Forms Data Controls :: Column Chart Has Inconsistent Column Segment Widths?

Jan 3, 2011


Stacked-column chart has inconsistent column segment widths

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Format Column Widths

Jun 3, 2010

I'm creating a ListView and have been unable to format column widths. After much research I have found that the width property of the <asp:Label doesn't work. I'm using

Text='<%# Eval("VCArea") %>'

I test the FormView by changing the width property and it doesn't affect the width of the column. The <th control in the layout template has a width="60" that appears to be working. If I remove the <asp:label from the <td in the Item and AlternateItem templates, the width is set to 60. When I paste the <asp:label back into the <td, the width of the column increases to about 200px even though the width is set to 10. I set the backcolor to Aqua to see the label and it is about 200 px widt.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adjust Gridview Column Widths?

Apr 1, 2011

Earlier,I was having UltrawebGrid control in my aspx page.Due to performance issues, we have replaced it with asp:GridView control.We needall the functionalities implemented with the UltrawebGrid using the gridview.With UltrawebGrid , the user was allowed to adjust the column widthsby dragging and save it.Is there any possible way to achieve this using GridView?

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Forms Data Controls :: TextBoxes Messes Up GridView Column Widths?

Apr 1, 2011

My problem is: The GridView normally fits the grid perfectly to the data so that each cell only spans one row and has the appropriate column widths. However, when I add a row of TextBoxes to the bottom of this grid, the column widths suddenly all become equal, so that some cells with lots of words span multiple rows. Is there anyway to prevent this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Dot Net Chart Control Last Column Of Chart Is Not Completely Appearing?

Jul 9, 2010

I have an issue in using dot net chart control. In chart last column is not completely shown which give bad appearance and on right side of chart it looks like TickMark are enabled. I set MajorTickMark of AxisY2 disabled but still tick marks on right side.

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Web Forms :: To Use Response.Write To Adjust Column Widths When Exporting Data To MS Excel?

Feb 14, 2010

Is there a simple way to use Response.Write to adjust column widths when exporting data to MS Excel?

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Forms Data Controls :: Chart Control Crashes 3D Stacked Bar Or Column

May 13, 2010

If my dataset contains any null values, then the 3D stacked bar (or column) chart crashes with the "Index is out of range" error.It works fine for 2D for the same data set.

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Forms Data Controls :: Create Multi- Series 3D Column Chart?

Dec 2, 2010

how we can make Multi- series 3D column chart using ASP charts

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Best Practice To Manage Telerik RadGrid Grid And Column Widths?

May 25, 2010

I wanted to ask what is the best practice to manage width of the radGrid.

For my application most users are running 1280 x 1024 so I would be happy to set my overall grid width to 1100. However, depending on the form in use, I sometimes have horizantal scroll bars. To solve this, I have been playing with the width of the grid, and also I have played with setting the itemstyle-width for one or two columns. Sometimes I accidentally get it right, and sometimes it is not quite right.

What is the best way to manage this? Do I set the grid, and then all columns, or just the grid, or just the columns? I guess there is a best practice, so just wondering how you handle it,

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Forms Data Controls :: Sorting A Column By Simply Clicking On The Column Rather Than Clicking On The Column Header?

Jan 14, 2010

I am looking to sort a column on my gridview by simply clicking on the column rather than clicking on the column header. In the design I have been given, the column header will not be shown, and I need to be able to give the user to sort this column, by simply just clicking any where on the column.

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Forms Data Controls :: Link Checkbox With Bit Column, So Bit Column In SQL Database Gets Updated?

Mar 6, 2011

I'm currently working on a small project and therefore created a gridview, including one bit column which has been linked with a checkbox in both the itemtemplate as the edititemtemplate (autopostback = true).Databinding for these two checkboxes has been linked (two-way) to the bit column.Now I want to display the gridview to end-users. They should be able to just click on the checkbox so they value in the database column gets changed as well (as I want to run update queries behind it), but not passing via the command column 'EDIT'.=> problem I'm having now is that the bit column in the database doesn't get updated.

