C# - Path To Files Inside Content Folder ?
Mar 24, 2011
Is the Content folder the root folder? I mean does http://localhost/ point to Content or is it something else?
I have a file named dummyIcon.png inside Content/images/temp folder. How do I locate it from my domain layer (which is a Code Library project)? What is the best practice of displaying images in ASP.NET MVC? Should I store a path to the image in the database (which I personally prefer), or do I save a byte array and return it to the view?
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Following the first site, it had worked but when I´ve moved the pages and files to other folders and set the web.config file on this folder, now it won´t work at all!!!
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My Code is :
showing some error also the folder using another process, How to rename while moving..
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ss1.xls need to 201004291.xlx
it should increment file name
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what is the path to the document, so my code looks something like this
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Aug 8, 2012
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When i browse the image
My file path is D:sampleSlide1.JPG
How to i get the folder name ie 'sample' from above path?
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Jul 20, 2012
I have an application where I export some crystal reports to a shared folder like:
Dim ReportFilePath As String = "XXXXXAutoLoad ReportsReports"
DiskOpts.DiskFileName = ReportFilePath & "" & ReportName
myCrystalReport1.ExportOptions.DestinationOptions = DiskOpts
My question is: I looks it uses the machine account to access this folder like:
domainvgiwpw03-xxx$ (name of the server is vgiwpw03-xxx2).
Is there a way to programmatically specify which account to use accessing the shared folder? We do not like to use machine accounts as this may change if we switch servers etc.
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Jul 8, 2010
I am editing a code to change the path of the image uplod folder,
There is a form for uploading an banner to the site, which has table of all the banners uploaded with image path and file path for downloads.
The form has 2 parts, one for the image uploading and the other for banner link updating.
The banner link updating has a dropdownlist of all the images available in the folder. The imagepath is uploaded via sql
I have changed the sql imagepath, but can find where is the code for uploading to a folder, so that i can change, also, how to change the dropdownlist to read from the new folder.
the below is the codes:
and its cs:
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Jun 29, 2010
I got creating album feature, it require user to enter data of new album name, description, and upload a profile picture. I can do everthing perfectly fine, but wat i wan to do is, if the user did not select any file to upload, which means they do not wan to put a profile pic for that album, i wan to take the "noimage.gif" from the folder and set it to the FileUpload path, because i wanted to store that image into database, therefore i need to retrieve that image first and then convert it into bitmap and then to bytes with a method im using now
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Jul 26, 2010
1) I have a text box and a button. When i chick the buttonn i need to get the browse option so that i can browse all folders in my system, after that if i select the folder the folder path should be displayed in TextBox. like C:/Users/Tom/ in textbox.
2) Now i have a list box it should display all the .docx files present in the folder.
I am using WebForms (not Winforms) ..
I have read many articles on FileUploadControl but it does not solve mine... mine is a little different task...
how to get the folder path on button click..
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