SQL Server :: Can't Read New Data From Database

Apr 1, 2011

I am trying to read data from a SQL Server 2008 database. Initially, I imported a 2007 Access db into the server. I have no problem reading this data. However, if I add new data, either through code or through SQL commands on the Server, I get an error when I try to subsequently read it. I only get the error on new data, not the imported data. Error:

System.InvalidOperationException: Invalid attempt to read when no data is present.

In my page (ASP.NET/VB.NET) I have a dropdown box which is filled with Customer Names. No Problem there. However, when I choose the customer, the rest of the form is supposed to fill with data retreived from the database. If I choose original data, it works fine. However, as soon as I choose a newly added record. It throws the Exception. I have tried to find a solution online, but most answers point to missing read code. I think my code is right, as it reads some records correctly. Is there something that is wrong with my server, or the way I am writing the records?

There is a dropdown box name CNAME on my page...

OnSelectedIndexChanged runs the following code:

sub displaydata(s as Object,e As EventArgs)
locked.checked = "True"
edit.enabled = "False"
Dim CustomerName As String = CNAME.SelectedItem.Text
Dim dread as SqlDataReader
Dim cn As New SqlConnection()
Dim cd As New SqlCommand()
cn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AnalyticalReports;Integrated Security=True;"
cd.Connection = cn
cd.CommandText = "select Customers.CID, Customers.CNAME, Customers.CADDRESS1, Customers.CCITY, Customers.CSTATE, Customers.CZIP, Customers.CCONTACT, ISNULL(Contacts.CONNAME,'none') AS CONNAME FROM Customers JOIN Contacts ON Customers.CCONTACT = Contacts.CONID
WHERE Customers.CNAME = '"+ CustomerName+"'"
dread = cd.ExecuteReader()
CID.Text = dread("CID")
CNAME2.Text = dread("CNAME")
CADDRESS1.Text = dread("CADDRESS1")
CCITY.Text = dread("CCITY")
CSTATE.Text = dread("CSTATE")
CZIP.Text = dread("CZIP")
CONNAME.Text = dread("CONNAME")
End Sub

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<img alt="<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "AltTag_Thumbnail")%>" src="<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "URL_Thumbnail")%>" />
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Name") %>

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tag1, tag2, tag3, etc.....

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Aug 27, 2010

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Here is my code:


What am i doing wrong?

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