Web Forms :: Parse Session Value To Retrieve Correct Article
Jun 1, 2010
I have taken up a project at work that was left half finished by the last guy that used to work here, it involves choosing a country, region and town from some drop down lists this is all done in Javascript which leaves this as a problem for me so now I need to retrieve the value of the townID that is stored in a hidden value, I tried this by putting the townID value inside a session and then on postback (after clicking the button) I wanted to parse the session value to retrieve the correct article, but I receive the following error:
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: String
Here is what I am doing with the code (on the button):
This is the code I am using, the TownID is coming out null!
I'm trying to parse a HTML file to retrieve certain info in my asp.net app. I've looked at the html agility pack but found that also quite difficult. :-) As my HTML should be pretty standard I'm hoping regex is quick and easy. I need a regex that will look through the html file (which I've loaded into a string) and find the below line and take out the DATATOEXTRACT (which will be some sort of text, the name of a recipe in this case) so I can put it into a variable:
I need to access a resource file in a web application, using a WCF web service.The webservice will be hosted in the same domain as the web application, but its business logic is in another assembly.
How can I retrieve the correct resouce file (according to the current culture) from the business layer, and returning a List of KeyValue pair from it?
Its related to datatable in gridview store in session and then session retrive and store to database. basically i am using gridview here creating new row for button click and these row adding untill user's last entry then submit all these entry to database. so i want to use session variable to store this data temporarily and after final entry user click on submit button and all data shold be save in db.
I new to .aspx and now the thing is since i am doing a web enabled project, I have this login from an user. I drag dropped the login template and then used the
Session["Authentication"] = username.Tostring();
to store the current logged user's info and so. Now i even used a hyperlink "Logout" at the top right corner and then made it transfer to Login page.
Now if on running the web , i can easily login , but when i logout through hyper link "logout" it will take me to the Login page again, but if i press the back button of the browser it again transfers the control to the data page and i can again perform the data operation's.
I used this
Session["Authenticate"] = null
at the page load of the login page so that only at the login button click the user can enter again by
Session["Authenticate"] = username.Tostring();
Then i used a check at each page load of the data pages
I have used session to the creation of user and led them to the edit page ..But how do I retrieve my userID off from the session, or are there other ways to retrieve userID from?
I would like to know if the way i'm dealing with session variables is the right way, and also how to fix this error i'm getting: FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
On page load I am populating my own list object, storing in session & it is getting stored, When I am debugging i can see that list object is stored in session, But When I am reading that session variable in next page, it's throwing error like
The type 'Dispensary.ResourceScheduling.Views.SchedulingPopup' exists in both 'WebApplication.dll' and 'App_Web_6bndsqgu.dll'
How do I implement this session: (UserID is part of the login table)
Session["UserID"]="usrName"; Into this code? using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Data.Odbc; using System.Data.SqlClient; public partial class Default2 : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Login1.Authenticate += Login1_Authenticate; } protected void Login1_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e) { //database connection string OdbcConnection cn = new OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; Server=localhost; Database=gymwebsite; User=x; Password=x; OPTION=3;"); cn.Open(); OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand("Select * from User where username=? and password=?", cn); //Select the username and password from mysql database in login table cmd.Parameters.Add("@username", OdbcType.VarChar); cmd.Parameters["@username"].Value = this.Login1.UserName; cmd.Parameters.Add("@password", OdbcType.VarChar); cmd.Parameters["@password"].Value = this.Login1.Password; //use asp login control to check username and password cmd.Parameters.Add(new OdbcCommand("@UserID", 'id.int')); OdbcDataReader dr = default(OdbcDataReader); // Initialise a reader to read the rows from the login table. // If row exists, the login is successful dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int id = cmd.Parameters["@UserID"].Value; Session["UserID"]="usrName"; if (dr.Read()) { e.Authenticated = true; Response.Redirect("UserProfileWall.aspx"); // Event Authenticate is true forward to user profile } } }
I need to be able to retrieve the correct UserID when some one inputs there username and password upon login and then some how retrieve it on a new page something like this to retireve it but unsure?
