SQL Server :: Insertion Of Two Separate Tables?

Sep 4, 2010

have ui layerand i have two table for examlple1)Dept2)empin databasein ui layer i have seperate panels for insertion of dept fields, and emp fieldsi have two conditions apply sepreatly , here for insertion of two fields 1)if dept fields insertion faild i dont want to insert employee fields to insert in emp table2)if dept fileds insertion is sucsessfull and employee fields insertion fail i dont want to insert employee fields in employee table and i want to delete previously inserted dept row from dept tablehere no relation between two tables and here can i use transations

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SQL Server :: Insertion And Joining Data Between Tables?

Sep 1, 2010

I have the following tables:


Each table has a primary key assigned. The customers table has an ID column and a CUSTOMER_NAME column with unique index property set to avoid any duplication. How do I insert values in the product_information table that has a foreign key column from the CUSTOMERS table if we insert a value in the CUSTOMER_NAME field of the CUSTOMERS table. I want to know how can I create a join between all the tables so that when I insert values in individual tables they are joined with a serial number column in the PRODUCT_INFORMATION table?

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DataSource Controls :: Display Results From Two Separate Tables In Two Separate Databases?

Jan 14, 2010

I have access to two seperate databases (mySQL) located on two servers. I need to get the data, link the tables on a key field and display the results in a datagrid. My challenge is that if the search criteria changes for the display it affects rows returned from on table and should thus automatically affect the linked table and resulting data returned.

what the best approach would be to achieving this? So far I have set up a dataset with a dataadapter and table for each connection and then linked the tables in the dataset. The problem that I'm having is getting the linked resultsets to work.

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Type: 4931281279831231
table2: 4931281279831231

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SQL Server :: Use ASPNETDB.MDF To Add Own Tables Or Create A Separate Database?

Dec 6, 2010

I'm working on a new asp.net 4.0 resume web site. I'm starting off with SQL Server Express 2005 and using the standard security and login features given with ASPNETDB.mdf. My site will be hosted on GoDaddy.com.

Quesiton. Should the tables that will contain the information that users will be putting in like resumes, contact information and such go into ASPNETDB.mdf or should it go into a separate database.

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SQL Server :: Database Design / Create A Separate Table Which Will Contain The Translations For All 50 Tables?

Sep 28, 2010

I am working on a multi-lingual application Assume the following:

Database has 50 tables and application has to support 5 languages

Which is the best way to design the database:

1. Include a langugae column for each table. Repeat the values for each language. Say i have a country table which has 100 countries in it. Then my design will contain 500 rows (100 for each langugae)

2. Create a separate table which will contain the translations for all the 50 tables in with a foreign key to the parent table.

Which is more efficient out of the above two.

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MVC :: Create Two Objects On Separate Tables Using One POST?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to achieve something very similar to a forum. Two basic tables in a database, [Thread] and [Comment] (one to many relationship).

I need to create a form using MVC that creates the initial Thread, and also the very first comment row in the [Comment] table, which references that topic.

Would I need to create a custom object for the View Model? Is there any examples anybody knows of that demonstrate what i'm trying to achieve as I can't seem to find information..

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Forms Data Controls :: Store Server Time On Insertion Of Record?

Sep 15, 2010

In my online web-application User is inserting new records and when user enters record system gets current datetime (using below query) and insert into table.

INSERT INTO Gponmig(Customer_Name, Contact_Mob_No, Sector, Plot, flat, Building_LandMark, Sr_No, Adsl_Acc_No, Del_Acc_No, Mig_Requirment, Reseller, Sales_Remarks, Userid, Dept, Date)

VALUES (@Customer_Name,@Contact_Mob_No,@Sector,@Plot,@flat,@Building_LandMark,@Sr_No,@Adsl_Acc_No,@Del_Acc_No,@Mig_Requirment,@Reseller,@Sales_Remarks,@Userid,@Dept,


User entered data at 12:27 PM but system recorded 12:27 AM.

I couldn't find why?

It is confirmed by the user that he didn't worked midnight.


The system should insert correct time.

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SQL Server :: How To Export The Data From Dat File To Tables(Two Tables)

Dec 30, 2010

I am using bulk insert concept to export the data from dat file to tables(Two tables). I am using the temporary table for to do the calculation and insertion to two tables. My problem is whenever I selecting the temp table data after the execution of bulk insertion , the order is changing .I need to get the order as it is in file order(csv,dat,txt).

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SQL Server :: Separate Web & Database?

Nov 4, 2010

Currently, we have our ASP.NET applications running on windows server 2003. All of our data resides on an IBM ISeries / AS400. The 400 people are going to be creating massive new tables with millions of records. Because of this, I've been asked to look into the idea of putting new ASP.NET pages on the IBM ISeries server. This server uses APACHE. I have read that to do this, I will need to use the Mod_Mono Apache module. I would like to come up with a list of benefits and drawbacks to this new idea. Initially, it seems like this is a bad idea for a few reasons:

Security: if a users gets unauthorized access to our local server(s), they will only have access to either DB or web server, not both. Maintainability: Microsoft ASP.NET is easier to implement on a Microsoft Windows Server. Problem Solving: I will have to first determine if an issue is due to the ISeries server, or the Apache server, or the ASP.NET application. This could be countered by saying that I would already have to determine if the issue is due to Windows server, or ASP.NET application. However I have better experience with troubleshooting on a windows box that I am familiar with.

