MVC :: Using HandleError Out Of The Box In 3?

Mar 15, 2011

I trying to do something like thatFirst, Create a new mvc 3 project in visual studio 2010Next, Turning on the custom error in the ViewsSharedWeb.config ...And then, I put the Tag in the Index ActionResult, Home Controller Public Class HomeController Inherits System.Web.Mvc.Controller


End ClassFinally run the app, and always show the yellow message error. I review a lot of examples and always indicated that is correct, but doesn't work.

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MVC :: How To Use HandleError Attribute On Controller

Nov 16, 2010

i wanna use HandleError attribute on my Controller. but it doesn't work .

here's my sample:



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MVC :: Error.aspx-HandleError

Mar 6, 2011

I am doing MVC 2 have given HandleError attribute to all of my controller class.I have

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="Error.aspx">

In my web.configI also have Error.aspx in my shared folder of views.Still on an exception in controller, The Error.aspx is not rendered

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MVC HandleError Attribute Not Working On Controller?

Aug 2, 2010

I am experimenting with the relationship between Elmah and MVC's plumbed in exception handling, and am surprised at the outcome of the following code. This is a brand new, straight from project template MVC application, and I have only added Elmah modules and handlers to the web.config.


Break when error is thrown is set to off, yet the debugger still breaks. When I continue I get a YSOD, and an Elmah error log, but it seems HandleError is doing nothing.

JUST IN I didn't think I had to have custom errors turned on, as I thought that was only for 'my' unhandled errors.

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MVC :: Use HandleError Attribute With JQueryUI Dialog?

Sep 28, 2010

I have HandleError attribute working normally, however:

I have a jqueryui dialog that displays a partial view. If i generate an error in this action the dialog just remains blank and no redirect to the Error.aspx page.

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MVC :: HandleError Dont Work In Same Way In Different 2 Project Types?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm trying to work with HandleError attribute in a MVC2 application and found some weird feature.When you create a new project and choose "ASP NET MVC2 Web Application" (the one that comes with Home and Account suppport) the following code works well:


I believe that is a configuration issue, but I don't kwon how search about.Anyone has an explanation for this?

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C# - Mvc 3 Handleerror Global Filter Always Shows IIS Status 500 Page?

Jan 30, 2011

I have tried everything, even uninstalling mvc3, and I can't get HandleError global filter working.I have set up the HandleError filter in the Global.asax:

public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());

Also I have CustomErrors enabled (it does not matter if i set defaultRedirect="Error" or not, I think that is in the docs because is needed for older versions of mvc):

<customErrors mode="On" />

Trying to navigate through the page until the error gets raised, wether you do from localhost or using the hostname, inside the development server or IIS 7.5, it always redirects to a standard status 500 page, instead of my custom Error.cshtml view that I have created in Shared. Here is Error view code:

@model System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorInfo

ViewBag.Title = "Oooops";

<h2>Ooops Something really bad happened!</h2>

Also I have noted that if I create a new ASP.NET MVC3 project and then select "Internet Application" template, and just enabling customErrors in that project, then the HandleError filter starts working just fine, however using the empty MVC3 template does not.I want to clarify, that indeed I can see the error view being processing when debugging, however the browser always display Error 500 page.

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MVC :: Does [HandleError] Attribute In MVC Replaces The Traditional Try Catch Exception Handling

Feb 3, 2010

Does [HandleError] attribute in MVC replaces the traditional try catch exception handling?

As I have seen codes in controllers where the top line of code is [HandleError] also I have not seen much of try catch in the code of the application I am working on.

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