I just dont know how to add the first part, the session into my login code so I can some how store the UserID in my session but also retrieve the correct UserID from the submitted data that takes from my mysql login table.
my solution currently has a website project and a class library project. I am attempting to access a session object from my class library but it is always returning null. In a settings class in my class library I store these values like so:
private static SessionProperty<WebUser> _currentUser = new SessionProperty<WebUser>("CurrentUser", delegate { return new WebUser(); }); public static WebUser CurrentUser { get { return _currentUser.Value; } set { _currentUser.Value = value; } }
I can access this just fine from any aspx page codebehind like so:
I am doing a workshop , it has questions, and answers with radiobuttons, I need that when a click is made on a radiobutton a message appears saying that it is correct or it is not correct, how can a do it,
how to store an array in session and how to retrieve that array from session?
I am trying to store one array of type Double and assigning values of the same type but it is showing me an error. How do I assign values to the array which is in session?
I am using 3 tables and are trying to get the correct info belonging to the correct id. Like this: I go to a page and here i want to see the information from the 3 tables using a specific id.
I have written this so far in a query:
My problem is that the last line does not work and i am uncertain how to make this work? How to write it correctly that is.
This article helps what i needed. Getting the folder path in TextBox. [URL] my question is.. here he has given D:\ as default. How can i change this... to work on DevServer, Clients .. so..on If it is in local it works fine that to for d:\.... if i want to browse from other drives how should i do that. i need to browse all folders in all drives... what should i change in this statement.
TreeNode onjParent = new TreeNode("D:\", "D:\");
And How can i save the directory when i go to that page again.like keeping nodes open which are opened before.
My problem is regarding title written above. Currently I have some functions that rely on Sessions to do the job. Everything works smoothly when it is left to default. However, I do not like the idea of losing sessions in case of crash and I have modified my web.config to use Sql Server mode instead.
I have run the necessary commands to create tables and stored procedures in my database using aspnet_sql.exe. I am able to store values into the database but have not been successful retrieving them. Since it has been working fine with InProc mode, I think I can safely assume that there's nothing wrong with my codes. Here's my web.config setting:
I have read in many places that referencing IRequiresSessionState or IReadOnlySessionState will allow me access to the Session scoped variables from within the ProcessRequest method in an ASHX file.
I have implemented these changes, as follows, and I am unable to retrieve this data still, as the server returns a null object reference error:
using System; using System.Web; using System.Web.SessionState;[code]....
The error is most certainly specific to pulling data from the session, yet I am 100% certain that the session contains data in this key.
It shouldnt matter where I am storing the data (cookies, vs db, etc), right?
I'm trying to set session variables in one page, and retrieve them in my code file in the page that it posts to.
I keep getting this error. I put the correct namespaces in, and enabledSessionState = true to my application files, but no luck.
Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the <configuration><system.web><httpModules> section in the application configuration.
I'm just calling a session variable, and I get that error
Public AUID As Integer = Convert.ToInt16(Session("AUID"))
I am having issues implementing SqlSiteMapProvider using the Wicked Code article. I am using VB.NET and SQL Server 2008 - and the OnSiteMapChanged event is not firing (the SqlDepdencyCache just seems to simply be not working at all). The article states "You also need to run the ASP.NET worker process with dbo privileges for SQL Server 2005 cache dependencies to work automatically.)" I don't understand what this means. I know what the ASPNET user account is and that it runs aspnet_wp.exe which is basically the ASP.NET run time as I understand it. I know what DBO privs are on SQL. But my SQL and web servers are on different machines, and ASPNET is not a domain account. And it seems crazy to make it one to try to simply get the SqlDepdencyCache to work, and I have trouble believing everyone is doing this?Anyone have any clue what I'm missing here?