Passing Cookies With Jquery Ajax Request From A Different Domain?

Jun 9, 2010

I'm building a greasemonkey script to make posting to craigslist a lot easier for our clients.

Basically the flow is this:

User logs into our system (established authentication cookies with navigates to a section on our site called "CraigsList". If they have the greasemonkey script installed it automatically opens up craigslist in a new tab.

The greasemonkey script then does a request back to our site at [URL] to retrieve a list of available items to be posted to craigslist.

This is where it fails because the request to [URL] is not including any of the authentication cookies. I'm not sure if it doesn't include the cookies because the request originates from [URL] and not [URL] or what. I know it's an authentication issue because looking at it in fiddler it returns a 302 and redirects to the login page.

Here is my request:


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Web Forms :: Make Cross-domain Request To Set Cookies?

Mar 3, 2010

I have integrated Third party advertise module in my website. their domain s "".they read cookie from this domain and display advertise based on cookies value. now I want to set cookies on this domain from my website.though this is not possible. they have provided url to set cookies. can set cookies on their doemain by calling above ur.Problem:1) we can't make xmlHttp request because this is cross-doamin link.2) we can't use jquery because it uses xmlHttp as native implementation.3) i have tried to set above url in <img src="..." > and <script src="...">. both not working.but when i paste above url in address bar it works.can anybody have idea how to call above url from Code.

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Jquery - Why Same Domain Ajax Request Adding Jsonp Callback Parameter

Feb 25, 2011

I have a simple script making a request to the server:

var DTO = { 'path': path };
var url = 'default.aspx/Get';
var test;
$('#getInstance').click(function () {
url: url,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: JSON.stringify(DTO),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
success: function (msg) {
test = msg;
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

This works fine as in it connects to the server and gets the data back, with one simple problem. It is treating this request as a cross domain request, therefore using jsonp. The server code is here:

[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public static MyObject Get(string path)
MyObject foo = new MyObject();
return foo;

Normally this would not be a problem, except that I am accessing a WebMethod, and it doesnt have the capability to return a jsonp response (meaning it has no way to attach the callback function to the response. Now, if this was a manual response, I could hack it up and attach the parameter, but I am taking advantage of the built-in serialization, so no way to mess around with the response. [URL]

Let me just stress the fact that this code works. The only problem is jQuery treating this request as cross domain. But Why? UPDATE: Well, after many more hours and more testing I have narrowed this issue down to it being a bug in jquery 1.5.1. I did some testing with older versions (all 1.4 versions) and I had no problem, the request was made using JSON, and the response was received successfully. What could be the change they made that would consider this request a CORS?

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JQuery :: Post Request To Different Domain?

Feb 8, 2011

I developed a website in ASP.NET with huge Database, Now i have another website in HTML & PHP. I want to make user login authentication from HTML website which will authenticate the login details from the old website's Database.

Database used is SQL Server 2005.

I Created t HttpHandler to authenticate the user in old website.

I want to make a JQuery request from HTML website to old website which will authenticate login details and will redirect to the user to new page according to user type.

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State Management :: Sharing Cookies Between Domain / Sub Domain?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a main domain "" and then a sub domain "". If a user visits "" without being logged in, they are redirected to "".

The two scenarios are:

If they are redirected to the login page with "", then they are succesfully logged into the forums but NOT the main site.

If they are simply redirected to the login page with "" with no returnUrl, they are correctly logged into both the main site and the forums.

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JQuery :: Data Size While Making Cross Domain JSONP Call Using JQuery .ajax() Method

Dec 21, 2010

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Relationship Between HttpContext.Request.Cookies And HttpContext.Response.Cookies

Nov 23, 2010

I have been experimenting with code that will clear all of the cookies in an HttpContext.Response.Initially, I used this:

DateTime cookieExpires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
for (int i = 0; i < HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Count; i++)
new HttpCookie(HttpContext.Request.Cookies[i].Name, null) { Expires = cookieExpires });

this will error with an OutOfMemoryException because the for loop never exits - each time you add a cookie to the Response, it also gets added to the `Request.

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Does The Request.Cookies Collection Get Copied To The Response.Cookies Collection

Apr 1, 2011

I know that if I have set a cookie on a previous request, it will show up in my Request.Cookies collection. I want to update my existing Cookie. Are the cookies from my Request.Cookies collection already copied to my Response.Cookies collection? Do I need to add a new cookie with the same key using Response.Cookies.Add(), or do I need to use Response.Cookies.Set()?

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C# - How To Fetch Return Values Between Jquery Functions And Post Ajax Jquery Request To Webservice

Aug 26, 2010

I have the following code where the function codeaddress geocodes the text feild value and returns geocoded value , geocoded value is stored in variable example ,how will i return the variable v2 to the function call and post to asmx webservice.


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Single Sign On Across Many Domain Without Cookies?

Feb 16, 2011

m using visual studio requirement is to implement single sign on across many domains without using cookies. is this possible?for example, i have 3 domains (hosted in 3 different systems).[URL]i implemented single sign on with cookies, if the sites are hosted in single system then it is working. but it doesnt work if cookies are disabled.i tried all made all possible google searches, but couldnt find anything useful.

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Requesy Cookies Have Null For Domain?

Jul 19, 2010

When I examine my HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies collection, some of my cookies have null for their Domain member.

Why/when is a Domain null?

