SQL Server :: Copy Data From One Server To Another?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm changing my DB server. I need to move all tables with datas. I'm using SQLSEVER2005.

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Jan 12, 2010

I want to copy a database on a development server to my local server. I am not the server administrator but I have rights to the database. Soon after the wizard Executes the SQL Server Agent Job it fails and the error message says:

The job failed. Check the event log on the destination server for details.

Where do I find this log? Also what could be the problem?

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I have deployed my site in Win 2003 server. In this, it copies file from Another server and copies it in local. It is working with my local computer, but not in the server i have deployed. I hope access credentials may be the first reason. But are there any other reasons for this.

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I need to copy a (WAV) file that I have just posted to the Web Server (successfully) over to the SMTP server for additional processing. I am confused about the process. Here is what I do now:

1. Post the file via "http POST" from the client to the web server.

Here is what I would like to accomplish:

1. Post the file to the web server

2. Copy the file from the web server to the SMTP server.

I am experiencing a "brain block" which I get too often and cannot visualize the processes. What should I write on the web server as a method to grab the newly received file and send a copy on over to a specific directory in the SMTP server (MailServer is the SMTP server and the physical directory is "c:/TempMessages". Do I need to run IIS on the SMTP server and create a virtual path??

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SQL Server :: Copy Data From Multiple Columns Into One Column?

Aug 26, 2010

My View has four columns with years, none of the rows have complete yearly data.

Current View

Columns 1-10, FY, Expr1, Expr2, Expr3
Some data, 2010 NULL,NULL, NULL
Some data, NULL, 2010, NULL, NULL
Some data, NULL, NULL, 2010, NULL
Some data, NULL, 2010, 2010, 2010
Some data, 2010, NULL, 2010, 2010,
Some data, NULL, NULL, 2010, NULL
Some data, 2010, 2010, NULL, 2010
Some data, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2010

A new column needs to relfect 2010 for each row in the View.

Goal New View
Columns 1-10, FY_NEW
Some data, 2010
Some data, 2010
Some data, 2010, etc. for each row in the view

I can not hard code the data as time moves forward next year rows will have 2012, etc.

How can I get lthe year, in this case 2010, into a new column regardless of the year?

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Sep 15, 2010

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with Sheet name different from table name..........

So the issue is that when I open Excel Sheet it show sheetname same as filename

I just want to name it as Sheet1,Sheet2 and so on

I can copy table from SqlServer(MS Sql Server 2005) into Excel Sheet as follows:


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How do I copy data from one server to another?


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On the other server should download this file.

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Way To Copy A File To Another Server

May 20, 2010

I am trying to copy a picure fil(jpg) to another server. I am using this code but for some rezone is the file corupted once it arrives to the other server.

Dim myFtpWebRequest As FtpWebRequest
Dim myFtpWebResponse As FtpWebResponse
Dim myStreamWriter As StreamWriter
Dim filename As String = Request.QueryString("filename")
filename = filename.Replace("../incoming/mms/", "")
myFtpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create("ftp://bklmydomain/wwwroot/" & filename)

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Feb 1, 2010

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I know i cannot directly assign the server control to another control.

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I know we can use the Web Deployment Tool to sync websites between a local and remote IIS server. But all I need is copying the iis settings and not the websites in it.

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Oct 6, 2010

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Database - Copy VSS Structure To Server?

Feb 18, 2010

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i don't know what exactly i need therefore :> I have to build somekind of connection? then go throw the structure and copy it somehow :> ?

important: i want to copy the documents with the right creation date ( it changes when i just copy the doc.)

are there APIs for asp.net <-> vss?

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SQL Server :: Copy Database From Computer To Another?

Dec 10, 2010

I have a SQLServer database, Can I take a copy of this database with all tables and stored procedures and all data in tables ?

and if I can create this copy, how to add it to SQL Server in the new PC ?

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Aug 11, 2010

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Configuration :: Copy Website From Web Server To Local IIS

Oct 20, 2010

There's a project I'm doing now which is an ASP.net 2.0 written website with SQL database. (it was just assigned to me for deployment and no contact to programmer who is AWOL :-)

Scope of project is to move everything from live site to local server and display/execute exactly the way it does on the livesite (web).

Already configured Windows 2003 server as IIS and successfully restored the database through SQL 2008.

Since I am new to ASP.net deployment this is where my trouble starts: manually copied httpdocs folder to local server, copy website through MS web developer and tried to run it on local machine http://127.0.x.x/default.aspx for the home page. from there I am getting a server error log specifically the line " <configuration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0">"

I know I have some work to do in here I do want to call the attention of ghw123 since he

is familiar with the dynamics of IIS and moving websites. Another thing I would like to point is the local server doesn't display any IP address when running ipconfig or ping from command prompt i simply pull out the ip info from the running IIS service itself. Lastly, I need to figure out which file/folders are really running on the livesite since there are lots of them (for other purpose maybe) on the remote server it is hosted.

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Oct 28, 2010

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OriginDest(OID, DID)

I want to Copy all the row from OriginDest Table, DataBase1. To OrginDest, DataBase2 with Same Name

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SQL Server :: How To Copy A Database And Also Include New Columns

Feb 18, 2011

I am in a situation where, I have to copy a databse with records and also want to include new columns in it?

Or can I copy a db schema and later on include new cloumns and then copy a records from old database?

I am using SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition R2.

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ServerName.Database.dbo.TableIn above convention can we use IP address instead of ServerName?

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Jul 5, 2010

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how can i do for upload my classes?

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Jul 14, 2010

What is the code to dowloading a copy of a file from server? For example to access some webpage using different font like chines ,Hidi etc.they will provide a option to download the corresponding font for read the site.

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