MVC :: Do You Want To Save This File, Or Find A Program Online To Open It?
Feb 4, 2011
I am exporting an excel file in my action. Based on whether the excel exported or not i'm returning a boolean as json result and i want to check the boolean to display success or failure. But i'm getting a popup asking for "Do you want to save this file, or find a program online to open it?" How can i avoid the popup?
Below is my sample code.
public JsonResult ExportQuote()
boolean success= false;
//Function to export to excel
boolean success= true;
return this.json(success,JsonRequestBehaviour.AllowGet);
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Jan 13, 2010
this is my problem:
I have a link to Open a file (I have found this way cause with a simple link it would have been marked "readonly")
<a href="../DownloadFile.aspx?file=test.xls"> Open file
The code in the .aspx page permit to download the file with the header
"attachment; filename=" & file.Name)
So when the user click the link he is prompted wiht a Message box saying:
Open Save
The user click Open...modify the excel cells... but when he wants Save the file (from Excel menu) is saved on a temporary folder on the client pc and not on the server.
Is it possible to save the file directly on the server or not?
Ps. The "real" problem might be that when the user click "Open" in the prompt tha file is first downloaded in the temp folder and then presented to the user
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which i used to open that dialog in browser to save pdf
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StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("c:/Billing report.doc");
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ELearnDataContext eld = new ELearnDataContext();
var x = (from a in eld.Videos
where a.VideoID== 1
select a).First();
Response.Charset = "GB2312";
Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
Response.ContentType = "application/OCTET-STREAM";
Response.ContentType = "video/x-ms-wmv";
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + x.FileName);
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Jan 29, 2011
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There are 2 things I would like to do:
1. there is a "file path" text box on the form. I would like to open a "browse file dialog" box when user clicks the textbox and then the user browses for the file (file is on the users local machine) and selects it. The full file path should be saved to the textbox as string (e.g. "c:archive2010document11122011.pdf"). Also I would like to "limit" the file browser dialog to only show PDF format files...
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void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
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div1.InnerHtml = "<iframe name='iframe4' src='DocumentUuploaded/report.doc ' target='iframe4' frameborder='no' height='500' scrolling='no' width='800'></iframe>";
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Aug 8, 2010
I am using the following code to write the contents of a string (converted to a byte array) to the client in ASP.NET/C#
byte[] data = StrToByteArray(strData);
Response.AppendHeader("content-length", data.Length.ToString());
Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
Response.AppendHeader("content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName);
fileName is the name of the file ending with the file extension (.pgn). However, the file is saved as a .txt file, ignoring the extension that I am giving it. Would this have to do with the Response.Contenttype = "text/plain"? How can I get the Open/Save dialog to display and save the correct (.pgn) filename?
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Feb 16, 2010
I'm a Coldfusion Web Developer and I'm finding that in my local area,work for CF Devs has become extremely scarce.There were a handful of companies that were Coldfusion houses a few years ago and it appears most of them have moved away from CF development.I'm looking to expand my skillset to improve my employment outlook, and it appears that many of the web development positions that are available to me now are focused around .NET web development.The last time i took a look at .NET as a web development platform was way back during 2.0; where I found it to be poorly organized and extremely unfocused.
Apparently somewhere along the line I missed the boat because that's where about 90% of the web development jobs in my area are now.I've done some searching on google to see if I can find a tutorial, something that's akin to hand-holding, and have come back dissapointed.
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Jan 4, 2011
to find out online training or any kind of videos for WCF.
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