SQL Server :: Best Way To Do Mass Imports Of Records?

Nov 5, 2010

using vb.net and sql server 2005.I am creating a windows service and querying another type of db (not sql server) and storing the results in a dataReader.Once I have all the records what is the best and most efficient way to do sql inserts?

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error: Type 'CascadingDropDownNameValue' is not defined.

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i try to use select statement to select records within a week from orderdate. like,

"select * from order where orderdate <= DATEADD(day,7,orderdate)";

correct me if wrong.

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Oct 1, 2010

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An explicit value for the identity column in table 'emp' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.

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foreach(string ID in List)
Update here

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SELECT Profile.Name,
FROM Profile


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SQL Server :: Inner Join Return More Records?

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I have faced the peculiar case in Sql server's Inner join. I have 2 tablesFor example:Table Name: A and B I have shown the below code.

* From A
Join B
ON A.JobCode

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