Making Ajax Request Using JQuery?

Jan 20, 2010

I am just wondering that, is there anyway to make an Ajax request using jquery ("$.ajax") and making partial rendering without using the .NET Ajax framework (without script manager).

I have tried this before, but it's executing the page_load every time and not reaching to the pagemethod.


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JQuery :: Data Size While Making Cross Domain JSONP Call Using JQuery .ajax() Method

Dec 21, 2010

I am developing web application and in application i need to make call of jQuery using .ajax(); method with datatype is set jsonp. Now all works well with limited data but problem start to occur when data size is increasing......

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C# - Making AJAX Call Back With JQuery?

Oct 7, 2010

I accept both C# and VB.NET

If you visit this [URL] and then click on the link like the image below you'll see in-line pop-up DIV which displays a busy status of Ajax callback before it displays the information. So, the information is not there yet until you click on the link.

I'd like to do the same but ASP.NET and jQuery.

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AJAX :: Controls Inside JQuery Simple Modal Making?

Mar 6, 2011

I've created a sign up form in a normal .aspx page, with some TextBoxWatermarkExtendes, PasswordStrength, RegularExpressionValidator, and worked perfectly..I have inserted it all inside the modal content div in this SimpleModal: OSX style dalog)
the First problem:I have a toolkit script manager, and an update panel surrounding the "username" textbox, with enabled autopostback, so it checks if user is taken or not when the textbox looses focus and shows a message in label..when it runs for the first time (when it's working) first of all, the passwordStrength control doesn't work, secondly, after I type something in the username textbox and make it lose focus (press tab or click outside), it's watermark text of course gets deleted when i focus on it, and another watermark text from another textbox gets deleted (i dont know why) SO after like 1 or 2 seconds, the text I wrote gets deleted and replaced by the watermark, for BOTH textboxes that had watermarks

Second problem:the first time, the it works normal, but when I close the modal and open it again, the textBoxWatermark changes to a normal text inside the textbox, even the "Sign up" button stops working, and expression validators and required validators and stuff stop working..

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C# - How To Fetch Return Values Between Jquery Functions And Post Ajax Jquery Request To Webservice

Aug 26, 2010

I have the following code where the function codeaddress geocodes the text feild value and returns geocoded value , geocoded value is stored in variable example ,how will i return the variable v2 to the function call and post to asmx webservice.


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Making Http Request From Code Behind

Mar 3, 2011

I am trying to implement Message API

I am not sure how I will be calling this from code-behind and in their snippet it says:


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C# - Ajax Request Via Jquery For A Url That Redirects?

May 8, 2010

I m trying to access a data after invoking a URL which redirects the output to another page with query

url: ' = 123&more=1',
success: function(data) {

Reponse results empty. This URL is a redirect to another page with query string, I already have a page that parses the query string and write the output to a page.But response is blank.

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Jquery - How To Check If Request Is Ajax Or Not In Codebehind

Dec 8, 2010

I tried the Request.IsAjaxRequest but this does not exist in WebForms. I am making a JQuery ajax call. How do I check if this is a ajax request or not in C#?

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Sending JQuery Ajax Request To Web Method?

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to send data to my code behind method. It works except when I add to the data param.


UPDATE: After seeing what client side errors were being thrown it seems that the ID is undefined. Is my method of getting the elements ID incorrect? Keep in mind I am using jsTree and ca I possibly use (obj)?

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MVC: Signaling To JQuery That An AJAX Request Has Failed

Nov 18, 2010

Controller: Products and Action: Save, return a JsonResult. If a trapped exception occurs, i would like to signal that error to the client (ie:jQuery) with a custom error message. How can I do that both on the server and client? Can i utilize the function pointer error in this scenario?

Here's the client code


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JQuery :: Ajax Post Always Return Bad Request?

Feb 7, 2011

im working on a MVC 3 webapp where i want to post to a controller function using jQuery ajax. However, every time i post to the server i get a 400 Bad Request response and i can't figure out where this comes from as the site runs fine with the VS2010 devserver.

See the function im using to send the ajax post below:


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Passing Cookies With Jquery Ajax Request From A Different Domain?

Jun 9, 2010

I'm building a greasemonkey script to make posting to craigslist a lot easier for our clients.

Basically the flow is this:

User logs into our system (established authentication cookies with navigates to a section on our site called "CraigsList". If they have the greasemonkey script installed it automatically opens up craigslist in a new tab.

The greasemonkey script then does a request back to our site at [URL] to retrieve a list of available items to be posted to craigslist.

This is where it fails because the request to [URL] is not including any of the authentication cookies. I'm not sure if it doesn't include the cookies because the request originates from [URL] and not [URL] or what. I know it's an authentication issue because looking at it in fiddler it returns a 302 and redirects to the login page.

Here is my request:


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JQuery Ajax Request Response Is Empty In Internet Explorer?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm doing the following ajax call:


jQuery ajax request response is empty in Internet Explorer?

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Persisting Session State Via Multiple Request Using JQuery $.ajax()?

Jan 25, 2011

just been trying to recieve the session value from multiple jquery ajax requests on the same domain name. i think i understand that each request is kind of a virtual browser request so the session is mutally exclusive to each request, but there must be a way some how, has anyone solved this. Basically this is what im trying to do:

I have tries using type: GET and POST but still no luck.

