Web Platform Installer And Sql Express Database Setup

Feb 3, 2010

I tried to install Amplifeeder today with the Web Platform Installer. When I arrived at the database setup I had to fill out some informations like "db admin user/password" and user username/password. Using SQL Express I do not have any username/password (neither admin or user). How should I be able to install applications with the WPI and SQL Express 2008 ?

Basically I had this error while trying to install in the logs: DownloadManager Error: 0 : MS Deploy exception: Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentClientServerException: The database 'AmpliFeederDB' could not be created. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'sa'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

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C# - Create A Setup For A Web Application With Web Platform Installer?

Jun 15, 2010

I have a large Web Application ( ErPwith 11 subsystem) and I want tocreate a setup for itwith Microsoft WebPI. Currently We send our application for customers once a week (for weekly updates). We usefollowing tools in this application, So How to create a setup for out project toconfigure it in client IIS automatically

List item
.netFramework 3.5
SQL server 2008
SQL Server Reporting Services (RDL)
Visual Studio Client Reports (RDLC)

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Visual Studio :: How To Install Web Developer Express 2010 - Web Platform Installer

Jul 4, 2010

I had VS 2010 RC installed on my machine. Uninstalled it and wanted to install VWD 2010.

I installed Web Platform Installer as instructed on the download site, but there is no VWD Express under any tabs...including Tools.

FYI: I did install VWD 2010 using WPI on my other machine but somehow on this machine WPI does not show this option.

Not sure if VS2010 RC was installed on this machine and that's the issue.

Now i am downloading .iso image for VS 2010 Express that has VWD express.

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Web Platform Installer Says Already Installed But Not

Aug 21, 2010

Just trying to download it from [URL] for the first time. Web Platform Installer says regarding "Frameworks and Runtimes" (and also "Visual Studio Tools"), "All the recommended products from this group are already installed", even though they're not. Did have something called Visual Studio Runtime Redistributable installed which is just a handful of DLL's. I uninstalled it though - made no difference. Also removed entries from registry with "Visual Studio" in them, also made no difference.

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MVC :: Installing With Web Platform Installer 3

Feb 7, 2011

I get the following error when i try to install asp.net mvc 3 using the Web Platform Installer 3.0: "This product did not install succesfully: Downloaded file failed signature verification and may have been tampered with" The other thing I've noticed is that inside the "Application DataMicrosoftWeb Platform InstallerinstallersMVC3..." folder, the Web Platform Installer creats a "AspNetMVC3Setup.exe" file that has a size an aprox file size of 200KB. Meanwhile, at the beginign of the instalation process the Web Platform Installer informs that it will download a 20MB file.

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Installation :: Web Platform Installer Refusing To Complete?

Sep 5, 2010

I tried installing the asp.net package on my PC today. I had just made a fresh install of Win 7 pro 64 bit, basically a disk wipe, re-install and all Windows updates.

If I remember correctly, there was a list of 21 products to install. When it got to 19 (Visual Web developer), it stayed there with no error message for a very long time until I got tired of it and cancelled using task manager (pressing Cancel yielded no results).I then tried re-starting the PC in Safe Mode w/networking. The WPI "knew" I had already installed the other products and suggested I install Web Developer and SQL Server. This time, I did get errors, but the error log basically said that the instal program returned "1601" (install failed),

I also tried installing Web Developer only, omitting SQL server. This didn't help. suggest a patch, or alternative way of completing this install?

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Failed Install Via Web Platform Installer

May 7, 2010

I sucessfully installed SQL Server Express 2010 on my windows server. I then tried to install the SQL Server 2008 management studio via Web Platform Installer but it failed (it did however sucessfully install powershell).


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Setup A WebTV Platform In IIS / Windows?

Feb 6, 2010

I want to create a WebTV site in ASP.NET. At the moment I am thinking of using Flowplayer, serving .flv files. Since it will work with pseudostreaming, IIS will serve various .flv files in a schedule.

Is there a platform/open source package to provide all the clip (and advertisement) scheduling to create the WebTV program? Or do I need to create my own scheduling interface (backend) that will store the .flv schedule in a database, and create e.g. an .aspx that will read the current time and decide which clip to serve?

