SQL Server :: How To Copy Table Structure From One PC To Another PC

Aug 19, 2010

how to copy table structure or whole table from sql server 2005 from one PC to another PC

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Dim ds As New AccessDataSource

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Jun 4, 2010

I am trying to create a TreeView nested structure with the use of self referencing table fields. Here is a simple example:

Category 1
Product 1
Toy 1
Toy 2
Product 2
Toy 3
Toy 4

more categories.. The database table has a single table called "Category". The ParentCategoryId points to the Category which is the parent. So, for the Category 1 the ParentCategoryId is null since it is parent. For Product 1 the ParentCategoryId is that of the Category 1 id and for Toy 1 the ParentCategoryId is that for the Product 1 id.

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How can I do this. As I can't change the table structure at current moment as this will disturb the whole E-commerce site.

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Feb 5, 2010

Here I Need Copy From One Table To Another Table.

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Copy DataColumn From Table A To Table B?

Aug 17, 2010

I would like to copy DataColumn from tableA to table B:

As I think it should be like this:

TableA in perdefined.
DataColumn[] dataColum = new
DataColumn[TableA .Columns.Count];
TableA .Columns.CopyTo(dataColum, 0);
DataTable TableB = new DataTable();
TableB .Columns.AddRange(dataColum);

=> but it raised an error at the line error, ID is belong to another table (in tableB)...

As I dont like another way:

DataTable TableB = TableA.Copy(); TableB.Clear(); // => getting structure of table A, not nice this way

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