Web Forms :: Regex Which Removes White Spaces?

Oct 28, 2010

am using this function to remove whitespaces at html output. i had to put if else otherwise page was giving error afterasynchronous postbacks. now it works fine.is it possible to make it work also after asynchronous postbacks ?also is it possible to make this regex function also removes new lines ?like how google doesthere is no line at their source codes


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{space} {space}HyperLink1

{space} {space}HyperLink1


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Why Are The White Spaces Added To A Row In Sql Table

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Jan 28, 2011

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I am using the following formula in the TextBox but it does not work as I'd like it to.


I have a feeling it's because it generates HTML, but I can not figure out any other way to do this. I have also attempted to simply enter an empty string (" " & field) as well as chr(10) (empty character), but these were also failures.

Also, I tested the comparisons, by manually entering fake data if the condition is met and this worked fine, so it is not the comparisons.

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Sample Sample
Would produce
Sample Sample
Sample Sample

Wouldn't be affected.

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"white snake" : success
"white snake" : fail

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Regex: Match Opening / Closing Chars With Spaces?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm trying to complete a regular expression that will pull out matches based on their opening and closing characters, the closest I've gotten is


Which will match a string such as "[[word1]]" and bring me back all the matches if there is more than one, The problem is I want it to pick up matchs where there may be a space in so for example "[[word1 word2]]", now this will work if I add a space into my pattern above however this pops up a problem that it will only get one match for my entire string so for example if I have a string

"Hi [[Title]] [[Name]] [[surname]], How are you"

then the match will be "[[Title]] [[Name]] [[surname]]" rather than 3 matches "[[Title]]", "[[Name]]", "[[surname]]". I'm sure I'm just a char or two away in the Regex but I'm stuck, How can I make it return the 3 matches.

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Is that possible using Web Delpoyment Project?

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Web Forms :: Master.FindControl Removes UserControl?

May 19, 2010

I face this weird problem when I was trying to add multilanguage support to my website.The main login page contains user control and I am also using Master page. I added a linkbutton to master page so I can switch to other language from any page. So, whenever I want to switch langauage, I check this linkbutton text value. so I use this code

LinkButton lb = (LinkButton)Master.FindControl("languageLinkButton");

(Note: this code written inside protected override void InitializeCulture() in mainpagelogin.aspx)move the above line everything run normally.

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Web Forms :: Script That Removes Comments In Aspx And Cs Files?

Jul 12, 2010

I tend to use a lot of commenting in my code. All these comments slow down the page rendering.

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in cs pages I use
sometimes this

Hope to get some easy and nice tips/scripts.

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Nov 16, 2010

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Feb 19, 2010

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I was trying to follow this tutorial on msdn, but it doesn't quite fit perfectly with my problem:




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A demo of this can be found here: [URL]

For example, enter 1.30 in the text box then tab out or click somewhere else. The zero is removed.

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May 18, 2010

I wonder how you put in HTML code when you want one word to be in RED for example. Like my default color is White and then he words "This should be in RED" will be put in the color RED?


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IIS Removes If-None-Match And If-Modified-Since Headers?

Mar 1, 2010

I have an ASHX handler or an ASPX page (the problem happens in both cases).

The web client sends a request containing If-None-Match and/or If-Modified-Since headers but context.Request.Headers.Get("If-None-Match") or context.Request.Headers.Get("If-Modified-Since") is null in the handler.

The same script works in my local development machine but it doesn't work in the online machine (both are running IIS7 on Win 2008, .NET 3.5)

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State Management :: Cache Always Removes Itself?

Aug 11, 2010

I have some weird problem. We're using Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 (8 Cores and
8 GB RAM) with IIS 7.5 and ASP.NET MVC 2.

I always cache (simple) stuff via the context cache and it seems like 9 out of 10 immediate page refreshs the Cache["MyKey"] is always null, even though there's no memory limit set on the pool and the server has lots of free memory.

I add expiring data via:


When just doing: Cache.Insert("MyKey", myObject); or Cache["MyKey"] = myObject; I get the same result (cache is almost always null for that key).

As you can see I added a callback, which writes the CacheItemRemovedReason to a text file, and the text file says CacheItemRemovedReason.Removed for MyKey. The doc for CacheItemRemovedReason.Removed says, that I call Remove/Insert on it, even though in my whole project there's no "Remove"-calls, just simple if(Cache["MyKey"] == null) {Cache["MyKey"] = ...} stuff.

