SQL Server :: Binding UDF With SQL View

Oct 26, 2010

I have query re: User Defined Function, Basically How to bind UDF with SQL View with SchemaBinding below is my Sql View which throws Error


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Similar Messages:

Binding Datatable To Grid View?

Jan 4, 2010

I have the following code

Imports System.Data
Partial Class Students_AddWishes
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Public dt As New DataTable
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
dt.Columns.Add("ID", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
dt.Columns.Add("univirsity", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
dt.Columns.Add("major", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
End Sub
Protected Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim row1 As DataRow = dt.NewRow()
row1("ID") = dt.Rows.Count + 1
row1("univirsity") = ddlUnivs.SelectedValue
row1("major") = ddlMajors.SelectedValue
GridView1.DataSource = dt
End Sub
End Class

the problem is it shows only one row or record. How to make it shows many records?

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MVC :: Complex View And Data Binding?

Mar 15, 2010

In my past I had created the following web page in web forms and I'm learning asp.net mvc right now , I had given it a tought and I run into conclusion I really wont know how to do the same page with asp.net mvc

before explaining you the actuall problem I would explain you the Model The model is a pretty simple , it for few columns which are bool , and a lot of them which are varchar(MAX) The View is built the following way

the bool parts of curse got a check box but the varchar parts are the complicated ones In my web form page i got the following code for each varchar property in my database


my server script gets the following page apon submit and checks if radio button 1 or 2 is selected if 1. it inserts the link as it is into colmn property while if it is 2. it saves the file on the server and saves the file location into the colmn property.

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MVC :: Binding Controller & View Without ViewData?

Feb 13, 2010

I like ASP.NET MVC, because I like to have direct access to my web site's structure. However there's 1 thing that I don't like.

In Ruby on Rails to send data from Controller to View is really easy:

# Get a user in controller

@user = User.first(:id => 1)

# Display him in a view

<%= @user.id %>

In ASP.NET MVC it's much harder

// Controller
User user = new User(1);
ViewData["user"] = user;
// View
<% User user = (MyNamespace.User)ViewData["user"]; %>
<%= user.Id %>

With this ViewData thing all benefits of static languages go away, and we waste time boxing/unboxing objects.

P.S. Don't tell me to use Model object, because this is also true for other variables like integer.

And another question:

I'm trying to implement a comfrtable access to data. Since I can't use LINQ to SQL as I use Postrgresql, I have to do it on my own. I'm tired of direct SQL queries, so I'm trying to implement something like this:

User user = User.Find("first_name" => "Bob");

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C# - Binding The Gridview View - Which Is In Edit Template Of Another

Mar 25, 2011

I am having a gridview control and in the edit template of the gridview control., inside the edit template I need another grid view control., I am having a bound field in the second gridview which always binds to the selected value in the gridview 1 .,

So can somebody tell me in which event and all i have to do the databind for the gridview 2. I am having an sqldatasource for the gridview2.

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MVC :: Binding Dictionary With Strongly Typed View?

Sep 14, 2010

i m beginner in asp.net mvc , i have strongly typed view and i m passing my dictionary in view as :

Dictionary<Guid,IYummyWebAppMVC.Models.Restaurant.Menu>>" %>

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Accessing And Binding Events To Grid View Using Jquery?

Mar 23, 2010

I have an ASP page which displays a text box when it loads. It takes an input number, send it to the server through post back, and then displays some record in a grid view. After a number is input into the box, the server fetches some data from a database and add records to the grid view. It also contains a link column, whose URL is set to "#", so that the page isn't redirected when it is clicked.

Now I want to bind a jquery "click" event to that link. How can I do that ? I have tried that to do myself but failed, because it is not available when the DOM is loaded (since it only contains rows when a number is input through the box), and is being modified through ASP.NET Ajax post back.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Checkbox In Details View?

Jun 23, 2010

bind Checkbox in Details view?



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Model Binding Multiple Data Sources On One View Page?

Feb 23, 2011

I have one view page (MyView.aspx) and many data sources to bind on this page. Lets say it has Books, Publishers, Comments, etc. Each one of those has an object which provides a List, List, etc. In my view, what are my optiosn for multilple model biding? I want to check to see if each one is empty, and then enumerate it. But I can't check Model.Count() because wouldn't Model be made of all those objects if I set the page to inheriet from? What are my options? Should I load each content area in a control/partial view? Or can I just dump each object into ViewData and then check the count by casting in the view?

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Forms Data Controls :: List View Control And Binding?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a form in which I have a dropdown list and a list box.

