Localization :: How To Retrieve The Correct Resouce File Using Webservice

Feb 10, 2010

I need to access a resource file in a web application, using a WCF web service.The webservice will be hosted in the same domain as the web application, but its business logic is in another assembly.

How can I retrieve the correct resouce file (according to the current culture) from the business layer, and returning a List of KeyValue pair from it?

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Localization :: Calculate The Local Time Which Is Ambiguous, With The Correct sDaylightSavingTime Property ?

Feb 25, 2010

I want to store DateTimes in my Database in Universal Time. A user can select his/her TimeZone (Retrieved from TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones)I created a usercontrol, where a (local) datetime can be entered. This LocalDateTime is converted to Universal Time, which is stored in the database:


So far so good. Next step was that I would validate the LocalDateTime. A (Local) DataTime can be Invalid, when the time moves ahead from Standard Time To Daylight Saving Time, preventing it to be converted to Universal Time. This can be done like this:

So the next question is:

How can I calculate the Local Time which is ambiguous, with the correct sDaylightSavingTime Property ?

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JQuery :: UI Autocomplete Not Passing Correct Querystring To Ashx Webservice?

Dec 29, 2010

Setup: I have a RadioButtonList with two listitems (One Street, the other Schools). These define what type of search I want. I textbox with associated autocomplete. First you select which search to complete, and then start typing and the autocomplete will make . Autocomplete goes out to ashx webservice which pulls a list from the database.

I have tested the webserver and it works properly, so I'm thinking the problem is with my jQuery UI autocomplete. <div id="divSelectOne" style="padding:8px 3px 8px 3px; border-bottom:1px dotted #cccccc; background:#f9f9f9;"> <span style="font-weight:bold; color:#369;">Select One:</span><br />
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="radSelect" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal">
<asp:ListItem Text=" Street, City, Zip or Subdivision" Value="Street" Selected="True"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text=" School" Value="Schools"></asp:ListItem>


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Web Forms :: Parse Session Value To Retrieve Correct Article

Jun 1, 2010

I have taken up a project at work that was left half finished by the last guy that used to work here, it involves choosing a country, region and town from some drop down lists this is all done in Javascript which leaves this as a problem for me so now I need to retrieve the value of the townID that is stored in a hidden value, I tried this by putting the townID value inside a session and then on postback (after clicking the button) I wanted to parse the session value to retrieve the correct article, but I receive the following error:

Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: String
Here is what I am doing with the code (on the button):
This is the code I am using, the TownID is coming out null!

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How To Save And Retrieve Cookies Using Ajax Webservice Calls

Jan 26, 2010

I have web app which stores certain things on a page in a cookie when the page posts back in case the user doesn't finish what they're doing and come back later. But now I must do a javascript time-out and actively save the info to the cookie rather than wait for the user to postback. All my cookie code is on server side where I use Response and Request objects to read and write cookies and I want to leverage that. So I would like to just use ajax calls to a webservice. Is there a way for me to access Request and Response objects and read and write cookies to the browser via those objects during a webservice call? Or should I just go with javascript?

EDIT: Sorry i wanted to specify that I would like to use jquery-ajax.

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C# - Refer The Resultant Xml File Which Is Being Constructed And Saved From Webservice File

Sep 6, 2010

This is my webservice code which performs constructs xml file and stores to particular destination ,Is this the correct way to store the resultant xml file ,or let me know if their are any alternate procedure to do so.

[WebService(Namespace = "[URL]")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class JsonWebService : System.Web.Services.WebService
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
public string keyword;
public JsonWebService () {
//Uncomment the following line if using designed components
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public bool GetList(string keyword1, string streetname, string lat, string lng, string radius)
XmlDocument xmlDoc= CreateXML( keyword1,streetname,lat,lng,radius);
//save file to application folder which will be refferd by client application
xmlDoc.Save(@"C:Documents and SettingsDesktop lockBlock3.xml");
return true;

I am not able to refer that xml file constructed at webservice ,from clientside applicaton this will be my code on clientside ,is this the right way to refer saved xml file

function searchLocationsNear() {var searchUrl ="[URL]"; //reference for xml file stored in application folder
GDownloadUrl(searchUrl, function(data) {
var xml = GXml.parse(data);
var markers = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('marker');

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Feb 7, 2011

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C# - Check Whether Xml File Content Is In Correct Format?

Jun 10, 2010

i have one default.xml file where i am storing all default values.suppose if invalid file with the same default.xml name exists i have to display message in the status bar.

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C# - File Or Database Localization?

Aug 4, 2010

In ASP.NET which is better performance wise;

Localization using the file based resx / resource system

Localization by retrieving translations from a database

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When A Click Is Made On A Radiobutton A Message Appears Saying That It Is Correct Or It Is Not Correct

Feb 10, 2010

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How To Correct File Upload - Access To Path Is Denied

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Access to path is denied

This code is working properly in my system but in web server it is showing this error

Here is my code:


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Web Forms :: How To Correct The File Path To Send An Email

Feb 17, 2010

I want to attach a file to my email attachment.

