MVC :: Refresh Partial On Date Change?

Jul 12, 2010

To start off, not only am I new to MVC, but to web dev in general.

I have a table of information, placed in a partial view, populated by a LINQ query based on a date (default is today). I have a textbox with the jQuery date picker control that is outside of that partial view. I want to be able to force a refresh of the controller method that renders the table, so that it will pull in the the new date selected, re-run the query, and display the new results.

I have read post after post about doing something similar, but nothing works for my situation.

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MVC :: Refresh The Particular Partial View And Change The Link To An Image?

Jul 29, 2010

i have a partial view which iterates over a colection so at the end of the day i have several partial views on my page in a long list.within each partial view, i have an actionlink..on clicking this link, i want to refresh that particular partial view and change the link to an can i do this with jquery and MVC 2 ?i think i have seen something like this on the facebook and twitter interface.

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Javascript - Auto Partial Page Refresh Without UpdatePanel?

Oct 24, 2010

I want to make auto partial page refresh in There is UpdatePanel but it sends too much data. So I've found that I can make a webservice and call it by the JavaScript code. But I don't know how to call webservice automatic. There are many examples showing how to call webservice by the button click event:


How to do this by the interval? Am I going in good direction?

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Configuration :: Partial Page Refresh Using UpdatePanel Inside A WizardControl?

Oct 14, 2010

I've implemented a Wizard in which most steps are UserControls. One of these steps contains a DropDownList and a RadioButtonList. Depending on the item selected in the DropDownList, some items in the adioButtonList are disabled or enabled via a callback. This works fine.

Then I added a ToolkitScriptManager to the page (EnablePartialRendering="true") and wrapped the controls in this particular step in an UpdatePanel's ContentTemplate. Running inside of VS2008, the appropriate radio buttons are disabled or enabled as expected in response to changes in the DropDownList without a full page refresh. It feels much more response and looks slick.

Then I deploy to the test server and suddenly the partial-page refresh is gone, the whole page is redrawing as though the script manager and UpdatePanel hadn't been added.

I've tried several variations on this, always with the same result. For instance - I moved the DropDownList outside of the updatePanel and added an AsyncPostbackTrigger for the DropDown's SelectedIndexChange event. No change - works in VS2008 but not on the server. - I added ChildrenAsTriggers="false" UpdateMode="Conditional" to the UpdatePanel, both with the DropDown inside the UpdatePanel and outside the UpdatePanel. No change - works in VS2008 but not on the server.

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MVC :: Partial Views And Popups...After Clicking On Close Need To Refresh The Page?

Aug 16, 2010

I amusing the PopUp example as suggestedin the above forum link.....

But now i want to Refresh the page after clicking on Close(x) ...

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AJAX :: Partial Refresh Of Update Panel Using Do_postback() Changing Position?

May 29, 2010

I am facing a critical condition wherein I have a web page and a User control within it.I need to set the value of two labels in the user control using values collected on the server side.However whatever I do on the server side or client side I do see on the webpage although I can see in the code that it is being set.So Now I am just sending the value from the server side and setting it on the client side.I am sending from server side using,

if(rowcnt > 0 && rowcnt1 > 0 && (selectedh != string.Empty))
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.updMainTable, typeof(string), "test1", "showRehabMain('"+val+"')", true);


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AJAX :: Use FileUpload Control With Partial PostBack To Avoid Page Refresh

May 7, 2015

Here is the sample code am trying.

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="conditional">
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="Button1" />

[Code] ....

This upload is working. But why the page is getting refreshed? this is not partial post back and instead it 's full post back. i have read the articles for the fileuplaod with issue inside the update panel. is there any way to achieve this asynchronous upload on button click?

I don't want to use the Ajaxtoolkit  Asyncupload because that will upload (Ref : [URL] ....] the moment when we seelct the file itself which i don't want to do that. i need to do on the button click event. 

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AJAX :: Call JavaScript Function After UpdatePanel Refresh (Partial PostBack) Is Completed

May 7, 2015

[URL] .... am using this functionality in my project and it is working very fine but i am facing very strange issue while using this.

The above functionality is not working when we place dropdownlist and textbox inside updatePanel and ModalPopupExtender

The .aspx page where i am using ModalpopupExtender and UpdatePanel for DropDownList and Textbox is below

<%-- *************************** MODAL POPUP EXTENDER ***************************************************** --%>
<asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField3" runat="server" />
<asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField4" runat="server" />
<cc1:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender1" runat="server" PopupControlID="Div6" TargetControlID="HiddenField3"
BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground" CancelControlID="bclosemodalpopup" >

[Code] ....

The above code is not working with UpdatePanel but it is working if we remove DropdownList and Textbox from updatepanel.

The javascript code which i am using is below

<script type = "text/javascript">
var ddlText, ddlValue, ddl, lblMesg;
function CacheItems() {
ddlText = new Array();

[Code] .....

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Web Forms :: How To Change A Date To Orcle Date Format

Sep 21, 2010

How can I change a date to orcle date format? I am developing a web application using csharp. I am typing a date in a text box control as dd-mmm-yyyy. Now when I submit it is giving an error saying that date is not in a correct format. The code I am using is below. How can ensure that date is in a acceptable format to oracle sql?[Code]....

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Web Forms :: Change Code To Change Date Format In Label?

May 27, 2010

I am using this code to generate the current date to label.

Label14.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString

It output as 5/27/2010 10:31:53 AM

However I want only 5/27/2010

How should I change this code ?

