MVC :: Installing With Web Platform Installer 3

Feb 7, 2011

I get the following error when i try to install mvc 3 using the Web Platform Installer 3.0: "This product did not install succesfully: Downloaded file failed signature verification and may have been tampered with" The other thing I've noticed is that inside the "Application DataMicrosoftWeb Platform InstallerinstallersMVC3..." folder, the Web Platform Installer creats a "AspNetMVC3Setup.exe" file that has a size an aprox file size of 200KB. Meanwhile, at the beginign of the instalation process the Web Platform Installer informs that it will download a 20MB file.

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Visual Studio :: Installing From Web Platform Installer Without Installing SQL?

Jan 18, 2010

Why does the Web Platform Installer force you to install SQL 2008 Express?

I have a production server which already has an installation of SQL 2000 but no web development tools are installed. I would prefer not to add SQL 2008 Express if it is not necessary. The server in addition to being the primary intranet webserver is also DC, APP SERVER, FILE SERVER and basically does not need to handle an extra instance of SQL.

The main purpose of this is just one of convenience to have the web development app on the RDP Desktop instead of attaching to the server in some manner (ftp/unc share).

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Web Platform Installer Says Already Installed But Not

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C# - Create A Setup For A Web Application With Web Platform Installer?

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I have a large Web Application ( ErPwith 11 subsystem) and I want tocreate a setup for itwith Microsoft WebPI. Currently We send our application for customers once a week (for weekly updates). We usefollowing tools in this application, So How to create a setup for out project toconfigure it in client IIS automatically

List item
.netFramework 3.5
SQL server 2008
SQL Server Reporting Services (RDL)
Visual Studio Client Reports (RDLC)

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Web Platform Installer And Sql Express Database Setup

Feb 3, 2010

I tried to install Amplifeeder today with the Web Platform Installer. When I arrived at the database setup I had to fill out some informations like "db admin user/password" and user username/password. Using SQL Express I do not have any username/password (neither admin or user). How should I be able to install applications with the WPI and SQL Express 2008 ?

Basically I had this error while trying to install in the logs: DownloadManager Error: 0 : MS Deploy exception: Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentClientServerException: The database 'AmpliFeederDB' could not be created. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'sa'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

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Installation :: Web Platform Installer Refusing To Complete?

Sep 5, 2010

I tried installing the package on my PC today. I had just made a fresh install of Win 7 pro 64 bit, basically a disk wipe, re-install and all Windows updates.

If I remember correctly, there was a list of 21 products to install. When it got to 19 (Visual Web developer), it stayed there with no error message for a very long time until I got tired of it and cancelled using task manager (pressing Cancel yielded no results).I then tried re-starting the PC in Safe Mode w/networking. The WPI "knew" I had already installed the other products and suggested I install Web Developer and SQL Server. This time, I did get errors, but the error log basically said that the instal program returned "1601" (install failed),

I also tried installing Web Developer only, omitting SQL server. This didn't help. suggest a patch, or alternative way of completing this install?

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Visual Studio :: How To Install Web Developer Express 2010 - Web Platform Installer

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I installed Web Platform Installer as instructed on the download site, but there is no VWD Express under any tabs...including Tools.

FYI: I did install VWD 2010 using WPI on my other machine but somehow on this machine WPI does not show this option.

Not sure if VS2010 RC was installed on this machine and that's the issue.

Now i am downloading .iso image for VS 2010 Express that has VWD express.

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May 5, 2010

I am using WCF, now can somebody guide me how to make installer to install the services in IIS??? i don't wan to do manually.

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May 7, 2010

I sucessfully installed SQL Server Express 2010 on my windows server. I then tried to install the SQL Server 2008 management studio via Web Platform Installer but it failed (it did however sucessfully install powershell).


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MVC :: Installing 3 - Error 1722 "Windows Installer Package"

Mar 10, 2011

I am getting really fed up trying to install MVC 3, I have bloged about the problem here - [URL] To sum it up, after ages of digging around, I finally managed to track it down to the aspnetwebpages.msi component. I am not sure what to do next as I have tried to repair, remove, force delete as well as a few other things, but I am just getting no where. I have a normal system - I upgraded to Windows 7 SP1 yesterday, VS 2010 SP1 today and have never had any Betas installed apart from Web Matrix which I uninstalled today (after the VS SP1).

The exact details of the error is: Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action WebConfigCA_Remove, location: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft ASP.NETASP.NET Web Pagesv1.0WebConfigWebConfigCA.exe, command: -u Logging stopped: 10/03/2011 01:22:31 ===

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Visual Studio :: Installing Visual Studio 2010 Pro RC In Windows Xp SP3 And Getting A Message Prompt : Invalid Windows Installer Package Contact Vendorlog File Says?

Feb 22, 2010

installing visual studio 2010 pro RC in windows Xp SP3 and getting a message prompt : invalid windows installer package contact vendorlog file says

Error Message:

[02/22/10,17:09:07] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: [2] CMsiComponent::Install() expects the setup file for Microsoft Application Error Reporting, but the file failed verification.
[02/22/10,17:09:07] setup.exe: [2] ISetupComponent::Pre/Post/Install() failed in ISetupManager::InternalInstallManager() with HRESULT -2147467259.
[02/22/10,17:09:08] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Application Error Reporting is not installed.

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Mar 7, 2011

Can anyone guide me to a website where I can see the list of all the keywords available in a windows installer like [TargetDir] and [ProductVersion].

Can anyone also show me a very detailed tutorial of customizing the windows installer?

