MVC :: Form Validation Via Entity Partial Class?

Feb 19, 2010

got a question regarding form validation via entity partial class. I created my edmx-file with the Entity Data Model. Now I am trying to validate my form inputs via this partial class:


Edmx file and partial class are in the same namespace. But the partial class does not get fired. My controller file looks like that:


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Similar Messages:

MVC Partial Class For Rule Validation

Jan 4, 2011

I have 2 projects. A data project, which contains my database and my Entity Framework model. I have table called 'User', and then have a generated EF class for user. I am trying to add a partial class:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Data
public partial class user
public bool isValid
get {
return (GetRuleViolations().Count()==0);
public IEnumerable<RuleViolation> GetRuleViolations()
yield break;
partialvoid OnValidate(ChangeAction action)
if (isValid)
throw new ApplicationException("Rule violation prevents saving");
public class RuleViolation
public string ErrorMessage { get; private set; }
public string PropertyName { get; private set; }
public RuleViolation (string errorMessage)
ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
public RuleViolation(string errorMessage, string propertyName)
ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
PropertyName = propertyName;

This is following the MVC 1.0 NerdDinner example. However, I am getting a design time error on the OnValidate method:

partial void OnValidate(ChangeAction action)
if (isValid)
throw new ApplicationException("Rule violation prevents saving");

No definining declaration found for implimenting declaration of partial method 'void OnValidate(ChangeAction action)' What am I doing wrong?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView - EntityDatasource And Entity Custom Properties Using Partial Class

Apr 25, 2010

I'm face of a little problem when using GridView, an EntityDatasource and entity custom properties using a partial class. I'll describe it and I hope that someone has already find the solution because I try to figured out since two days.

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Web Forms :: Partial Class And Form Codebehind?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a webform with codebehind class called ManageCustomers.cs

can I make partial class to that class i've reffered above and How?

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Partial Declarations Of '[Class.Class]' Have Conflicting Accessibility Modifiers?

Aug 10, 2010

I first need to apologize in case this has been answered before but I'm a newbie (green as they come) and this error keeps popping up even before I start debugging! There are two errors and the second one is:" Error 2

Missing partial modifier on declaration of type 'WFPKenya2.WFPKenya2'; another partial declaration of this type exists"

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List All Classes In Application (Including Class In App_Code And Partial Class(aspx Pages And Asmx User Controls)?

Nov 15, 2010

Is there any way to list all the class in my ASP.Net application(Including class in App_Code and Partial Class(aspx pages and asmx user controls)

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ADO.NET :: Partial Update With Stored Procedure In Entity Framework 4?

Dec 3, 2010

How do I use a stored procedure to change one or more (but not all) fields of a entity in EF4? I have a stored procedure "ChangePassword" taking a username and and a password as parameters and a User entity containing properties for Username and Password as well as other properties. I want to be able to use this stored procedure from a function to update the password from a function in one of my repositories. How to do this?

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MVC :: Create Client Validation Automatically When Use Own Validation Class?

Mar 2, 2011

I write a class inherited from ValidationAttribute such as

public class MyValidation:ValidationAttribute

but when I use MyValidation,and EnableClientValidation,I found that it would not create client script automatically .

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C# - Using Partial Classes For Validation?

Feb 3, 2011

I'm using Entity Framework to create my data objects. Here's what my designer.cs file looks like:


But my validations aren't loaded. If I try to submit the form with no value for Name, I get an error message saying The value '' is invalid. instead of my error message.

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MVC :: Use Validation On A Partial Control?

Feb 13, 2011

I have created a control that I use often on my web sites. To this control I hava a ViewModel class that has a property witha required attribute. I my "master"page I show this partial view but i can not get the validation on the view right in my master page.

This is how I have done it in short.

I have a ascx page containing a textbox and a button. If the textbox i empty when I press the button i Would like to show the user a red box around the textbox and some validation test. The partial view is strongly type with an class that contains only a string property for the textbox and has attribute [Required(Errormessage="Please enter a valid registration number")] just above the property.

Om my page that contains the partial view i looks very nice but I can not se the validation message or the red bos around the textbox how do I get the ModelState.IsValid from the partial view or how do I solve it so I can use the nice feature in DataAnnotations. I ´have search over the net but can not find any example code how to solve it. Does it work without java script?

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MVC :: Validation Fails And Returns Whole Form With Validation Message?

Mar 18, 2011

Can anyone tell me how to re-display a form when validation fails, i'm having a problem in that when i submit an empty form, the whole ascx file is returned with textbox and button etc.


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How To Create Partial Class For UserControl

Feb 24, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2008 with .Net 2.0

I am maintaining and old application in ASP.Net and it has one CustomGridView control with 4000 lines of code. I see that in that file only, when I try to modify any code the IDE does not respond quickly as it does for other files. I thought of creating partial classes for the same but it seems that VS is not reconginzing the new partial class. I am trying to use the variables from the old partial class and it is not able to reconize any variable or method.

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Partial Class In C Sharp - How To Impliment

Mar 15, 2011

What is partial class in c sharp and whats the use of it, how to implement the partial class

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MVC :: Exception When Using Partial Class To Validate?

