Missing Webservice.cookiecontainer ( By Use VS2005)?

Jan 22, 2010

MyServiceLogin.Login login = new App.MyServiceLogin.Login(); login.CookieContainer = cookieContainer; login.Check("aaaaaa", "123456");    I got this example from internetBut my webservice doesn't have this attribute →CookieContainerI do have a attribute named container only..Do I have to do some steps to add this attribute

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WCF / ASMX :: Creating Webservice In Vs2005?

Dec 17, 2010

how to make a web service in vs 2005

in file /new /project which template to be taken asp.net web application asp.net web service application

or WCF service application (this template i dont have) currently i have a asp.net web application with .asmx page let me knw the rigtt way

i have code in .aspx page i need to have that code in asmx(webservice)

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C# - What Languages Can Use The System.Net.CookieContainer Class

Aug 10, 2010

I'm working on a webservice that needs to be contacted from different clients. Since I never know what language the client will be using I was wondering if every language can retrieve and pass a Class of the type "System.Net.CookieContainer". Ex: I have a webservice that authenticates a client and returns a CookieContainer (this can be passed in the following requests). This way I can keep that session active.

Client 1 will use .net (this works obviously).
Client 2 will use php (will this work?).
Client 3 will use java (will this work?).

The reason why I would like to use this is because a user can authenticate with our webservice and in the following requests he doesn't need to do the authentication again. After some searching arround I've found the CookieContainer solution.

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How To Get Ajaxtookit For VS2005

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But I can't find where to download this online anywhere. All they offer is the current version for 3.5.

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ADO.NET :: Using LINQ On VS2005?

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I am updating a project in VS2005. There is any possibility of using LINQ on VS2005?

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Jul 14, 2010

iam new and still learning ASP.NET

how can i include AutoCompliteExtender in gridview(i have drag the controller in tampalte edit menu),

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i want to use the auto complite in the edit menu for 'Title' in 'Books' table....

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Using C# and ASP.Net 2005

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How to get the DateTimePicker Control in VS2005

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Forbidden Error In VS2005 Under Vista?

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Visual Studio :: Go To Definition (VS2005)?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm having an irritating issue with Visual Studio's Go to Definition command in VS2005. I am developing web sites using vb in VS2005. My issue is that when I right-click on the name of a sub or function and then click on "Go to Definition" to see the actual source code of the Sub of Function, half of the time it takes me to the Sub/Function source code which is what I want it to do, and the other half of the time it takes me to the object browser instead which doesn't help me much.

It seems to work the way I want it to if the Sub/Function definition is in one of the App_Code modules. It seems to go to the Object Browser when the Sub/Function definition is in the *.aspx.vb pages MasterPage.Master.vb file. How can I change this so that it always goes directly to the Sub/Function source code? If I can't get this to work o.k., is there a way to see the source code from the Object Browser?

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Web Forms :: How To Create Charts In Vs2005

Oct 12, 2010

How to create charts of MIS using vs20005 and sql2005?

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Access :: Can't Connect To Database In Vs2005

Jan 20, 2010

trying to connect an access db (.mdb) to a gridview control. the db is in a folder under my iis wwwroot folder. when setting it up i can test the connection ok, but when i go to save it, it comes back with 'the system cannot find the file specified'?

if it can test the connection ok how come it can't find the file? for the connection to test ok obviously the path must be right is there some restriction that the db has to be in the app_data folder? i notice when creating the data source and selecting browse, the only folder it displays and allows you to choose from is app_data. thats pretty restrictive and then makes it more difficult if that has to change when moving from development to production. is there some way to connect to a db outside of the project?

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Web Forms :: Manipulating Excel Files In Vs2005

Sep 24, 2010

I am having problems in manipulating excel files in vs2005. All I want is to get the excel files(this excel has specific design for reporting and has macros in it), read it, add data for reporting purpose, and make that file send to the client. Now, the problems I encountered and will encounter is:

1. It has password protect, I dont know how to unprotect it. I already use sheet.Unprotect("password here") but no use.

2. Actually I cant read this using Microsoft.Interop method.

3. Call every sheets I want to be updated.

4. Update the cells with data from database(getting database data is easy of course)

5. Optional, protect it again.

6. Send it to client(downloading)

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How To Create Custom Controls For VS2005 Toolbox

Apr 28, 2010

I have successfully created controls that show up in my toolbox, so I'm pretty sure I have the process right. Also, my "AutoToolboxPopulate" is set to true, so things are showing up as I create them. My question is this: I'm sub-classing a native Control for specialized use. When I derive my class from an exposed concrete class, such as BulletedList, my custom Control appears in my Toolbox. However, when I drop it back to the parent, such as ListControl, my Control is not listed (actually it's grayed out when I "List All"). What am I missing?

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DataSource Controls :: Taking Backup Frm Vs2005

Jan 14, 2010

i have sql2000 i need to take back up

but i am not getting anything in the folder

my stored procedure has


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AJAX :: Getting Started With VS2005 / Cant Find Tool Kit?

Mar 26, 2010

I have vs2005 and would like to install the ajax tool kit, I have seen several downloads and not sure what one i need.