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JQuery :: How Change 8 Digit Number Date To Original Date Format Using Jquery

Nov 10, 2010

I am using Jquery datepicker in a textbox...if user want to type the date in the format of 12202010 needs to convert to 12/20/2010...

I didn't it on the server side...but its always doing a postback once i got the focus on the textbox...

I just want to do it on the client side using jquey...

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Jan 20, 2010

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I save only url of video.

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Web Forms :: How To Change Data With Page Refresh

Dec 27, 2010

I made a gallery with datareapeter the show only a picture.

i want with page refresh change picture.

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Jquery - Change Theme Dynamically Without Page Refresh?

Mar 3, 2010

You must have noticed one link in, or other popular websites named "Page Options". When you click this link you get a popup displaying different small several color icons. After clicking one of these icons your page theme changes without entire page refresh. Now you are able to see the same page with different look and feel.

How does it happen and what it takes to do it? Is this possible in ASP.NET? If yes, how to do it?

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AJAX :: Save Data / Change After Refresh The Page?

Feb 7, 2010

i my futur webpage i wan't to use ajax. First i tough to use a panel to hold my controls and turn in visible/invisible with buttons. But if i use ajax and i refresh the page and show other controls.

I have a page with 3 different kind of data. in the first you can't type a name, you function, ... in the other more specific and the last one an evaluation. but if i refresh my page to a other what hapends with the data i typed in the first, can it be saved at temporary place. Because at the end all the data will be saved in a SQL database, but it still needs to be possible before it goes into the database to change it.

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AJAX :: How To Refresh Update Panel On DropDownList Change

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to refresh updatepanel using dropdownlist but facing problems.

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlClass" EnableViewState="true" AutoPostBack="false" class="input-large span10" runat="server" onchange="loadAllDefaults();" Style="width: auto;">

Above is the code of dropdownlist

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="ddlClass" />
<asp:Repeater ID="rep1" runat="server">

[Code] ....

This is updatepanel code. as shown in the code, i am referring to ddlClass in triggers which already calls a javascript function loadAllDefaults();

The problem is, since ddlClass is calling javascript function 'onchange' property, i cannot call any other function of backend code and I want to refresh the updatepanel on the basis of selected value of dropdownlist.

How can i do this? I have created a function in c# code in backend but I am not able to call both functions together!

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Web Forms :: How To Change Website Theme Dynamically At Runtime Without Page Refresh

Mar 31, 2013

I tried this link but I wonder is it possible doing the same thing without page refresh?

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AJAX :: How To Go About Making A Bigger Piece Of Content Change (without Page Refresh) Using The Same Buttons?

May 12, 2010

I created some buttons and a label inside UpdatePanel. Upon clicking the buttons Label's text changes as configured. Lovely. Now how do I go about making a bigger piece of content change (without page refresh) using the same buttons? (Basically I'm trying to build Ajax tabs)I tried making the button click event change ContentPlaceHolderID value on some Content controls but that doesn't seem to work.

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Page_load Fires Twice For UpdatePanel Refresh Whilst Having A JQuery Bound Change Event On A Dropdown List?

Sep 11, 2010

I've tried to wrap up my problem with a complete example below - the original problem is part of a jQuery plug-in that I'm writing to extend the behaviour of an ASP.NET ajax application I already have.

The aspx page below has one drop down list which is marked for auto post back. I've also bound a change event using jquery (which ultimately I will swap for a .live() event to maintain the binding after the update panel refresh.) The problem is, when the jQuery event is bound I see two ajax begin requests and page_loads fire but only one ddlTest_OnselectedIndexChanged event. One of the page loads is malformed too - the content-length states it's about 300 bytes long whilst the totalBytes is 0 and form data empty. This does not happen if I bind to the click event of a button.

why the erroneous page_load event is firing ?


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Forms Data Controls :: Commandargument Wouldn't Change For Session As Long As I Didn't Refresh The Gridview?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a gridview set up as follows:


Now, as you can see I've set up the commandargument, and was expecting to get to that in my code behind file. My code is as follows:

[Code].... far so good, and as long as I'm the only one working on the system it works fine. The problem is if this scenario happens:

* I go to the page and look at the gridview

* Someone else enters a new record into the database, causing the first row to contain a new record (not displayed in my browser)

* I click select.

What happens then is that, for some odd reason, I will get n numbers higher than the one I actually selected (n = num_added -num_removed).

I was under the impression that the commandargument wouldn't change for my session as long as I didn't refresh the gridview...?... There are no ajax or anything else messing with postbacks or viewstate as far as I can see..

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How Do I Change Date Format

Sep 22, 2010

I have a table with a date field that had date saved in the format of yyyy-mm-dd, what i want to achieve is when I display them I want them to be displayed as an example "September 05 2009" format.

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Want To Change Date Format?

Nov 4, 2010

I am getting date on my aspx page as

10/22/2010 11:52:07 AM

How can i change the format so that i becomes:

22 Oct 2010 11:52 AM

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How To Change The Hour Property Of

Sep 6, 2010

i want to change the hour that i get from because the server is in different country and we have 2 hours difference.

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Databases :: How To Change Date Format

Sep 6, 2010

I am using Oracle 10g im my project. In my select query, i want to change the format to dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss from mm/dd/yyy hh:mm:ss. The field datatype is date. How can i write a query for this?

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How To Change The Format Of A Date From A Database

Mar 6, 2011

I have a lable that displays a date that comes from a database. Its stored in the database like this06/03/2011 00:00:00And I am hoping to display the date in the label like this6th March 2011I'm populating the label like thislblDailyDate.Text = TodaysDaily.DailyDate.ToString();

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