MVC :: Red White And Black Template On Site?
Feb 11, 2010
On this site in the MVC Site Design Templates, is on page 4 I think, is the "Red, White and Black" template. Something I noticed right away is that the only page which the rounded corners seems to take effect on is the home page. I can't figure out why this is....can anyone who's used it or not used it maybe take a look and see what the reason for this might be.
You'll notive that on the home page the entire outter div, div aroung the picture, everything is rounded, but not on the About page, or if you add any other pages, very strange. Maybe this is the why it was designed to be, but why implement rounded corners on only 1 page?
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{space} {space}HyperLink1
{space} {space}HyperLink1
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Jun 11, 2010
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I want open source white baord for that purpous so that I can modify code according to me .
If any can tell me which one is better to use.
Silverlight whiteboard or flash white board .Please detail me with reasons which technology is better for this purpous.
It will be of great help if any one can provide link to open source collabarative whiteboards.
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Oct 28, 2010
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