Proof That Web Gardens Do Not Fly Well With InProc Sessions?
Dec 2, 2010
I am tinkering with Web Gardens in ASP.NET with IIS 6.0. Multiple sources (Source1 Source2) explain how InProc Session does not fly well with Web Gardens. I built a program to prove it, but the results are difficult to explain. I set the Maximum # of worker processes to 1000 in IIS.I create a web app that stores a string in Session and retrieves the value with a button click. Run web app in IE, FF, and Blackberry browsers.
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Jan 31, 2011
I'm reading ASP.NET 4 Unleashed and I came to this sentence. "When Session state is stored in-process, it is stored on a particular web server. In other words, you can't use in-process Session state with a web farm."I'm building a web app that uses and depends on storing dictionaries in the session. Now I know that there's some problem with serialization of dictionaries when using sessions but with InProc sessions, there's no serialization so I thought I'd be ok. But now I'm wondering: will I have any nasty surprise when I go to host my application?
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Oct 21, 2010
I've recently been tasked with fixing a rather nasty bug resulting from the misuse of session state. We have an web application that runs on a single sever using inproc session state. The basic design is that a typed dataset is loaded from the database and stored in session state using a common session variable name like Session["dataset"] = dataset. After the data is stored in the session the user edits the data, dataset is retrieved from the session updated and sent to the database for updating. This type of data editingstoring is used across multiple webforms that basically do the same thing. All is good until a user tries to launch a second instance of the application and data stored within the session variable can get mixed up. Here are the possible fixes that I've been able to find
Set sessionState cookieless="false" (every new instance gets a unique session id) PROS - easiest solution, almost no code changes needed CONS - guid in url, user can edit guid, guid can be copied Use a custom session key for every instance (pass a session key around and combine it the "dataset" + session key name so that each instance has a unique session variable) PROS - no guid in url CONS - most amount of code changes, possibly fragile Remove the session variable (Load the dataset from the database a second time for editing) PROS- frees up server resources, no longer dependent upon session state CONS - performance hit, high amount of code changes
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Jan 18, 2011
I have an site that's basically a giant form for users to submit weekly turkey information for their starter and finisher houses. I use session variables so the information is viewable to a "Review" page. There have been 3 instances where the users would try to submit their information but kept losing their information. As far as I know, they are not letting the page sit idle for more than 20 minutes. I tested it out myself and lost session variables after less than 10 minutes. My sessionState mode is InProc. Should I look into switching to StateServer? If so, how would I do this?
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Nov 30, 2010
how to made session timeout in INPROC mode
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Mar 4, 2011
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Nov 12, 2010
There are reams of info out there about things causing InProc session to drop session objects, but that's not what's happening here. We're missing individual variables within stable InProc session objects, and are not sure whether they're not being written or being lost after a successful write. I've confirmed with WinDBG that the sessions are live and contain some, but not all, of the data written to them.
Guid g = System.Guid.NewGuid();
this.Context.Session.Add(g.ToString(), result.ImageData);
output.Write("<img src="display.aspx?id=" + g.ToString() + "">");
This code is pretty straightforward, and it works flawlessly in Test. In Production, under heavy load, though, it fails ~1% of the time. If Mr Smith visits the site and attempts to display 4 pieces of image data, 2 of them might be saved in his session and two of them be lost. The InProc session object for Mr. Smith exists. The traffic logs show he clicked 4 times, each with a different id param. But there are only 2 guids in his InProc session object, instead of 4. The 2 session objects we did capture do correspond to 2 of the id's shown in the traffic log (his 1st and 3rd clicks.) The traffic logs for his 2nd and 4th clicks, though, show a guid id that's not in his InProc session object.
Lines 1&3 of the above code obviously worked for those 2nd and 4th clicks, or he'd not have had the id in the URI for him to click. Line 2, however seems to have failed silently in some way. If any exception had been thrown, I'd expect we'd not ever have arrived at line 3. I can't see any way for the user to receive the guid id, but the session to fail to have it. The other possibility is line 2 worked successfully, but the variable later disappeared, how I cannot even imagine.
