For A C# Windows Application Developer?

Oct 14, 2010

I am used to working on C# .NET windows applications. I am interested in starting with web applications. good ebooks or references for C# ASP.net to begin with for a guy like me who is comfortable with windows applications?

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Web Forms :: Integrate Windows Application Into Web Application?

May 19, 2012

is it possible to call or integrate the windows application into asp.net web application? is it yes then tell me how to do it.

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Using LoadControl With Object Initializer To Create Properties?

Jan 20, 2010

In the past I've used UserControls to create email templates which I can fill properties on and then use LoadControl and then RenderControl to get the html for which to use for the body text of my email. This was within asp.net webforms.

I'm in the throws of building an mvc website and wanted to do something similar. I've actually considered putting this functionality in a seperate class library and am looking into how I can do this so that in my web layer I can just call EmailTemplate.SubscriptionEmail() which will then generate the html from my template with properties in relevant places (obviously there needs to be parameters for email address etc in there).

I wanted to create a single Render control method for which I can pass a string to the path of the UserControl which is my template. I've come across this on the web that kind of suits my needs:


Does that make sense? I was just wondering if this is at all possible in the first place and how I'd implement it? I'm not sure if it would be possible to map the properties set on 'object' to properties on the loaded user control and if it is possible where to start in doing this?

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Page.LoadControl Seems To Support Some Sort Of Caching?

Mar 28, 2011

We use Page.ParseControl to interpret a string of XML into controls. Does it use some kind of caching mechanism? If not - is there a way to cache its result?

Page.LoadControl seems to support some sort of caching.

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Web Forms :: LoadControl With Parameters Clear Inner Control?

Jul 25, 2010

I need from a ascx (control_A) load dynamically another user control (Control_B), for do that I use LoadControl passing parameters to the control_B's constructor, in this way:

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Web Forms :: UserControl Page_load Event Fires Twice Using LoadControl?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a dynamically created user control which is accomplished usingLoadControl().

When I debug, the LoadControl call is called once, however the Page_Load inside the user control is called twice. On each occasion, the postback property is false, so it seems somehow the Page_Load event is called outright 2 times and nothing to do with any postback?

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Web Forms :: Mixed Up Values When Using LoadControl To Add Control To UpdatePanel?

Feb 6, 2010

Here is what I am trying to do. I have a page with two link buttons and an updatepanel (the two linkbuttons trigger the updatepanel). I have two usercontrols which have labels with same ID's. When I click the first link button, I add the first usercontrol to the updatepanel and set the label value to datetime.now

if i click the second link button i see that the value of the label from the first control is set in the label in second user control. if the id's are different there is no problem - but in my case the usercontrols are being developed by different teams and I am integrating them in the way i mentioned - so they may have same ids.

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Application To Windows Application Communication

Oct 11, 2010

What are the different ways in which a web application can communicate to a windows application? I have heard that activex control events can be handled in javascript to achieve this.

Does WCF or any new technology provide a better implementation for this?

Can the publish/subscribe architecture be used here?

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