Why Are The White Spaces Added To A Row In Sql Table

Oct 25, 2010

I'm not sure why this is, basically when I insert a row using the following function:


The field 'Password' ends up having white spaces in it (as in "Password "). So whatever the password is it's trailed by white spaces.

The strange thing is this doesn't happen to the field 'UserName', both are of type char(50).

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Web Forms :: How Add White-spaces In HtmlTextWriter

Jan 11, 2010

I am trying to add white-spacess before showing my hyperlink.


{space} {space}HyperLink1

{space} {space}HyperLink1


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Web Forms :: Regex Which Removes White Spaces?

Oct 28, 2010

am using this function to remove whitespaces at html output. i had to put if else otherwise page was giving error afterasynchronous postbacks. now it works fine.is it possible to make it work also after asynchronous postbacks ?also is it possible to make this regex function also removes new lines ?like how google doesthere is no line at their source codes


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Jan 28, 2011

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If I use the "Paste from MS Word (with cleanup)" feature, the document loses its formatting.

If I don't use it, many spaces get lost and the words around them get concatenated. I just downloaded the last release of the toolkit and the problem still persists.

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SQL Reporting :: Adding White Spaces To A TextBox In A Rdlc?

Jan 28, 2011

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I am using the following formula in the TextBox but it does not work as I'd like it to.


I have a feeling it's because it generates HTML, but I can not figure out any other way to do this. I have also attempted to simply enter an empty string (" " & field) as well as chr(10) (empty character), but these were also failures.

Also, I tested the comparisons, by manually entering fake data if the condition is met and this worked fine, so it is not the comparisons.

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Configuration :: Remove White Spaces From Aspx And Aspx.cs?

Oct 14, 2010

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Is that possible using Web Delpoyment Project?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Header Css / Set The text Color To White For The Header Only The Non Bound Columns Go White

Aug 13, 2010

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How can i do it? apart from using image.

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Linq Table Can Be Added To The Cache?

Jan 15, 2010

And if so is there an example in vb .net? I want to add a linq result to the cache and then allow a mvc post to search the cache for better performance...every way I implement it I receive an object not referenced error...

I'm confused, maybe I shouldn't be doing it this way but the mvc post will be checking up to 2000 records and it would seem best not to have it querying the database everytime.

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Jul 9, 2010

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Send An Email If A Record Is Added To A Table?

Sep 16, 2010

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Jun 17, 2010


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Forms Data Controls :: How Would The Table Have Been Added To The + Sign

Jun 8, 2010

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Sep 2, 2010

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Now, i am inserting some other records into table 2.what i need is, to retrieve the count of the recently added records into table2.How to achieve this?

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C# - ItextSharp: Table Disappears When Added To Paragraph With KeepTogether=true

Jan 28, 2011

I am exporting some data to a PDF and I have been using iTextSharp with a lot of success, but I just hit a wall.

I have a group of information I need to keep on a single page. This information includes a handful of other Paragraph objects and tables. I can add 3 Paragraphs to another parent Paragraph and set that parent's KeepTogether property to true and everything works great.

When I add a PdfPTable to the Paragraph with KeepTogether set to true, the table disappears. No Exceptions or error messages, the table just disappears.

Any clue as to what is happening? Is there a work around? Should I be coding differently, like is there a better parent control than Paragraph to keep text and tables together on one page?

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Web Forms :: Table Added To Skin Doesn't Apply To Controls On Page?

Mar 22, 2010

Actually the controls are in a user control on an aspx page that also uses a master page (if that matters)

I defined a table in the skin file with TableHeaderRow, HeaderTableCell. I added some formatting to these entries. The table defined in the control is not being skinned by this definition. If I add a "CssClass" on the TableHeaderCell in the control, the formatting works fine. If I add the CssClass to the skin it doesn't work.

Skin file:

<asp:Table runat="server" SkinID="dataTable" BorderStyle="None" CellPadding="0" CellSpacing="0" CssClass="table">

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Architecture :: Should DAL Reference Added In Presentation Layer? How To Access The Instance Of Table In Presenta

Mar 3, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Added Table Rows Disappear On Return?

Nov 23, 2010

I am adding table rows dynamically, after I return from a post back, these rows disappear.

Is there a way to preserve these rows and add them back on page load?

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What Needs To Be Set To Get Rid Of The White Under The Drop Shadow

Jan 20, 2010

I am trying to implement charting into one of my sites, and I am having a hard time styling the border to make it transparent.

I've attached a image so you can see what it is I am talking about. I have yet to figure out what needs to be set to get rid of the white under the drop shadow ...

If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear how to get rid of this ...

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C# - White-labelling .NET Webapp?

Nov 26, 2010

I have an ASP.NET webapp that business customers in India wish to purchase and run within their premises (it's for industrial use). What's my best approach to do this, but not lose control of my IP? Some concerns I had:

Does ASP.NET4 code still need to get obfuscated to protect against reverse engineering, and how would this be done?Do I need to create a separate build specific to each customer that is restricted in some manner (eg. tied to physical box attributes such as CPU)?Is it possible for me to be the sole admin on the box, but give remote access to the folders that contain my CSS and HTML. That way I can maintain control over the code, but give the limited access the custom needs to customize the webapp to their site's look and feel.

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Web Forms :: After Added Already Existing Project The Solution Icon Vanished By Showing The Icon Of Recently Added Project?

Feb 1, 2010

I have the following list of projects WebUI (WebSite) , DataAccess (ClassLibrary) , LogicLayer(ClassLibrary). Those of the project are purposively crated separately.But my scenario is, need to create only one solution file, then add all of the above projects under this solution file. So that i can be easiy interacted and changes can be made by opening solution file only instead of opening each project individually.

Simply all of the layer projects are under one roof means one solution. I tried it by adding solution first, then i added already existed project into this. But once after added already existing project the solution icon vanished by showing the icon of recently added project. By this way I could not add another project into this section too.Hope this is the way the basic real-time projects are created; to achieve the centralized control over architecture based projects.

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Adding White Space To A Thumbnail?

Jul 26, 2010

In my website, users have the ability to upload images to my website. When the image is uploaded it will automatically have a smaller thumbnail created by my website. The thumbnails are not displaying correctly in my repeater though (and by correctly I mean Im not sure how to display them).

Each image sits inside a square div element which is 145 x 145 pixels. Some of the images are 145 wide with a relative height and some are 145 high with a relative width. When my page is displayed the wider images sit at the bottom of my 145 x 145 div,whereas the higher image sit at the bottom and to the left. I would prefer them to all be centered.

I cant find a way to do this is in CSS becuase the images are retrieved dynamically so I cant assign a height beforehand. Is there a way to add white space to my image during the thumbnail creation process so that all images are 145 x 145 but still maintain the aspect ratio? Or can someone think of a good way to do this with CSS and HTML, OR even with javascript (keeping in mind that my images come inside a repeater bound to data in the db.

If you want to see any of my code or the thumbnail creating class just ask.

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Web Forms :: One Word In White And Next In Red (HTML)

May 18, 2010

I wonder how you put in HTML code when you want one word to be in RED for example. Like my default color is White and then he words "This should be in RED" will be put in the color RED?


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