SQL Server ::to Add New Column Add Between Two Column In Sql

Dec 5, 2010

I need add one New column between Two column .. how do that ..

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SQL Server :: How To Copy One Column Data From A Table To Another Table Column With Rest Of The Column

Jan 16, 2011

I want to copy data from a table[tblExcel][No.of columns:2] to another table[ev_event] which has 5 columns, 2 columns from the another table, 3 columns from user defined value


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SQL Server :: Update Column Into Identity Column By Removing Null Values?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a table converted from Access and the identity keys were lost. Now I need to make the id column the identity column, but it already has a lot of null values, how do I auto generate integer values for the null rows? The row ids are incremented, so if there is a way to auto increment the ids

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SQL Server :: Create View Or Function Failed Because No Column Name Was Specified For Column 2

Feb 17, 2011

I am creating dynamic view using two tables.one is emp_Tbl and 2nd table emp_salary which is created dynamically .creating view it gives error 'Create View or Function failed because no column name was specified for column 2.

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SQL Server :: Invalid Column Name - Column Is Not Referenced Anywhere?

Aug 18, 2010

I have a SQL Server 2005 database which is queried by a web service which is called by an aspx page.

I inherited a messy and inefficient project, and I was working on cleaning up a GridView by making it dynamic and by having consistent field names in the database when I started getting an error of - Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Invalid column name: 'ASSIGNED_TO'

Assigned_to does not exist in the database, in the web service, or in the website solutions in any place. It was the name of one of the fields in one table, which I changed to USERID so that either of two datasets would fit into a Gridview (all other fields were the same). I then replaced all references of ASSIGNED_TO with USERID, which is when the issues began. The first of the two queries below causes the exception to be thrown, but the second one does not. I have tested both with the WCF Client and with a query within SQL Server to verify that they do work, so the issue has to be on the website side.

sSQL = "select distinct B.BADGE_NBR, a.REGId,B.CYC_RTE, b.USERID, a.MTRREAD,A.NEWMTRNUM, a.COMPTIME, B.FA_TYPE, CASE WHEN A.MTRCOMMENTS <> 'Null' THEN '*' END as Comment,a.MTRLAT,a.MTRLONG,a.WOFAID, b.ADDRESS, a.MTRREADFLAG, b.ROUT_SEQ from MobileDataReturn a,WORKORDERDIPATCHFILL b Where a.RegId = b.REGID and a.WOFAID = b.FA_ID and B.CYC_RTE " & route & "' and b.USERID " & worker & "' and B.BADGE_NBR " & badge & "' and a.MTRREADFLAG " & readflag & "' and b.FA_TYPE " & fatype & "' Order by a.COMPTIME desc"

sSQL = "select distinct BADGE_NBR, REGId,CYC_RTE, USERID,MTRREAD,NEWMTRNUM, COMPTIME, FA_TYPE, CASE WHEN MTRCOMMENTS <> 'Null' THEN '*' END as Comment,MTRLAT,MTRLONG,WOFAID, ADDRESS, MTRREADFLAG from MobileDataReturnArchive Where CYC_RTE " & route & "'and USERID " & worker & "'and BADGE_NBR " & badge & "' and MTRREADFLAG " & readflag & "'and FA_TYPE " & fatype & "' Order by COMPTIME desc"

The Gridview:


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SQL Server :: Stuck On Update Query / Identify That The First Letter In A Column In T1 Corresponds To One Letter In The Middle Of A String In A Column In T2 For Instance?

Nov 30, 2010

Heres the situation: I need update a column from my table (T1) from two other columns in a different table (T2).

My constraints are:

That I have to match the first 4 letters of a column in T2 to one column in T1 I have to identify that the first letter in a column in T1 corresponds to one letter in the middle of a string in a column in T2 For instance:

My Table (T1):

Order Type Combined
0090 0001 YYXX 1YY
0091 1001 YYXX YYY
0092 1002 XXXX 2XX

Table 2 (T2):

Order Value
00900001YY XX
00911001YY XX
00921002XX XX

The Combined column in T1 is what i'm trying to complete. The T1.Place column contains the first character that I want to check for.

If it's a "1" then I want to make sure the 5th letter in T2.Order is a "0" If its a "Y" then I want to look for a "1001" If its a "2" then I want to make sure the 8th letter is a "2" in T2.Order
If all that matches then I was the last two letters in T2.Order + T2.Value to be combined and put into the appropiate spot in T1.Combined

Here's what I have:


I know it's a little complex, but i'm really stuck on it and any help would be greatly appreciated.

View 12 Replies

SQL Server :: How To Set Column Value Get From Identity On Column

Mar 14, 2011

I am facing a problem here. I have a column where the value is equivalent to my identity column's value. For an example, I have a column A store is "ABC0001" and the 0001 is came from a column called Column B which identity on. when a new record inserted and Column B is next identity number and Column A value is "ABC" and add number from Column B.

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Forms Data Controls :: Sorting A Column By Simply Clicking On The Column Rather Than Clicking On The Column Header?

Jan 14, 2010

I am looking to sort a column on my gridview by simply clicking on the column rather than clicking on the column header. In the design I have been given, the column header will not be shown, and I need to be able to give the user to sort this column, by simply just clicking any where on the column.

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SQL Server :: Derived Column Transformation / Add Extra Logic To Derived Column Expression?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how add extra logic to this derived column expression:

LEN(TRIM(pup_date)) == 0 ? NULL(DT_DATE) : ((DT_DATE)(SUBSTRING(pup_date,5,2) + "-" + SUBSTRING(pup_date,7,2) + "-" + SUBSTRING(pup_date,1,4)))

If there's a 0 in the field the code inserts a null. Otherwise it inserts a date. How can I change this to insert a NULL if a question mark "?" appears in the column?