ASP.NET v3.5
No Web Gardening
We're running a web farm, but users constantly return to the same server. I'm researching now whether there's any way users might be slipping off to the other server.
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May 25, 2010
like the title shows I want to know what is the difference between "InProc" & "stateServer" mode in SessionState on ASP.NET.
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Jan 31, 2011
have code that's using session variables; it's both in the master page code behind and in the code behind of some aspx files. I wanted to put this code in a function that's in a different file but when I did that, the statement Session["VariableName"] became underlined in red on the word session. What am I missing?
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Aug 19, 2010
Suppose I have logged into an application which is running from IIS. Now I haven't logged out, but closed the browser. And when I'm accessing the application again, it defaults to the login page. How does IIS recognize that it is a new request and redirects the user to the login page?
I have another doubt. Suppose if I'm not closing the browser, which I used when I logged in. I'm opening the new browser to request a page from same application. IIS recognizes that it's a new request to the application and redirects the user to login page. Why does it not use the existing session or cookies which the first browser uses?
We say http is a stateless protocol. Once the page is requested i have logged in.And http protocol connection will be terminated between IIS and browser right? Then iam navigating to other pages in that logged in application. Now iis recognises user has logged in this browser. But when i open a new browser and request that application how does iis recognises it is a new request. Since the http protocol is disconnected, how it works in the first case
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Please help
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Mar 30, 2010
My company took some old php application over. Due to our preference to and to the lack of any documentation from the previous developer, we do not want to spend much resources on developing in PHP. For implementing new features, we will create an application that has the same look to the user. We want to develop a kind of 'coexisting' web application. Therefore we must share sessions between an PHP and an webapplication project, because there is a usermanagement involved with an existing MySQL database.
(e.g. link 'A' directs to the PHP website, and link 'B' directs to the application)
How can we share the session between and PHP and an application?
And does anyone have a hint for this 'coexisting' thing, that might be useful in development?
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Nov 13, 2010
I am developing an application for Online Examination. Once a user logs into the system, he is allowed to start a Test; on clicking start test button the user is redirected to the questions page. Now when the user clicks and confirms ending of the test by a button click then he is redirected to the results page.Now what I want here is that when the results page is being displayed the user should automatically be logged out of the system and should not be able to go back to the previous pages by pressing the browser's back button.
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May 6, 2010
i want to know what is the difference between viewstate and sessions.
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Oct 21, 2014
I have a web application that is running on 4.51 , When the User login Successfully i return an Object that has info for that user and store this in a Static object. Now my problem is the i
User 1 Login (Welcome James)
User 2 Login (WelCome Daniel)
and User 1 refreshes the Page (Welcome Daniel)
My user sessions override each other. i did mess around with the IIS Session before , i just noticed this now.
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Mar 24, 2010
I have an application using login-controls.
I have this code in my webconfig:
<authentication mode="Forms" >
<forms loginUrl="default.aspx" protection="All" defaultUrl="index.aspx" timeout="100000"></forms>
My problem is:
If I do not activate my application for 30 minutes (my customers wants to be online all day without logging out) my session for user login is lost. How can I automatically refresh my sessions if there has been no activity for e.g. 10 minutes? It's a sort of keep-alive that I want. I thought the problem was sloved when I set the timeout to 100000 but it doesn't help
Note. My application works with the remember me function but it losses its sessions after 30 minutes.
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Jul 23, 2010
I am trying to create an admin screen that will give me details about all open sessions in an application/site. I would also like to know how many session objects are active for each of them
Session object gives me info about my current session. How do i find info about all open sessions. How many sessions are active, etc.
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Feb 2, 2011
I need to know how to configure the .config to manage Session state in SQL Server
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Nov 17, 2010
My site uses cookies. I need to have it use sessions instead. The reason for this is because there is a third party that needs to connect to it, and it's always requiring 3rd party cookies to be enable in the browser and that is annoying my customers. Is there any other way around this other than switching to sessions?
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