MSMQ Inconsistent State After Restart?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm seeing a really strange error that I'm having a difficult timetracking down. I think its related to my configuration of Rhino ESB, though I'm not sure
if RSB is actually causing it, so I figured I'd ask and see ifanyone else has come across this in any other usages of MSMQ.I'm using RSB as a client in a web app (ASP.NET, the client runs in the background). The client talks to a windows service via the MSMQ binding for RSB. Restarting the service never appears to have an effect on MSMQ, neither does restarting IIS by hand. However, whenever I actually restart the computer itself, MSMQ always refuses to start back up, claiming that a "queue is in an inconsistent state". Attempting to start MSMQ manually results in the same error, effectively rendering the MSMQ install completely useless. The only way to solve it is to actually remove then reinstall MSMQ.

The only information I've found via the almighty Google are references to a problem in MSMQ 2.0 (this problem is occurring in MSMQ 4.0). I've verified that Dispose is being called on on the bus at shutdown, in both the service and the web site.

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Queuing Using The Database Or MSMQ?

Mar 23, 2010

A part of the application I'm working on is an swf that shows a test with some 80 questions. Each question is saved in SQL Server through WebORB and ASP.NET. If a candidate finishes the test, the session needs to be validated. The problem is that sometimes 350 candidates finish their test at the same moment, and the CPU on the web server and SQL Server explodes (350 validations concurrently).Now, how should I implement queuing here? In the database, there's a table that has a record for each session. One column holds the status. 1 is finished, 2 is validated.

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MSMQ Messages Not Arriving

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public SomeMethod
MessageQueue respQ = Utils.GetResponseQueue();[code]....

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Run MSMQ Between External Process & Site?

Jan 11, 2010

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1. SMS Process (background) should not have any interface but to communicate with using MSMQ only.
2. Website should be able to communicate with that SMS Process at any time using MSMQ, that is commands to send sms to whom, show received sms etc.

I am complete with all my website and sms engine work. All put all this in website but couldnt get reliablility. Please just guide me how and where to start for MSQM?

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Dec 31, 2010

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Is it possible to use MSMQ in web ?
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Its because i am calling SP in every 5 seconds and its very lengthy. I want to use socket programming or MSMQ in LIVE trading system because if any thing update or modify in tables then only web page get notification from MSMQ or Socket and i will bind my page then only. And if possible then its secure and perfect for web live environment ?

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Web Forms :: Plain Text Into MSMQ Queue

Apr 12, 2010

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The body content looks rather strange actually - it reads:

54 65 73 74 20 54 65 78 Test Tex

74 20 4D 65 73 73 61 67 t Messag

65 e

Any thoughts on how to get rid of all those numbers and just have a plain text body?

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Mar 29, 2010

TextBox otb = (TextBox)Page.Master.FindControl("txtStatus");
otb.Text = "Test Script 1 saved";
otb.Visible = true;

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<script type="text/javascript">
function CallGetARInvoices(src,dest)


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SQL Server :: Inconsistent Posted Data - Always Got Empty Value

Jan 25, 2011

I've got stuck for this for a long time. I always got empty value for the posted data. Here is my code:

Protected Function sqlparameter_insert_newscat() As SqlParameter()
Dim sqlparam(4) As SqlParameter
Dim ddlstatus As Boolean
If rbActive.Items(0).Selected = True Then
ddlstatus = True
ddlstatus = False
End If
sqlparam(0) = New SqlParameter("@username", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30, ParameterDirection.Input, False, 0, 0, "", DataRowVersion.Current, Session(""))
sqlparam(1) = New SqlParameter("@news_category", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255, ParameterDirection.Input, False, 0, 0, "", DataRowVersion.Current, news_category.Text)
sqlparam(2) = New SqlParameter("@news_category_desc", SqlDbType.Text, 1000000, ParameterDirection.Input, False, 0, 0, "", DataRowVersion.Current, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(news_category_desc.InnerText))
sqlparam(3) = New SqlParameter("@news_category_status", SqlDbType.Bit, 1, ParameterDirection.Input, False, 0, 0, "", DataRowVersion.Current, ddlstatus)
sqlparam(4) = New SqlParameter("@news_category_parent", SqlDbType.BigInt, 100, ParameterDirection.Input, False, 0, 0, "", DataRowVersion.Current, ddlRoot.SelectedValue)
Return sqlparam
End Function

the news_category.text always the empty string even the dropdownlist selected value return empty string. Is this an error of bug in Visual Studio 2010? I 've got stuck for this for long time and i have been nearer to deadline. I just made change "ValidateRequest = False" to aspx file to permit html tag to be posted.