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C# - .NET Cross-Sub-Domain Single Sign-On Cookies

Oct 28, 2010

I have a Single Sign-on solution which is working great in our test environment. It uses Cross-Sub-Domain cookies to share the authentication ticket between 2 web applications. Sign-on is done only on one of the applications and on the second site the user is authenticated by the cookie created by the first site.The problem is that when I roll it into the production environment the single sign-on no longer works. I'm looking for any ideas on why this might be. More details below:1) Both apps are implemented using ASP.NET MVC2


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Javascript - JQuery Ajax Cross Domain Call And Permission

Feb 4, 2010

I have this polling script to check if a text file is created on the server. Works great locally, but fails when the file is on a different domain. How would i rewrite this for cross domain support?

url: '',
type: "GET",
success: function(result) {
error: function(request, status, error) {
setTimeout("VerifyStatus(" + pollingInterval + ")");

EDIT: I ended up using YQL to solve the cross domain issue and although it works, YQL is really slow that's adding quite a bit of performance overhead. Can anyone suggest a better solution for cross domain JQuery calls?

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C# - Ajax Request Via Jquery For A Url That Redirects?

May 8, 2010

I m trying to access a data after invoking a URL which redirects the output to another page with query

url: ' = 123&more=1',
success: function(data) {

Reponse results empty. This URL is a redirect to another page with query string, I already have a page that parses the query string and write the output to a page.But response is blank.

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Making Ajax Request Using JQuery?

Jan 20, 2010

I am just wondering that, is there anyway to make an Ajax request using jquery ("$.ajax") and making partial rendering without using the .NET Ajax framework (without script manager).

I have tried this before, but it's executing the page_load every time and not reaching to the pagemethod.


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C# - How Reliable Is The Request.Browser.Cookies Property

Mar 11, 2011

The Request.Browser.Cookies property (of type bool) attribute stores information whether client's browser supports cookies and whether or not they are enabled.How reliable is the property Request.Browser.Cookies? Is it guaranteed to be correct ? Or should I rather implement redirection technique suggested by Software Monkey in this question?Please note: This in not a question "are cookies reliable" ? This is a question: "Is the information whether users browser accepts cookies reliable?"

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Installation :: Unable To See Cookie In Request.cookies?

Jun 11, 2010

I set up my 1.1 and 2.0 applications to run on the same website (in different app pools) But the application written in 2.0 code cannot read a cookie on the request coming from a different system.Similar code reads the cookie on the 1.1 website.If I deploy my 2.0 application on a different machine, the code works fine and gets the cookie. Here's the code:


In 1.1 application the above returns false, and in 2.0 above returns true. On debugging and watching the value of response,cookies, I dont see the cookie. Since the same application works fine on another server, I am assuming there is some error in my setup. I am using IIS 6 on W2003 r2.

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AJAX :: Passing Arguments Between Two Forms Using Jquery?

Oct 27, 2010

I tried using Ajax & Jquery for the following need, but not able to do...

I have Two Forms StringMain.aspx & Returner.aspx.... I have created 4 Divs at StringMain.aspx and a sample text "ToCheck" at First Div.. In the Returner.aspx form page load, i placed a label like this

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text = "hello";

I have set StringMain.aspx as default running page. So When i run StringMain.Aspx page,

the text i placed in the First Div "To Check" should concat with the label Text "hello" of Returner.aspx and display it together in the First Div of StringMain.aspx like this

"To Check hello"..

The Technique i used is

$("div#First-Div").load(" Returner.aspx");--But dint work...

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Passing Value From Multiline Textbox Using JQuery Ajax?

Feb 8, 2011

I would like to pass the content from a multiline textbox into an sql database using jQuery .ajax.

function UpdateMemogramContent() {
type: "POST",
url: "MemogramWebServices.asmx/UpdateMemogramContent",
data: "{ 'mId': " + $("#LabelId").text() + ", 'content': " + $("#TextBoxContent").text() + "}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: Success,
error: Error

The problem I am facing is that the content from the multiline textbox is throwing an invalid json primitive exception. Taking a look at the POST:

{ 'mId': 314, 'content': Test

What can I do to pass the text from a multiline textbox into an sql database using .ajax?

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Passing Object To Server With JQuery.Ajax()?

Feb 16, 2010

I am trying to implement the same code that was mentioned in this questionCurrently I have the following code:

var pagePath = window.location.pathname;
var paramList = '';
if (paramArray.length > 0) {


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Jquery - How To Check If Request Is Ajax Or Not In Codebehind

Dec 8, 2010

I tried the Request.IsAjaxRequest but this does not exist in WebForms. I am making a JQuery ajax call. How do I check if this is a ajax request or not in C#?

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Sending JQuery Ajax Request To Web Method?

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to send data to my code behind method. It works except when I add to the data param.


UPDATE: After seeing what client side errors were being thrown it seems that the ID is undefined. Is my method of getting the elements ID incorrect? Keep in mind I am using jsTree and ca I possibly use (obj)?

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MVC: Signaling To JQuery That An AJAX Request Has Failed

Nov 18, 2010

Controller: Products and Action: Save, return a JsonResult. If a trapped exception occurs, i would like to signal that error to the client (ie:jQuery) with a custom error message. How can I do that both on the server and client? Can i utilize the function pointer error in this scenario?

Here's the client code


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JQuery :: Ajax Post Always Return Bad Request?

Feb 7, 2011

im working on a MVC 3 webapp where i want to post to a controller function using jQuery ajax. However, every time i post to the server i get a 400 Bad Request response and i can't figure out where this comes from as the site runs fine with the VS2010 devserver.

See the function im using to send the ajax post below:


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