May 3, 2010

I am trying to use a partial class with Data Annotations to validate with the Entity Framework. My partial class looks like:


When i then try to create a product without an entry in Name or Description i get an exception: _Name = StructuralObject.SetValidValue(value, false);

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MVC :: Computed Column Vs Field In Partial Class?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a table of people with columns holding bits of info about them. I also need a variety of computed columns such as FileAs (lastname + ", " + firstname) and CityStateZip (you get the idea). I am wondering where best to put these definitions. It's worthwhile to note that the user will want to search for things as seen on the page, not the little atoms in the table. For example, searching on ", e" finds everyone whose first name begins with E. Typing ", az" to get everyone who lives in Arizona.

I noticed that linq-to-sql queries only recognize the fields in the table definitions, not any that are added in the partial class associated with the dbml. Linq-to-sql does work against computed columns in the database; however, the column definitions--especially for international address formats--will become very complex and much better handled in code.

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ADO.NET :: DataSet Cleanup Necessary Or Partial Class Handle All

Aug 25, 2010

I've looked around and I can't seem to find a good answer on this. Is there any cleanup needed on a strongly typed dataSet? I'm using DataSets as my DAL but I don't really have a BLL. I'm handling this in my code behind like this:


I'm assuming it handles the opening and closing of the connetion? The adapter has a dispose method. Should I be using this? Is there any cleanup necessary or does the partial class (that inherits handle all of this?

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MVC :: Redefine Parent's Variables In Partial Class?

Dec 29, 2010

i am using linqtosql dbml to create table classes automatically.

however each time i update my database or dbml diagram, it refreshs designer.cs file and all code i wrote is gone.

so, i decided to make partial class to keep certain information alive.

but here is my question :

for example, User class is defined as follow in designer.cs file :


public string UserID{get;set;}

but if i do this, i get error message because UserID is already defined in designer.cs file.

should i delete all UserID variable in designer.cs each time i update the dbml?

i believe there should be a better way to do it

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Web Forms :: Multiple Partial Class Files For A Webform?

Mar 2, 2010

I am tasked with customizing a third-party web application. Since the application is updated (ie new files are copied over the existing files) several times a year, I was hoping that I could put my custom code in separate files -- sort of like having asecond code-behind file for each page that is modified.

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Web Forms :: Website Code Not Linking To Partial Class?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a website that i converted from asp .net 1.1 to 2.0 and now i have one page that said ambiguous reference because in 1.1.all controls needed to be defined in the class as well. Well after deleting those and leaving only the declares in the Markup,it says that the variables do not exists in current context. Intellisense allows me to use and reference them from the page but when trying to build it leaves me with that error.

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Web Forms :: Accessing Variables Containing Usercontrols In A Partial Class

Oct 25, 2010

Last night you guys here on this forum helped me in accessing properties of a dynamically loaded UC in an aspx page. Now i am facing another hiccup.

My code behind is : public partial class SiteUserControls_Message_Messages : BaseControl

In one of the click events i am loading three web users controls:

protected void RadTabStrip1_TabClick(object sender, RadTabStripEventArgs e)
SiteUserControls_Message_Create CreateNewMessageUC = Page.LoadControl(CreateMsgControl) as
SiteUserControls_Message_Create; // typecasting the UC


Now i want to access this variable CreateNewMessageUC in another event like this:

protected void MarkAsUnreadLinkButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)


But when i access teh variable in another event it is always null.

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MVC :: Calling A Method (of Model Class) From A Partial View?

Dec 13, 2010

MVC / LINQ to SQL.I am trying to insert my website's main logo in the Header.ascx.I have this function :


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Public Partial Class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page?

May 21, 2010

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page

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Web Forms :: Split(using Partial Class ) Code Behid .CS?

Mar 16, 2011

I requirement is my code Behind file contains more than 5 thousand line, Now i want to split the code into two file ...The other file also accept the web controls eventsi tried with partial classThis is my Code Behind File


this my class added to App_code Folder


here the Button1_Click method is web control

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MVC :: Multiple Instances Of Same Partial (with Same View Model) Messes Up Validation?

Jan 27, 2011

This project I'm working on have this custom clientside JavaScript validation framework created for (which I cannot change) that show error messages/summary based on your data annotations and a "Validate" method in your ViewModel.

Like I said I'm not allowed to change this, so wont be able to go with suggestions doing that.

What the person that created this did not foresee, is that one might need put several partials of the same type and having the same view model (each in a form) on a view.

So I went ahead and did things the normal way (using Html.whateverFor<model => model.whatever) and wala!....the custom validation thing throws error messages for the specific form fields, next to each form in the view. I was suggested to create a "prefix" for each instance of the view model, and do something like this:

Change: <%: Html.HiddenFor(model => model.AccountNumber)%>

To: <%: Html.Hidden(Model.ElementPrefix + "AccountNumber", Model.AccountNumber)%>

Not to mention the tons of jquery selectors and all that I have to go change (and all my view inputs)

(I just hate having to find workarounds for this "custom" everything they created for this project)

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Unable To Cast A Partial Class Based On LINQ To SQL Object

Mar 28, 2011

I have a database table called Animals which I drag on to my Linq to SQL DBML file.

This creates me a class called Animal.

I then create a class to extend it, like so:

public partial class Animal{
//my extra code here

But what I also want to do is have a class like this:

public class Zebra : Animal{
//even more extra code here

The trouble is I get an InvalidCastException from my repository, when I do this:

Animal a = dataContext.Animals.Where(c=>;
return (Zebra)a;

I've stripped back my classes to the point where they're completely empty in an attempt to work why it doesn't work. To no avail.

This casting process did used to work in the non-LINQ-2-SQL project that I'm switching to MVC/LINQ.

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