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How To Setup The Windows Installer To Launch Some DLL Into GAC

Mar 25, 2010

How to set up the Windows installer to launch some DLL into GAC when it is needed?

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Web Setup Project - How To Get Selected Hostname For Installer Class

Aug 2, 2010

I have an installer class which I use to do some processing on the application after it is initially installed.

In the installer I have a custom dialog which requests a username and password. This is accessed in my installer class with Me.Context.Parameters("username")

After setting it as CustomActionData /username="[TXTUSERNAME]"

This is all fine. The first dialog of a Web Setup Project gets the user to select an IIS website from a dropdownlist and set a VirtualDirectory if required. I need to get the seleted Hostname but so far I have failed to find a reference to it in any documentation. I have tried things like:


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Visual Studio :: Installing From Web Platform Installer Without Installing SQL?

Jan 18, 2010

Why does the Web Platform Installer force you to install SQL 2008 Express?

I have a production server which already has an installation of SQL 2000 but no web development tools are installed. I would prefer not to add SQL 2008 Express if it is not necessary. The server in addition to being the primary intranet webserver is also DC, APP SERVER, FILE SERVER and basically does not need to handle an extra instance of SQL.

The main purpose of this is just one of convenience to have the web development app on the RDP Desktop instead of attaching to the server in some manner (ftp/unc share).

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Web Setup Project Fails To Install Dynamic-data Site The Installer Was Interrupted?

Jan 21, 2011

The last phase of the installer fails with this message:Installation IncompleteThe installer was interrupted before [project] could be installed. You need to restart the installer to try again.

Running msiexec /i installer.msi /l*vx setup.log shows the following entries in the setup log:
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Getting web folder property token...
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Token is '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/ProjectDir/DynamicData/Filters'.
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Getting METADATA_HANDLE for the directory '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/ProjectDir/DynamicData/Filters'.

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SQL Server :: Merge Replication Setup With EXPRESS 2005 On Windows 7 Professional

Oct 20, 2010

I have a web app that runs on local and use merge replcation using sql server 2005 standard on the server and sql express 2005 on clients on XP. As you know, XP Pro laptops are getting hard to find. We are trying to change to Windows 7 Pro x64. I installed SQL Express 2005 and I don't see a subscription on "Sync Center" after I created local subscription using SSMS. I normally see the subscription in Synchronize in XP Pro right away.

I googled about this issue and not really have a good solution. There is one link saying Windows 7 not supporting Express 2005 anymore. [URL] If so, I would like to know what would be a solution such as can I use Sql Express 2008 R2 instead of Sql Express 2005 for client even if the server is still SQL Server 2005 Standard edition. We are planning to upgrade, but we need to hire 5 to 10 people now. My boss does not want us to keep using XP Pro.

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Creating A Database Installer?

Oct 14, 2010

I have been reading the below article and I have got it to work.


The problem is when I use my database script file it throws an error 1001 saying error next to keyword 'GO'. But if i take the exact same script and run it in SQL Management Studio it works fine.

Try this small script, this is what I am using and its giving me an error, An above is a lovely article to creating a database from microsoft.


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Installation :: Windows Installer Keywords / List Of All The Keywords Available In A Windows Installer Like [TargetDir] And [ProductVersion]?

Mar 7, 2011

Can anyone guide me to a website where I can see the list of all the keywords available in a windows installer like [TargetDir] and [ProductVersion].

Can anyone also show me a very detailed tutorial of customizing the windows installer?

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Security :: Custom NEW User Setup Which Build To Allow System Administrators To Setup Users?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm having trouble setting up a custom NEW User Screen. Here is my situation, I have a Request for Access Screen that uses the CreateNewUser Wizard Control. I want to leave the Question and Answer for this, however I also want a custom NEW User Setup which I build myself to allow the system administrators to setup users, but for this setup I don't want the administrators to have to pick the question and answer for the NEW user, so I would like to bypass this for this setup. However, my Membership.CreateUser keeps asking for it. How can I accomplish this? I've included a copy of my current web.config file. You will notice a AspNetAdminMemberhip which I use to allow the System Administrators to reset passwords.