I can open the file from the server like the following


But when I try to attach the file it appends C:MyProjectNameinternalcorpmyfile.doc

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Retrieve File Name From Database In File Upload Control

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My problem is that the last line does not work and i am uncertain how to make this work? How to write it correctly that is.

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Web Forms :: Export File Doesn't Show The Correct Data?

May 11, 2010

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<%@ Import Namespace="Exact.Hospitality.Core.Models"%>
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Result.ascx.cs" Inherits="Exact.Hospitality.Page.Marketing.AudienceSearch.Result" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="exact" Namespace="Exact.Hospitality.Core" Assembly="Exact.Hospitality.Core" %>


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Web Forms :: Localization Css File - How To Load A Localized CSS

Sep 22, 2010

i would like to Load a Lcalized CSS and i have a Masterpage

i am trying to do something like...

1. Get the Client Locale (which i do on the global.asax onSession_Start event)

2. get the right CSS file for this local (since my website supports both RTL and LTR layout)

the CSS should be i.e. webpage.en-US.css (or similar) if the Client Local is en-US and if its he-IL it should be webpage.he-IL.css.

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Localization :: How To Create Resource File Dynamically In VB.NET

Oct 4, 2010

We are migrating the VB6 applications into VB.NET (2008). They implemented the globalization in the Vb6 application by storing the english strings and corresponding langauage text (italian,spanish or french) in Database(SQL). Now we need to create a resource file in VB.NET(2008) for each language. Instead of creating resource file manually we want to write an application which will create resource file dynamically for each language and copy the english string and correspoding language text value from database into resource file.

SLNo Language English Value
1 English Name Name
2 Italian Name Nome
3 Spanish Name nombre

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Localization :: Manage Two Resource File For One Language?

Oct 28, 2010

In my project i add a reference of one dll and it has some resource files(.resources). Also my project has some resource files with the same language name(Spanish, french and Germany). Also i think we can't add the two resource file for one language. Now how can i mangage both the resource files?

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Localization :: Reading A CSV File Created By Excel?

May 27, 2010

I am reading a CSV file created by Excel. the string I am reading needs to be encoded (it shows small boxes instead of hebrew characters) so I wrote a lil routine to convert the string -

Function encodeName(ByVal name As String) As String
Dim src As Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
Dim dest As Encoding = Encoding.Default
Dim srcBytes() As Byte
srcBytes = src.GetBytes(name)
Dim asciiBytes() As Byte = Encoding.Convert(src, dest, srcBytes)
Dim mychars(dest.GetCharCount(asciiBytes) - 1) As Char
dest.GetChars(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length, mychars, 0)
Dim asciiString As New String(mychars)
End Function

From what I read FileStream.ReadLine reads the text with encoding UTF8 so I try to convert from UTF8 to Encoding.Default buy instead of little boxes I get question marks.

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Localization :: Count Words In The Ascx File?

Aug 15, 2010

I have 163 .resx files. I want to count the words in these files, because my want to translate the sentences (my task is the localisation).

Now I'm opening each file in Ms Visual Studio and I count words manually. How can I count words in all files? And the second question: can I use a program what grab strings from .resx into an editor where I can translate them and save bacn into .resx files? Or must open the files one by one and edit the text fields manually?

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Localization :: Check Whethere A Resource File Is Available Or Not?

Dec 3, 2010

need to bind a resource file using system culture info. Say for example, if my system culture is Spanish(Spain) "es-ES" then i have to look for "es-ES" resource file to bind. If it is not there then i have to bind with default resource file ('en-US"). How to do this?

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Localization :: Add New Resource File Dynamically At Run-time?

Feb 18, 2010

In our web application we need to keep various company's settings. For eg "Shippingpickup","ZipCodeCaption","DefaultCountry","AllowToEditInvoice", etc

These settings are different for various companies and are placed in web.config as key-value pair.

Initially, we have tried do simplify this process by adding a company_settings table in the DB so as to allow us to add companies on the fly. However, this method makes it very difficult to add a new setting since it would require us to add a column to the company_settings table and thus would require code changes as well as stored procedure changes.

Now we have added separate global resource files for each company's settings. But, whenever we want to add new company to our website, we need to add a new resource file for that company. Adding a resource file requires compilation, and thus the application needs to be restarted. I was wondering if there is a way that we can add a new resource file dynamically at run-time.

Or are resource files not the right thing to use here? Is there a better method of tackling this issue?

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Localization :: Create A Multi Languages Website With Xml File?

Dec 29, 2010

i want to create a multi languages website with xml file

actually i saw the yaf use this method and i also want to use it in my website with some difrent

the xml file that use yaf look like this:


now i need to create a class that read the xml file and create some function that return the words like:

Language.Title() will return the Title word as string

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Localization :: How To Change The Resource File Used By Page Based On Some Value

Jul 22, 2010

I need to be able to change the resource file used by an ASP.Net Page based on some value other than Culture/Language/Region. The purpopse is to simply configure properties on the page based on a city or site name or other criteria. I do not want to change language or culture/region.

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