First request - Stores the product id in a session


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JQuery :: Decimal Is Rounded Somewhere Between Ajax Call And Request.form?

Feb 15, 2011

I have an ajax call on a page which POSTS data: longitude and latitude. In the Javascript the two variables I pass in "posLong" and "posLat" are both decimals, something like: 50.81472239. When I do request.form in my .aspx.vb page which I've called, the value has now been rounded to 51.

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AJAX :: JQuery - Calling JavaScript Function After Request Completed

May 7, 2015

function DatalistFunction(argumentid) {
set_minimum_points_for_session = value;

this is my code which i am calling on link button onclientclick event.

sometimes what happens is redeem function gets called first and then setsession function gets called. do i need to put some delay or something between the 2 functions, so that they run everytime in their own order

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Jquery - Why Same Domain Ajax Request Adding Jsonp Callback Parameter

Feb 25, 2011

I have a simple script making a request to the server:

var DTO = { 'path': path };
var url = 'default.aspx/Get';
var test;
$('#getInstance').click(function () {
url: url,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: JSON.stringify(DTO),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
success: function (msg) {
test = msg;
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

This works fine as in it connects to the server and gets the data back, with one simple problem. It is treating this request as a cross domain request, therefore using jsonp. The server code is here:

[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public static MyObject Get(string path)
MyObject foo = new MyObject();
return foo;

Normally this would not be a problem, except that I am accessing a WebMethod, and it doesnt have the capability to return a jsonp response (meaning it has no way to attach the callback function to the response. Now, if this was a manual response, I could hack it up and attach the parameter, but I am taking advantage of the built-in serialization, so no way to mess around with the response. [URL]

Let me just stress the fact that this code works. The only problem is jQuery treating this request as cross domain. But Why? UPDATE: Well, after many more hours and more testing I have narrowed this issue down to it being a bug in jquery 1.5.1. I did some testing with older versions (all 1.4 versions) and I had no problem, the request was made using JSON, and the response was received successfully. What could be the change they made that would consider this request a CORS?

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Creating A Jquery Grid From Json Data That Came Back From An Ajax Request?

Jul 7, 2010

i am searching for a way to create a grid (from some kind of jquery grid plugin didnt choose one yet)

anyway i want to call a webmethod and return a json serialized from a List of an object i created.

today i just use a regular grid view inside an iframe

but i want to eliminate that iframe and create those grids with ajax requests.

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Making JQuery Work With DotNetNuke?

Jan 14, 2011

I am getting started with DotNetNuke and when I try to use jQuery the same way I use it in any standard ASP.NET page it does not work. For example I am trying to use uploadify which uses jQuery and flash. I can't even get the cancel button to show in the control.

By now I understand there must be a workaround and it is different than simple

Here is the ascx code:


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JQuery :: Making A Simple Photo Change Component?

Sep 23, 2010

I am an aspçnet developer on c# but I am not good at Java Script and jquery. what I need is so simple.

I will put some pictures in a div. let's say 10 thumbnails. this div will be called container. and then I will put another div. the div id will be displayer. there will be only one img tag. this image tag name will be myimg and this img will display my images. So I what that;

when I click a picture on the container div, I what the myimg's src to be the src of the thumbnail which have been clicked.

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JQuery :: Making A Cool Login System With SQL Server 2008 And Query?

Jun 21, 2010

I want the same solution like Making A Cool Login System With PHP, MySQL & jQuery But in ASP.Net 3.5, SQL Server 2008 and jquery.

I want this solution for my ASp.Net(C#) site in which I'm using ASP.Net's default membership module and now I want to put its loginview and registaration system in a jquery modal windows and validate the user in the system and create the new user in the sytem by entering user credentials in the loginviews and registaration fields inside the modal windows and then by clicking on the button palced in the modal windows as well.

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Making A WCF Call With AJAX?

Mar 12, 2010

Is it required to use a RESTful service to be able to make a ajax call to a wcf service (for example: by using WebInvoke attribute on Operation contracts). Once a service is made RESTful by adding a webHttp binding on the service host, can the host have other endpoints as well? (wsHttp or netTcp). Is it required that the aspNetCompatibilityEnabled be set to true for a service that has webHttp binding (and can this setting coexist for other endpoints). I understand I can use both JQuery and ScriptManager for making WCF calls on the client. Why should I use one over the other?

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AJAX :: Code For Making Archief?

Mar 20, 2010

i need code for maing archief for newspaper website so i have a calender of the week day so i can get the nwes from any day of the week as i open the site at that day

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AJAX :: DDL Selection Is Making Control Jump To The 1st Tab?

Sep 20, 2010

I have the folllowing DDL on a 2 tabbed Ajax tabbed container. The DDL is on the 2nd tab, the problem I am finding is that; when a user selects a value from the DDL the focus is jumpint to the 1st tab and not remaining in position as requested.

HeaderText="Current Membership Stats"


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AJAX :: Making Updatepanel Visible False?

Feb 8, 2011

I am using updatepanel with visible property set to false and on selection of checkbox i am setting updatepanel visible true but i am getting error when i make updatepanel visible to true.If some one know the solution of this problem please do let me know.

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