From the ajax page here i get the link to

http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/download.ashx and see minifier 4.0 also

From somewhere else (cant recall) i ended up at


for ASP.NET AJAX 1.0

Yet from another place

for ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions 1.0 Source Code

From the post writen with disapearing ink (sometimes i can see the posts some times i cant)


I see to down load ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi (Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions 1.0)

I am not an admin on my computer, i work in one of those places where it takes 1 week or more to get 1 thing installed.

Please help me find the exact items to install for vs2005 and the exact order. If i could do installs myself i would just keep trying till i got it, but if i take that approch i will be out of the job i started 2 wks for not getting anything done while i mess with this.

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VS2005 MasterPage Doesn't Always Show An Image?

Nov 3, 2010

I have an ASP.NET application that uses a MasterPage. In the MasterPage I have an image. This displays well on the development environment and on the default page that inherits it. But now I have set the website to prompt for a login using Form Authentication. The Login page also inherits MasterPage but it can't seem to find the image. Both aspx files (default and login) are in the same directory as the MasterPage. There is only one image placed in the Images folder. Has anyone seen this before?

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AJAX :: Setup Vs2005 With 3.5 Framework For Better Performance?

Jan 27, 2010

my application is in vs2005 (2.0 framwork) , now i wnt to add ajaxcontrol on my applicaiton its ok and also working fine , now the problem is when i m using an ajax control its generate script so because of that page loading takes time ,

i also search the way to optiomize that , and i found need to[Code]....

i have also search the metod on how to combile that and all , some ppl using various way to combile that
one of that i found this article , + if you use 3.5 then can also


ut my framework is 2.0 and most of them functioning is avialble on (3.5 famework )

so wht is good idea shall i remove my 2.0 framework and again install 3.5 , will it affect my current application

i m only using (ajaxcontrol) feaures nothing else

coz i have seen if i use 3.5 i can use LINQ also and this <compositescript> too

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Make Design View In VS2005 To Show The CSS Changes

Jun 29, 2011

Is there a way to make the design view in VS2005 to show the CSS changes. Currently when I look at it it is default and not taking into consideration the CSS content.

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Exclude Web.config From Server When Publishing Website (not WAP) VS2005?

Aug 2, 2010

How do I exclude Web.config from server when publishing website (not web application project) in Visual Studio 2005 I can see information how to add setting to the Web.Config but in this instance the Web.config is fine on the servers; so I do not want the problem of introducing possible faulty Web.config to a live environment.

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Debugging - Can't Debug In VS2005 Won't Stop At Break Point?

Oct 29, 2010

I have an puzzling problem. I have a new ASP.NET web application in VS2005 that runs fairly well, but I am having a problem and would like to set a break point to see what is going on. I have compiled the project in Debug mode. I have debug=true set in the web.config. But it appears that the IDE is not attaching to the process at all. Have I overlooked something? I am using the development server and not IIS. This has never been a problem in the past, but is this time.

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Visual Studio :: Positioning Of Controls On Asp Page In Vs2005?

Jun 5, 2010

tell me what is the best possible way to position my controls in asp.net page by simply drag n drop method in visual studio 2005

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Visual Studio :: How To Ive Create An SSIS Package On Vs2005, So Vb.net

Mar 18, 2010

Ive created an SSIS package (vs2005, so vb.net only) One of the tasks has to unzip a zip file. To do this ive used java.util.zip library and written some code to unzip the file. Ive just been asked if its possible to use something other than a java library as our network engineers dont want to put the this on our server. Is there anything similar to java.util.zip that I can use in a vs2005 package ?

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SQL Reporting :: Pass Parameters To SSRS Subscriptions Using VS2005?

Oct 1, 2010

I have created SSRS reports and built a user UI to run these reports. Now when creating
SSRS subscriptions in report Manager, is it even possible to programmatically pass the

delivery method (email or file share), To email address, scheduled time and date, etc from my front-end UI to the Report Manager?

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Installation :: Web Application Not Running After Upgrading From Vs2005 To Vs2008 (IIS 7)?

Jan 25, 2011

I upgraded my vs2005 web application to vs2008, after i run the upgrade wizard,It l pop up one error which says that .net framework 2.0 is not available. I can compile the upgraded project but can not run that. I am wondering where in IIS, I can point the project to framework 3.0?

I ran the project, it had the following error,

Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /XX/yy.asmx

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.4952; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.4955

the project was upgraged to vs2008, i am not sure why it still points to v2.0. Also i looked at the project file, I already upgraded the oracle data access dll(from oracle side) to higher version, it also points to the old version.

The other issue is when i open the Solution, It prompted me to create the virtual diectory: Http://localhost/XX, I clicked yes, will the vitually directory automatically generated? If i go to the view sites/add vitual directory, if i enter VeroValueXmllister, will it automatically generate the Virtually directory? Http://localhost/XX

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Visual Studio :: Upgrade Vs2005 Web Application Project To Vs2008

Jan 20, 2011

I have a vs2005 web application project,I upgraded my machine from xp to Windows 7, the web application project not working in vs2005 anymore, does anybody know why windows 7 not support web application project for vs2005? if i upgrade vs2005 web application project to vs2008, will that work in windows 7? and after upgrade, will the original web application project still a web application project or it upgrade to website project?

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