I tried adding:

<caching><cache disableMemoryCollection = "true" disableExpiration = "true" privateBytesLimit="0" percentagePhysicalMemoryUsedLimit="90" privateBytesPollTime="00:02:00" /></caching>

to my web.config file in the System.Web-section but nothing changed :(

why Cache["MyKey"] is almost always null?

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Web Forms :: Page Refresh White Screen?

Aug 4, 2010

I've an ".aspx" page and it refresh every 5000 milisecond, but the matter is "white screen" when it refresh. Is there any solution to fix it with JavaScript (AJAX) ?

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Server Removes Spacing Between Head Tags

Jun 11, 2010

I haven't been able to find relevant information through searches. I'm very green when it comes to sever side scripting. I have an ASPX page with a standard form. In the head I have meta tags, the title tag, and a link tag neatly ordered on their own lines. However, when viewing the source code after publishing to the server, the spacing between the tags is removed and it looks quite messy. (There are also <style> and <script> tags that follow, but they remain unaffected.)

I realize this has no practical effect on the site itself (in an SEO sense or otherwise). My project manager shows the source code to our clients to educate them on meta tags and page titles. It would help if it wouldn't become jumbled like this. I wonder if this is a common issue and if it's possible to prevent through better coding practices. HTML as authored, with tags separated on their own lines:

HTML Code:

<head runat="server">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Welcome to Lawn Care Waukesha - Cut My Lawn. Cut My Lawn - Lawn Care Services has offered quality lawn cutting, fertilizing, aerating, and much more at affordable pricing since 2002! We currently offer lawn care service to Waukesha, Brookfield, Pewaukee, Menomonee Falls, and surrounding communities." />
<meta name="keywords" content="lawn cutting, lawn mowing, lawn care, fertilizing, aeration, mulching, shrub trimming, lawn mowing, edging, pruning, mulching, weed control, waukesha, Brookfield, Pewaukee, menomonee falls" />
<title>Lawn Care Waukesha — Cut My Lawn, Lawn Care Service</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" />
HTML after being processed by the sever, with all the tags running together:

HTML Code:
<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><meta name="description" content="Welcome to Lawn Care Waukesha - Cut My Lawn. Cut My Lawn - Lawn Care Services has offered quality lawn cutting, fertilizing, aerating, and much more at affordable pricing since 2002! We currently offer lawn care service to Waukesha, Brookfield, Pewaukee, Menomonee Falls, and surrounding communities." /><meta name="keywords" content="lawn cutting, lawn mowing, lawn care, fertilizing, aeration, mulching, shrub trimming, lawn mowing, edging, pruning, mulching, weed control, waukesha, Brookfield, Pewaukee, menomonee falls" /><title>
Lawn Care Waukesha — Cut My Lawn, Lawn Care Service
</title><link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" />

I'm not sure it's relevant, but here's the script used to send the form (which I didn't write, by the way). It's the final tag inside the page head:

HTML Code:
<script type="" runat="server">
Protected Sub SubmitForm_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If Not Page.IsValid Then Exit Sub
Dim SendResultsTo As String = "email"
Dim smtpMailServer As String = "smtp"
Dim smtpUsername As String = "email"
Dim MailSubject As String = "subject"
Dim txtQ As TextBox = Me.FormContent.FindControl("TextBoxQ")
If txtQ IsNot Nothing Then
Dim ans As String = ViewState("hf1")
If ans.ToLower <> txtQ.Text.ToLower Or ans.ToUpper <> txtQ.Text.ToUpper Then
Me.CutMyLawnForm.ActiveViewIndex = 3.......................

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Making A Build That Removes Source CS Files

Nov 22, 2010

How to make a build in VS 2010 within an ASP.NET MVC application that would remove all of the source code (CS and VB) files? When I build a website or web app I usually copy the contents of the entire solution to the hosting server. Mostly clients get the source but sometimes I do not want to expose the source to the hosting server thus only the Public (or Content) folder, views, masters and the built DLL should be copied.

Manual solutions are not applicable. What do you guys use?

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Regular Expression That Removes Attributes From Tags?

Jun 22, 2010

What I'm interested in is a regular expression that will accept HTML input and remove all attributes inside the tag while leaving the tag intact. For example I want this...

<p class="test" id="TestParagraph">This is some test text right here.</p>

To become this...

<p>This is some test text right here.</p>

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