MVC :: Finding Absolute Path For Content Folder?

Aug 17, 2010

In ASP.NET MVC 2, how can I get the absolute path to the Content folder from within a model?I'm trying to check for the existence of a file by calling IO.File.Exists. So, I need to convert the "~ContentisFile.png" relative path to an absolute path.I tried getting the application's directory path by calling My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath but that returned some temporary folder that doesn't contain the Content folder.

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I have a file named dummyIcon.png inside Content/images/temp folder. How do I locate it from my domain layer (which is a Code Library project)? What is the best practice of displaying images in ASP.NET MVC? Should I store a path to the image in the database (which I personally prefer), or do I save a byte array and return it to the view?

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MVC :: Routing Relative Path Instead Of Absolute Path?

Jun 9, 2010

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<% Url.Action("Logon") %>
the mvc framework generates
/Account/Logon ({controller}/{action})
as path.
'/Account/Logon' path is an absolute path. Is there a way to change is to a relative path, like Account/Logon or ../Account/Logon.

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C# - Absolute Path And Relative Path?

Oct 13, 2010

i am fetching image using webservice into dataset and displaying for that its to be get worked after deployment i have done following line of code but its still not able to display the image after deployment

String imageName = row["ImageName"].ToString();
String physicalPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString();
String imagePath = physicalPath.Substring(0, physicalPath.LastIndexOf("/",
StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 1) + imageName;

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Possible Duplicate: Absolute path & Relative Path

When to use absolute path, relative path and what is the difference between both?

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.net - Determine Absolute Path Of A File

Jun 21, 2010

I created a survey in where results are stored in an Excel file.Locally I can access and update the data of the file, but if I put online can not correctly access the excel file.How can I determine the absolute url of the file so, when a user submits the answers they can be inserted correctly in the excel file? Currently I use this to determine the location of the file:

Dim LocalizacaoFicheiro As String = String.Concat(Server.MapPath("."), "RespostasQuestionario.xlsx")

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C# - Get Absolute URL From Relative Path (refactored Method)

Sep 9, 2010

I am really surprised that there is no native .NET method to get an absolute url from a relative url. I know this has been discussed many times, but never have come across a satisfactory method that handles this well. I think all I need left is to auto choose the protocol instead of hard coding it (http/https). Anything else I am missing (caveats, performance, etc)?

public static string GetAbsoluteUrl(string url)
if (url.StartsWith("http://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || url.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return url;
Page page = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page;
if (url.StartsWith("~/"))
url = page.ResolveUrl(url);
return "http://" + page.Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] + "/" + url.TrimStart('/');

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Data Controls :: Absolute Path For Images In Datalist

Sep 27, 2012

I have a Datalist where I want to retrive Images from a folder and I have done URL rewritting so Images is not displaying when I write something like this:

<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" ImageUrl='<%# Bind("Product_Image", "~/ProductImages/{0}") %>'
NavigateUrl='<%#"http://localhost:49524Mysite/Product/" + stringToBase64String(Eval("ProductID").ToString())%>' CommandName="IMG" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("ProductID")%>' runat="server"></asp:HyperLink>

I don't want to write whole URL.

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Jan 13, 2011

I have a string variable called pdfdestination which points to a file on another server. This string is "\\mars\IntranetUploads\pdf\testpdf1.pdf"; The following code doesn't work:


and the reason is that it won't just directly input that string into the address bar, but instead the path it tries to access begins at the root of my application. In other words, the resulting URL comes out like: [URL] I simply need the browser to directly access: \marsIntranetUploadspdf estpdf1.pdf

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Nov 9, 2010

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/Image/Icon.jpg - it is working well with localhost
/Image/Icon.jpg - It is not working on Virtual directory

I want absolute path solution which is working on both virtual and localhost directory

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May 1, 2010

I have a class (.cs) in my web application project called CompanyResponseInfo.cs. This class inherits from a class called, ResponseInfo.cs, which is from a class library which is referenced as a compiled dll in the web application. CompanyResponseInfo is called from the ResponseInfo base class. In the CompanyResponseInfo class I need to build a file path to a file that resides in the directory 'web root/resources/standard.xslt'.

Now i know that because CompanyResponseInfo is instanciated from within the inherited ResponseInfo class from a referenced library, the 'System.Web.HttpContext.Current' object is null so I cannot gain access to MapPath and all the other Server object properties for me to obtain path properties relating to the web application.

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I guess this would be a common problem, so what are my options in my case when I need to get the absolute web application path so I can use it to get the absolute path for a XSLT file so I can load it into the XslCompiledTransform.Load()?

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C# - Is There A Built-in Create An Absolute (fully Qualified) Url From A Relative Path Such As "~/page.aspx" Given The Current URL?

Dec 8, 2010

Scenario is I have a application relative url like "~/path/to/page.aspx?query=string". I need to programatically create a web request to that page and currently using WebRequest.Create. The problem is WebRequest.Create requires a fully qualified url including the protocol/domain/port etc.I have access to the current Request.Url object but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to get just the base url keeping the protocol (HTTP vs HTTPS) as well as any port numbers as well as the path to the applicationI mean all the info there, so if need be I could just take all the parts and combine them but it seems like it might be error prone and it would be great to have something built-in that's well tested to do the job. Page.ResolveUrl gets me almost there, but it's missing the protocol and the domain/port.

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here is code


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Finding Path To Css And Images?

Mar 1, 2010

For example I have site http://localhost/site In IIS I set that 404 error causes redirection to default.aspx
If I type something like http://localhost/site/nodirectory , (there are no such folder) all works perfectly.

But if I only add slah at end http://localhost/site/nodirectory/, page can't display css and images.

Images and css are located in their own folder. I tried different paths: "gfx/logo.gif", "/gfx/logo.gif"

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Web Forms :: Exception In Finding The Path

Apr 27, 2016

I have uploaded the image in to the database and retrieving it without any error. But when i download, it shows an error in the path as 'C:Windowssystem32inetsrvphotovg.jpg'

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Can Add A Folder To Path For A Web App Exe

Jun 21, 2010

i use several exes for my prj. they include ffmpeg and imagemagik. I know i can easily put this in my path but i may want to switch between different version in different builds. How do i add the path based on my exe? doing it in code is ok. I'm thinking about using a prefix path as a workaround and just set the prefix path to the version i want.

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Specify Project Folder Path?

Mar 24, 2011

How do you specify the path to a folder in you project. I have a Documents folder in my project. How would I refer to the path ie "~Documents"; instead of on the C drive ie

StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("C:\Test.txt");

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C# - Finding Files Inside Nested Folder?

May 14, 2010

How to search for files inside nested folders?

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What Is The Path To Document In Resources Folder

Mar 29, 2010

I have an xml document in a folder called resources in my solution.

what is the path to the document, so my code looks something like this


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