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Hashtable hsh = (Hashtable)WebConfigurationManager.GetSection("test1");



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Mar 9, 2010


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Aug 4, 2010

I have a simple form with a list of linkbuttons, each fires the same onclick event which sets an indicator image. I have a dummy button with style="display:none" which I have set as the TargetControlID of the modal.

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The events fire perfectly, it's very simple! Although after doing some testing I noticed the modalpopup is not presented after the 6-10th cycle of clicking the open event, then clicking cancel. The grey background appears but it is behind the main panel and the modal is either presented behind this or is just simply not displaying.

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Visual Studio :: Error Is Inconsistent,files Break The Build?

Nov 16, 2010

Create a control 'ClassName' in file ClassName.cs. Path is c:ProjectWebuserControlsControlTypeClassName.cs


The really bizarre thing is that the error is inconsistent.Sometimes the project builds, sometimes some files break the build, sometimes others do, sometimes all of them do.

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When Does It Restart The Application?

Apr 5, 2010

I know that whenever you add/remove/modify any file in the "App_Code", "App_GlobalResources", and "bin" directories that ASP.NET will recompile and essentially restart the application.My question is : "What happens to any threads currently executing durring the change?"Do they finish? Is a Thread.Abort Exception thrown?What happens if the application itself makes a change in any of those directories?

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How to restart my IIS from my code with out going to INETMGR-->Application--->Restart. I need to restart my application every month first sunday from my code itself.

View 7 Replies - Need To Restart IIS 7 After Fuill Web Deployment?

Oct 26, 2010

I would just like to find out which is the best practice when deploying to IIS 7 with ASP.Net 2 applications.
We deploy around 7 WCF net.tcp consumed web services on IIS 7 and then also have a website running under IIS 7.When we deploy with TFS we copy over the released code to the specified folders under IIS. Would the best practice be to then also reset IIS or because IIS recompiles the JIT everytime the assemblies change, you don't actually need to restart the server or any pools.

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Jul 14, 2010

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Right now, every time I have a new version, I publish my site from the development machine, and then manually copy assemblies into the /bin folder - but I need to restart the server after every update in order to have my web site actually updated. Aspx pages update immediatelly (I can change them and see them update on-the-fly), but code-behind assemblies are not reloaded until I actually restart the machine

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Jun 10, 2010

My application working fine but sometime it suddenly stops and cannot display a page.After restart the PC it works fine again.I am not getting whats the problem. I also restart the IIS then also it not work.

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Configuration :: Missing Assembly After IIS Restart

Apr 24, 2010

I have strange problem with missing assembly of my application after IIS restart. My application is installed correctly to IIS 7.5 (windows 7) and works fineAfterwards I make a restart of IIS serverNow my application is not working properly, some classes (assemblies) are missing. I've insterted a code to my application that writes all avaible assemblies into my log file (see code below ) and really a few assemblies are missing[Code]....

Restart of IIS or even restart of windows is not enoughThe workaround is to make some change in web.config or to rewrite some *.dll by the same dll library (in order to force IIS to reload whole application)afterwards it works fine again (till next restart of IIS) for better understanding I've recorded a video for you [URL] Do you have any idea how to solve it? or what what to check? (My application is based on ASP.NET and I'm using ported version of Jade framework (framework originally created in Java).) This problem is related to another problem on this forum [URL]

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how can i restart my window service programatically by every 15 min in

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i have did like dis way until upto in class page[RunInstaller(true)]


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