This is what I tied using the OR operator but it's not working:

LEN(TRIM(pup_date)) == 0 || LEN(TRIM(pup_date)) == "?" ? NULL(DT_DATE) : ((DT_DATE)(SUBSTRING(pup_date,5,2) + "-" + SUBSTRING(pup_date,7,2) + "-" + SUBSTRING(pup_date,1,4)))

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SQL Server :: Want To Add New Column Between Two Column

Aug 4, 2010

i need one Add new column between two column... i have using sql 2005...

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Forms Data Controls :: Link Checkbox With Bit Column, So Bit Column In SQL Database Gets Updated?

Mar 6, 2011

I'm currently working on a small project and therefore created a gridview, including one bit column which has been linked with a checkbox in both the itemtemplate as the edititemtemplate (autopostback = true).Databinding for these two checkboxes has been linked (two-way) to the bit column.Now I want to display the gridview to end-users. They should be able to just click on the checkbox so they value in the database column gets changed as well (as I want to run update queries behind it), but not passing via the command column 'EDIT'.=> problem I'm having now is that the bit column in the database doesn't get updated.

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DataSource Controls :: Accessing Specific Column In Database With Column ID With Table Adaptor

Jan 6, 2010

I'm currectly tryin to access a specific value in my database in a specific column. I'm tryin to use the primary key of the table to access the actual value in the row of that ID.

The current code:


Just iterates through the table and looking for any row with the boolean 'checkin' value is True, then it takes the 'id' value of that row and stores it into an array. Is there a way that I can access a another entry, and only that entry, in the table with the 'id' stored in the array?

Like if my data base contained and int, primarykey, `id` value, a boolean, `checkedin` value, and a `time` value, is there a way to access, lets say, the row with `id` equalling 3 and and the checkIn value from that row?

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Forms Data Controls :: >>>Display Gridview Column Heading When MouseOver On Particular Column?

Oct 12, 2010

want to display gridview column heading when mouse over to the particular column in the gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Column Chart Has Inconsistent Column Segment Widths?

Jan 3, 2011


Stacked-column chart has inconsistent column segment widths

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Data Controls :: Identity Column In Table (User Activation) Can Only Be Specified When A Column List Is Used

Jan 24, 2016

How to handle this error

"An explicit value for the identity column in table 'UserActivation' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON."

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The Column Is Dragable Means The Order Of The Column Can Be Changed By Drag And Drop?

May 5, 2010

i am making a website and i get a requirement that in GridView or ListView whatever control you used but the column is dragable means the order of the column can be change by drag and drop.Along with that i want to give option to the client that add more column if he check mark some column then that column should be added client side.So i am looking for some dll in ASP.NEt or Jquery for <table> Operation or javascript anything help me out

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Three Columns Layout, Want Middle Column To Stretch Wider When Column 1 And 3 Are Empty?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a 3 column layout using table-less design.


The CSS:

#left {width: 200px;float:left;display:inline;}
#content {width: 600px;float:left;display:inline;padding: 0 10px;}
#right {width: 160px;float:left;display:inline;}

I am using a web application, and I can't change the layout. By can't change, I mean the div's with left/content/right cannot be removed.

On some pages, both the left and right columns are completely empty. And I want the #content div to expand more than the 600px.

is this possible, without altering the HTML?

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Forms Data Controls :: Add A Button At First Column Of Gridview And Get Cell Value In Another Column

Jul 22, 2010

How to add a button at first column of gridview and get cell value in another column?

For example, add a button named it as "Click me". Once user clicks will get third column cell's (ID) value.

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MVC :: Sortable Table / User Click On The Column Header And Sort The Column They Want?

Mar 25, 2011

i have a table which showing the food data from my Model, including Name, Amount, Storage and Expiry Date. I wish to either:

1. Let user click on the column header and sort the column they want

2. Or default showing the food which almost expired on the top of the table

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Data Controls :: Rotate GridView Rows Into Column With Image Column

Apr 27, 2016

I saw post [URL] .... which is converting rows into column item,quantity ,price. I have one other image field .how can bind image in this program?

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Data Controls :: How To Hide Column In GridView And Access Value Of Hidden Column

Aug 16, 2013

As per my requirement, I am getting CompID, Company Name and URL from SQL database. I want to display just CompName and URL in gridvew. So, I need to hide the CompID in gridview. One way I can do BoundField field Visible to false but I need to retrive that compID id when user selected any of the row. if I set visible to false user wont see any compID in gridvew but I want access the selected compID also using SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text..

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Data Controls :: Change Value Of GridView BoundField Column Based On Value From Another Column

May 7, 2015

I am using item template and eval function in the gridview to display the records. Can I add a coulmn which is not in the table?

I have to add some columns which is not in the table and assign the values from code behind to that particular column

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add A Column Header To A Column Of Auto Generated Select Buttons

Aug 18, 2010

I have a gridview which has a column of auto generated select buttons, where a user can select a row.However, I would like to add a column header to my auto generated select buttons in order to make the gridview look complete, but I am unable to see how I can do this. Does anyone know how I can add a header text to an auto generated select button?

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Forms Data Controls :: Make A GridView Column Invisible If Every Cell In That Column Is Empty?

Mar 4, 2011

No sense in showing a competely blank column. how to make a GridView column invisible if every cell in that column is empty?

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Text In 2 Rows And Then A Gridview Column - Third Row Is Displayed As A Row Under First Column

Jul 14, 2010

I have a gridview with 3 columns. In second column I want to display some text in 2 rows and then a gridview.
Here is my code:


The problem is my third row is displayed as a row under first column. How do I make it a separate column in my girdview. Not sure what is going wrong.

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