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How To Create Installer In 3.5

May 18, 2010

We are working in healthcare domain and intergating various medical equipments with the web application.Earlier i was window forms control libray and embedd it into my html page but as it is a .net component so to run it on d client machine i had to set the CAS(code access security ) settings on the client machine and for that 1stly client should have .net framework which comes very windy for the client to download closly 350MB data and then do all the CAS stuff. This time i want to get rid from this method and want to use some other way to do this activity.

The major thing that i have to do i need to excute the 1 exe file on click of Button and then once ECG start recording on the client machine its binary file get store on d static path on client machine and after that i browse this file and save it on my server. Now, simply wanted that i should create one installer which can automatically install .net framwwork and do required CAS settings automatically. second thing is how can i upload the file lying on machine to my server. How can i do that in 3.5?

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Jan 20, 2010

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Database Versioning/Migrations
ORM or similar code gen
Pre-generated administrative screens
View generation
Theming / styling
(I'm sure I'm forgetting another cornerstone feature)

There's lots of options that cover one or more of these aspects but is there something in .Net that covers all of them?

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Is Framework Platform Independent

Feb 7, 2011

Is .NET framework platform independent? I need a well authentic and clear one answer

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ASP.NET Asset Management Platform?

Apr 7, 2010

I want to develop an ASP.NET based solution to manage and digitatize a library of several thousand garments that my company has developed over the past 10 years. This platform should enable my designers to easily create a new style, upload different photos of the same garment, upload the spec, and record the different attributes as well as enable users to browse and search through the collection and retrieve the photos and specs. Before I start from scratch, I am hoping that someone here can point me to either a open source package or a commercial solution that I can extend and customize to achieve what I need.

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Oct 24, 2010

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C# - Unable To Run .exe Installer From Page

Sep 27, 2010

I'm attempting to create an ASP.NET/C# page that runs a PowerShell script that will run an .exe installer. The ASP.NET page is currently running in IIS 6.0 on Windows Server 2003. The PowerShell script works correctly from the PS command line but when invoked from the ASP.NET page the page just hangs. No processes are created and it appears that the server just appears to hang forever. I have successfully gotten other PowerShell scripts that run simple Cmdlets or other scripts to work from the ASP.NET page.

I've verified that the Website has script and execute permissions and that the ASP.NET page can see the script on disk. When I run the script on the command line I am an Admin user, I've checked the user in the ASP.NET page and its running as the 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE' user. I gave that user full permissions to execute the script but there was no change. I feel like the issue is 1. User permissions which I am still a novice on in Windows. 2. Some prompt is being given to execute the script that I am not answering, however no Windows or prompts are displayed when this is run from the ASP.NET page, (the installer is shown when running the script from the command line).

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Installation :: Web Installer - Won't Install MVC

Jun 28, 2010

Seemed simple. I clicked on install now, downloaded and ran the Web Installer. First, ASP.Net MVC didn't install. I have uninstalled and reinstalled everything twice without luck. The Web Installer insists ASP.NET MVC is already installed. Second, given a nice menu of CMS dbs to try, I tried Atomz, N2CMS and Umbraco. Atom won't work with the net version downloaded via this download, so why is it even included here? I could not figure out what N2CMS or Umbraco wanted in terms of user names and passwords, so those CMS's didn't install. So, what all do I really need to create a website with ASP.Net MVC? Do I need Visual Studio Express (don't we have to pay for this?). I have Win 7 64 Home Premimum.

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Creating A Database Installer?

Oct 14, 2010

I have been reading the below article and I have got it to work.


The problem is when I use my database script file it throws an error 1001 saying error next to keyword 'GO'. But if i take the exact same script and run it in SQL Management Studio it works fine.

Try this small script, this is what I am using and its giving me an error, An above is a lovely article to creating a database from microsoft.


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Is Blogengine A Stable Blogging Platform

Apr 3, 2011

I implement many themes in 2.0 for many users and have lots of problems with it then i need to thing first that are it is really stable.

when i use 2.0 pagination in the stable version wrongly coded they never update them even someone reported them many time. means no one care about bad thing populated in 2.0 when i learn them their is too much blog but not as much as wordpress no problem but if you have a question their is no one answer you or answer you got from community going too late. this is not like a wordpress community then you question and get response quickly.

the first and 2nd is small issue no problem i have from that but a big problem is that functionality in not working well as in wordpress and in some other cms have every functionality well designed. i found many issue i reported from other when i implement theme from them like.

3.1 if someone write a post who are in future date , in draft , or published then sometime they show addpost page instead of editpost page. this make sometime user feel dirty because you know what they thing when they write a big post and found that all their craft goes left

3.2 have less functionality then any average other CMS no problem if it's less the issue that sometime you not found what's going wrong whenever their is a issue in the code you write or refactor existing pattern in

SO i want to know are 2.0 really have stable version or they make them only for showing that they have really same thing as other.

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Detecting What Platform Code Is Running On In C#?

Dec 9, 2010

I have C# code I want to use in both a WinForms app and ASP.NET website. The database connection string differs for each though, so I want to be able to find out which platform it's running on and set the connection string appropriately. Is there an easy/recommended way to do this ?

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Build To Survey Platform From Scratch Using Asp?

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Setup A WebTV Platform In IIS / Windows?

Feb 6, 2010

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Is there a platform/open source package to provide all the clip (and advertisement) scheduling to create the WebTV program? Or do I need to create my own scheduling interface (backend) that will store the .flv schedule in a database, and create e.g. an .aspx that will read the current time and decide which clip to serve?

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