SQL Server :: Can't Delete 3 Rows In 3 Tables...
Sep 29, 2010
I am having trouble deleting three table rows using SQL. The middle table is a junctional table allowing a one to many relationship between table 1 and table 3.
Table 1
Order_Id int Primkey FK1
Name Varchar
Date Datetime
Table 2
Order_Id int PrmKey FK1
Item_Id int PrimKey FK2
Table 3
Item_Id int PrimKey FK2
Description Varchar
Price money
Acually, I want to delete all rows associated with any particular order.
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DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Album] WHERE [AlbumID] = @AlbumID"
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var DC = new ServiceDataContext();
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txtMaxJobs.Text = rec.ParaName.ToString();
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using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration; [code].....
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Apr 13, 2010
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I have the following layout:
+---- CastingID {PK}
| MouldID
| SerialNo
| CastRef
| MeltCode
| Signature
| *Table_CastCertificates* *Table_Certificates*
| CertificateID {PK} ----------- CertificateID {PK}
+---- CastingID {PK} Description
FileID -----------------+
*Table_CertificateFiles* |
FileID {PK} -------------+
The results I would like include the following columns:
CastingID, MouldID, SerialNo, CastRef, MeltCode, [Certificates],
Where Certificates is a comma separated list of Description + " " + FullLocation records. (What I'll actually do is add http:// and other html codes to make FullLocation a hyperlink, but I can do that.)
Some SQL I've already got is this:
SELECT @str = COALESCE(@str + ', ','') + '<a href="http://' + Table_CertificateFiles.FullLocation + '">' + Table_Certificates.Description + '</a>'
FROM Table_CastCertificates INNER JOIN
Table_Certificates ON Table_CastCertificates.CertificateID = Table_Certificates.CertificateID INNER JOIN
Table_CertificateFiles ON Table_CastCertificates.FileID = Table_CertificateFiles.FileID
WHERE (CastingID = 45)
SELECT output = @str
This actually gives all records in the for the specific casting, but I keep getting an error at the "=" in @str = COALESCE when I try joining it to another query to get each casting.
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if(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
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Mar 12, 2011
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the problem is that when if a test data is filled for say patient with Pid as 1, the data is saved nicely in required tables
If i try doing that again for same patient then a duplicate is created in test tables with pid as 1.
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Feb 13, 2010
Im having a go at doing a report for my asp.net application. I have 2 tables, one which lists a loan we have given to a customer, and another table which lists repayments against the loans.
I want to display each loan and how much is outstanding against it. My problem is that each loan is repeated in the table for each repayment against it. So when i try to sum up the loans awarded to a customer, if they only have one loan and have made 3 repayments against it, it sums up the amount awarded against each record.
eg, if i award a customer a loan of £200, and they make 3 repayments of £50, 3 records appear in the table. The amount awarded is repeated against each repayment, and when i total a customers loan amounts, it totals 3 x £200.
I have put the details into the grouping row, where it is grouped by loan_id, displaying the toal of repayments instead of each repayment. This stops it repeating in the table, but when i total the amount awarded field it still calculates 3 x £200.
I tried calculating the total on the report item after grouping but you cannot calculate on a report item.
Is there a way to stop the table from repeating the amount awarded against each repayment? Or even a way in the SQL statement of the dataset to make it display a total of repayments rather than each repayment. Cant see how to calculate a total repaid as i would need to pass a Loan_id in as a parameter.
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Mar 7, 2010
Maybe this could be a simple questino, but for me it's difficult to do this action: I have a table in sql server 2005 with some records stored, for example 10 records. The primary key of this table, let's call it "Employee", it's a number field with an autoincrement constraint. I want to store more data into the table by using a OdbcDataTable object and OdbcDataAdapter and adding new rows to the datatable and afeter that use the "Update" method from the OdbcDataAdapter object.
The big deal is this: let's suppose that I want a add a new record to the datatable object, using any method or code sequence that you want. if I have 10 records stored on the data base table, when I retrieve this table schema by using the OdbcDataAdapter "Fill" method, I have a copy of the data base table schema in the DataTable object, right?. if I add a new row on the datatable object, it's suppose that the primary key column of that table must AUTO-INCREMENT the value of the key, I mean if the last value that I store on the table was the number 10 on the PK field, when I add a new row on the datatable object, the PK value on the datatable object must be the number 11 if the autoincrement constraint is present into the DataTable object, but in my case, it doesn't work
So, How can I define the conditions or set the c# data objects properties to wor in that way???. In this moment the PK column on the odbcDataTable doesn't auto-increment its value when I add a new row on it.
Please helpe with this.
PD: I have another question about the DataTable object, how many records can store this object?? I have some problems with this because sometimes when I use the Fill() method to get data into the DataTable or a DataSet object there's no problem if the Fill() method retrieves about 142000 records, but when I retrieve over the 145000 records, when I inspect the DataSet or DataTable object by using the debuging mode, they have null value. Any of you can tell me why this situation ocurrs??
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Dec 14, 2010
I have a datatable in which some of the rows contain a column with duplicate values. I need to be able to delete the duplicate rows and leave only one, doesn't matter which one.
The rows might look like this:
A, B, C, D
E, F, G, D
H, I, J, D
I need to delete two rows and be left with only one.
View 6 Replies
Mar 21, 2010
I've created a membership system based on asp.net 2. There are other tables that store user information, such as emails sent etc. I've created a users table based on the TableProfileProvider. My question is concerning deleting the member
Is it OK to delete the member from the aspnet_membership table and roles related tables using Membership.DeleteUser, though keep all the custom tables and the information including the information in the Users table created by the TableProfileProvider? or can you foresee problems?
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May 5, 2010
How to delete related data.
1) Account: ID,UserName,Pass
2) Campaign: ID,AccountID,Date,Balance
3) CampaignSpec: ID,CampaignID,Spec,Color
Note: Account.ID = Campaign.AccountID and Campaign.ID = CampaignSpec.CampaignID
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Feb 4, 2011
what i want do is to when the user click on Delete button i want to highlight the entire row and ask for confirmation before it deletes, and the below is my code and iw ant to execute two steps:
1) hightlight the entire row2) ask the for confirmation.
protected void gvOrg_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
Button btnDelete = (Button)e.Row.FindControl("btnDelete");
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Mar 4, 2010
How do I remove duplicate rows from a data table based upon a two column values;I want to pass in a Data Table and a column names and get the data table back with data rows where that columns value are unique.
I have a Data Table with Duplicate Rows i want to delete the duplicates rows based upon two column values if both columns values are there then Delete the row.
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