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Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging

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Configuration :: Create Setup For Web Application With Database?

Jan 3, 2011

I have created a setup application and i want to create my application as an installer application.

I did for testing and while running the setup file this give me the final response is "The installer was interrupted before setup1 could be completed. You need to restart the installer to try again".

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Installation :: Generate A SetUp Along With SQL SERVER Database?

Sep 2, 2010

Give me a link that explains step by step to create a setup of both windows and webapplication along with database.For database while installing it should check whether SQL SERVER is installed and also check the version.

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DataSource Controls :: Recurring Events - Database Setup?

Mar 9, 2010

I would like to create a webform in asp.net that allows you add events to a overall application, anyone then can go search that event by a specific date and if that event falls under that recurrence day you will see it. This would be similar to Outlook where you can say it recurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,... or every third Monday, ...Specifc day of the month, etc. I have created the webform but now I have the problem of how the database works. I have been reading for the past couple days about this but I cannot figure this out. I found some posts that say you can create a seperate table aside from your main table that holds the eventid and the dates of the recurrenecs. The problem is this table could amount to thousands of lines from just a few events input. My question is, is there a formula out there that can do this without creating a crazy big recurrence table? .... If not, how many lines can a MS SQL database hold before it has performance problems?

Here's a link to another forum I found with my same question but I do not understand the answer:


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DataSource Controls :: Detect Database Connection And Setup New Connectikonstring From ASP.NET WebPart?

Jun 14, 2010

am writing a series of WSS/MOSS webparts amongst which one will need to detect the current SQL Server database connection, prompt the user to setup a new connectionstring, and fire appropriate stored procedures to create a new database if needed. The user needs to be presented a textbox or label control with the current database connection. I've never had to detect current database connection, what methods do I call for this? If the desirable connection is not present, the web application needs to prompt the user to make a new database. The user really won't make the database, they simply need to click the command button which will fire the stored procedure to create the database.

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How To Create Sql Database From Sql Express Database

Dec 14, 2010

I am working on asp.net membership website. I created the membership provider automatically, and now its stored in sql express database within the solution. I want to move all the tables to sql database instead of sql express. Last night I attached the sql express database to the sql server management studio, and I was able to see all the objects. Then, I run my solution in visual studio, and I got error: LOGIN FAILED for the sql express database, and the solution wasn't running.

I have two questions.
1. Why is that happening?
2. If I create the same database in sql server with the same objects, and then point to the sql server database instead of sql express database, will I have problems with the membershop provider?

View 2 Replies

SQL Server :: Export Sql - Express Database

Feb 26, 2011

I have sql-server 2008 management studio. How can I export the databases with their data?

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MVC :: Nerddinner Using The Database From SQL EXPRESS Server

Mar 26, 2010

I have problem when I am working on the NerdDinner tutorial. If I create local database (in the project local) then it is working OK, but if I added connection with the database already existed in the SQL EXPRESS 2005 (using Data Connections -> Add Connection; from the Server Explored in the VS 2008) then I got GPF. Does anyone know how to use the database for server instead of local project?

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DataSource Controls :: Custom Database Created In Visual Studio 2008 Not Showing Up In .NET SQL Server Setup Wizard?

Apr 11, 2010

I created and populated a database inside Visual Studio 2008 instead of using Management Studio.I need to run the script to create the schema for users and roles.The database does not show up in ASP.NET SQL Server Setup Wizard or in Management StudioThe only databases that do show up are master, model, msdb, and tempdb

Is there anything I can do to fix this or would it be easier for me to just create a new database starting in Management Studio and then connect to it from within Visual Studio?

View 4 Replies

Security :: SQL Express Vs SQL 2008 - Membership Database

Aug 11, 2010

I am attempting to add a database to the AppData folder. It seems to only want to use SQL Express, which I have read is not a good idea for a live website for the purposes of memberships. How do I change the default Express to SQL2008.

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