Problem Creating: I could escentially create a problem that not only takes down the web server, but the database as well, and other RPG programs running on the ISeries. Resources: The database server will not have to server my application, it will only have to retrieve the data for it.

Drivers: The windows server already contains many drivers and .DLL's that are used... will these even exist on the ISeries? How easy (if even possible) would it be to get them on the ISeries if they dont exist..? A few positive thoughts: The application will reside on the same server as the data, thus, it may be quicker at retrieving data from these millions of records in a table. This was the main point as to why I should look into this possibility. Single point of failure. We no longer have to worry about two servers going down and causing this application to be unavailable...

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Does Crystal Reports Need A Separate Server Than .Net?

Mar 29, 2010

if you want to use Crystal Reports in .Net (visual studio 05/08). In a server setup with Crystal Reports can it reside on the same web servers as a .Net web app? If not can you provide a link to validate this.Actuate reports used to have it's own server software, don't know if this is similar.

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Feb 2, 2010

I am beginner to ASP.NET MVC.

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How to seperate my project in to layers ? how to design classes ?

should i followany patterns ? repository patterns ?

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SQL Server :: How To Insert One Table Data Into Another 2 Tables In Sql Server 2005

Feb 27, 2011

As I know, we can use INSERT INTO (....) SELECT FROM command to select data from one table and can insert into another table.

Now I need instead of 1 table, I want to select data from one table and Insert into another 2 tables.

Shall I write another INSERT INTO (..) SELECT FROM command or is there any other way?

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SQL Server :: Split Sentences At Line Break Then Insert In Database Each Separate Column?

Jul 15, 2010

I would like to know if someone can please help me with the followingI would like to create a bulk entering textbox...every sentence seperated by a line break should go in to the Database as a new column.....Im gonna use SqlDatasource for the inserting..How can I get all the sentences to break up at the linebreak and then get inserted in a separate database column?

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SQL Server :: Server Cache Dependency Enable Tables?

Aug 25, 2010

Using the [Code].... for server cache Dependency, to get a list of the tables that are enabled, We use the line below:


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SQL Server :: Connect The Two Tables Of The Sql Server 2008 Databse In C#?

Feb 10, 2011

how to connect the two tables of the sql server 2008 databse in C#.

in this there are two tables

1) Tour header(id, name, city, destination)

2) Tour Detail(id, tour id, day no, title,description,images)in this id of tour header and tour id of tour header will be same.now i want to retrieve the data on the basis of when id==tour id.how can we can run the query of two tables.

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Data Controls :: Separate Out And Search Comma Separated Values In Database Columns In SQL Server

Dec 27, 2012

I have one table in sql server called student_info

In this table keys kills column contain value like below



I want to search the student information based on keyskills like naukri

1.Any keyskills from textbox1
2.All keyskills from textbox2
3.Except keyskills from textbox3

When I enter c,c++ or c++,c in textbox1 then it will dispaly all the student whose have c,c++ keyskill

How to achieve this.

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Avoid Insertion Of Duplicate Records?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a webform which users fill in and all fields are submitted to table. How do I check that the record doesn't already exist in the table before the data is submitted? And if the data does exist I'd like to display error message label.

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How To Clear An Image Field After Insertion

Mar 29, 2010

What is the property used to clear image in the image field..

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Duplicate Records While Insertion Into Grid?

Mar 22, 2011

I have a page which consists of a grid and add new button. When the user clicks add new button he gets several fields to be entered. So, when he clicks submit I usually write a query which checks if there is an entry already in the database. In this case, I succeeded. However, my task is to also show the records identical and let the user decide to proceed or not.SO, I am not sure of how to proceed with this one. So, can anyone just help me in giving an idea on how to proceed with this one?

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AJAX :: ModalPopUpControl Selection And Insertion?

May 23, 2010

I followed this tutorial to get my modalpopup and the text boxes on the page:


The modal popup opens when I click on EDIT_ for one of the blogs that I loaded:


the edit with an underscore does actually trigger the modalpopup but I also need to trigger a select statement that fills the textboxes with the existing text.how do I do that? in webforms I fired a sub that just filled the textboxes. will I need to redraw the view?

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Assign Values To Textbox Before Insertion

Apr 28, 2013

I am using Form View to Insert Data using ObjectDataSource Visual Studio2010.

It is running fine, taking values inserting and then showing in grid view using SqlDataSource.. also editing in detailsview using SqlDataSource.

1. My Column EmployeeID is of String nature.now i dont want the user to input Employeeid, i want E-123 type value. and i want to get the max id from table and +1 before inserting new record. what are the step to do it.

2. I want to display status column as check box in detailsview. it is again string type and taking values T or F. how to do it?

3. Status Checkbox need to be displayed in Grid View also.

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Web Forms :: Insertion A Data From A Database Into A Textbox

Apr 8, 2010

cvzzcvzzpublic partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page

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How To Build A Simple Gridview Only For Insertion (no Bind)

Jun 8, 2010

how do I implement a rapid gridview with two columns, with ability to add rows by clicking the add button, and remove in the same way.I look for plugins, but often contain many unnecessary option in my case, I'm looking for something fairly simple.solution jquery, ajax.. I'm using ASP.net (C #)I've already prepare this for insert data:

for (int i = 0; i < GridViewProducts.Rows.Count; i++)
Int32 _qteProduct;


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Web Forms :: Deny Insertion If The Limit Reach

May 7, 2015

I have a tables

if the employee has been reach his Leave (Vacation or Sick Leave) it will not save it to database


Vacation Leave = 5

Sick Leave = 5

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