This dropdownlist is populated by a column in thetable . This drop down list may have values ranging from 1 to 5.

This values in the dropdownlist are to be made the caption headings of the list view control.

For insance if there are three values in the dropdown there should be three columns in the list box with the heading as the values of the dropdownlist.for 5 it should be 5.

Also there are two additional columns which would be constant.

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Binding View Model From A Form Post With Inner Complex Types?

Apr 15, 2010


What I want to achieve is the ID of the property: item.Item.ID to be bound to the ID from the (route)URL. However I can't get it to work. I tried using [Bind()] attribute.

I fixed it now using a hidden field in the form like so:

<%= Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Item.ID)%>

However this feels a bit icky. I'd like to know if there is a better cleaner way of doing this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Grid View Not Visible After Binding?

Mar 23, 2011

the code is like,

namespace DataControlsSample.App_Code.PL
public partial class GridView : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


the data table is getting rows ,as i had chked ,,,but grid view is not getting displayed ..wat could be the problem?

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Different Records To Grid View?

Dec 8, 2010

I have an gridview consisting pager Templet. In pager templet, add first, previous,next and last Buttons to control records. PageSize is 3. First I am binding first 3 records from the list (Consisting 9 records) to the GridView.

My question is:

<1> Is it possible to bind the next 3 records(record4, record5,record6) to GridView when click on next Button?

<2> Similally, Is it possible to bind records for other buttons?

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C# - Dynamic Grid View Loses Binding When Post Back Occurs

Sep 8, 2010

dynamic grid view loses binding when post back occurs ?

I have a dynamic grid View with template fields and bound fields as columns

for the first page load all binding looks fine.values are populated in all columns

when I trigger an event such as selected index changed in Drop downlist present in the column header(inside template field ) the binding are lost and the event is never catched.

how to retain controls when post back occurs and how to resolve this problem ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Tree View Binding To Tables In Database?

Feb 16, 2011

I have three tables

tbl_Cus CatID (Int) CustID(int) CabID(int)
tbl_Cat CatID(int) CatName(varchar) CusID
tbl_Cab CatId(int) CabID(int) CabName(varchar)

I am using Tree View control for the first time.

The above tables I want to bind it to a tree view control the tree view should look some thing like this.

Cus Name1
Cat Name1
Cus Name2
Cat Name3

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Forms Data Controls :: Details View With Dropdownlist Error When Binding?

May 4, 2010

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Location">

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Grid View With Empty Records?

Mar 11, 2010

as we all know

Dataset ds=new DataSet();

when the dataset has no reccrds then the grid view will not displayed.

I need to show the grid with 10 rows with no details means empty records.

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Forms Data Controls :: Fetching Multiple Rows And Binding In Grid View?

Jun 8, 2010

I am developing an application in C# and Sql Server.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Odata Feed (Atom + Xml) To A Grid View?

Nov 23, 2010

I have to bind OData feed, which is a response from WCF Data Service, to a gridview. The structure is as follows:



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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Datatable To Grid View Based On A Return From A Tableadapter?

Feb 17, 2010

I have no clue what I'm doing wrong here, but I wanted to create a grid view based on a return from a tableadapter.



Also, maybe I should be going about this another way as I wanted to add a drop down to each record and a link to each record.On pointers on how I should do this would be great too.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Hide The Column In Grid View When Binding From Code Behing Page

Feb 26, 2010

I have a grid view which I am binding it through my .cs file code:

I need to hide a column, From the Below code I am able to hide the column but not the header and footer design.

So how can I hide my column when I dont have any columns in my gridview (I mean in .ASPX page)



.cs Code:

protected void Row_Grid(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
e.Row.Cells[9].Visible = false;

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What Is The Difference Between Binding Data In Data Grid View Methods

Jan 3, 2011

What is the difference between binding data in data grid view methods ?


and this second one


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MVC :: Ext JS And Server Side Binding?

Oct 6, 2010

I try to use Ext JS with MVC. I want to bind data to Grid, ComboBox and Form on server side. Is it possible?

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Binding Data From SQL Server To A Label(s)?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm doing such a small web page that contain 4 main HTML div which should contain last 4 NEWS from a SQL Database.so I've designed them, and put in each on a label control, and an Image control.and to bind information from the SQL to them, I've used (DataView) object, and using a loop from 0 to 3 I've get the data I need.but I believe that way is not the perfect one! so I need something more clear and effectiveness!

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Web Forms :: Binding Expressions In Server Controls?

Sep 3, 2010

i'm trying to do the following:


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