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Forms Data Controls :: >>>Display Gridview Column Heading When MouseOver On Particular Column?

Oct 12, 2010

want to display gridview column heading when mouse over to the particular column in the gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add A Button At First Column Of Gridview And Get Cell Value In Another Column

Jul 22, 2010

How to add a button at first column of gridview and get cell value in another column?

For example, add a button named it as "Click me". Once user clicks will get third column cell's (ID) value.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add A Column Header To A Column Of Auto Generated Select Buttons

Aug 18, 2010

I have a gridview which has a column of auto generated select buttons, where a user can select a row.However, I would like to add a column header to my auto generated select buttons in order to make the gridview look complete, but I am unable to see how I can do this. Does anyone know how I can add a header text to an auto generated select button?

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Forms Data Controls :: Make A GridView Column Invisible If Every Cell In That Column Is Empty?

Mar 4, 2011

No sense in showing a competely blank column. how to make a GridView column invisible if every cell in that column is empty?

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Text In 2 Rows And Then A Gridview Column - Third Row Is Displayed As A Row Under First Column

Jul 14, 2010

I have a gridview with 3 columns. In second column I want to display some text in 2 rows and then a gridview.
Here is my code:


The problem is my third row is displayed as a row under first column. How do I make it a separate column in my girdview. Not sure what is going wrong.

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Forms Data Controls :: Making Visible Of Gridviwe Column If All Values In Selected In A Column Is Not Null

Dec 30, 2010

I have gridviwe having 2 columns:

1) DocNumber 2)Title

query select docnumber,title from tbl_docs.


Now the issue is that that every document doesn't has document number. I want to make invisible the docuNumber column of the grid viwe if all values in the docNumber retrieved are null.for example:

docnumber tite
null Document 1

null Document 2

null doucment 3

null document 4

if returned result match above where all docnumber are null then make the gridviwe docnumber column ivisible eslemake the greidviwe column visible.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Validation When The Sum Of Column Value Is More Than 100?

Jan 8, 2011

I am using GridView ,I want to do a validation like if i edit any one of the Cell in that column, it will through the validation when the sum of column value is more than 100. How can i do this validation?

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Forms Data Controls :: Paging On A Different Column Than The Sorting Column

Sep 26, 2010

Situation: SQL database, Linq to SQL class a ASP.NET page with a LinqDataSource and a gridview. The table has a ID field, a date field and a Serialnr field. In my Grid I like to Page on the datefield but to sort on the serialnr field ( or a selectable other field). Is that possible? Standard the paging is always done on the sort field and when you select a different sort field the page jumps back to the first page., and paging is then done over that sorted column.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Change / Replace A Column Data Field Value to 'Not Applicable'?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a gridview which is binded to a Sqldatasource. I would like to replace a column data field value to 'Not Applicable' if that column has got a value of 2 in database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Second Column Value Base On First Column Value?

Sep 28, 2010

I am stuck to get the second column value based on first column value. I have tableone:

Pid uit
22 as
23 dd
22 cc
24 vv
24 bb

The girdview will show pid and number of uit based on first column pid

Pid number of uit
22 2
23 1
24 2

Here is my code.

ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="PID" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
<asp:BoundField DataField="PID" HeaderText="PID" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="PID" />


However, the function: <%# TotalByQty("PID")%> did not get first column value and still is pid.

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Forms Data Controls :: Header Column Not Sync With The Column Data In EditItemTemplate?

Oct 21, 2010

i have a grid view and i use TemplateField.

when i am in ItemTemplate all the column (7 column) are label so it fit to the current screen

by when i use EditItemTemplate or InsertItemTemplate the coulmn don't fit the the current screen and

i have to use the ruler in order to see more information about the cell (which is ok - because in each cell i have a dropdownlist or long textbox)

but when i drag the ruler to the right size to see more information only the cells are moved but the header coulmn stay so i see the current coulmn with worng header coulmn

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Data Controls :: Identity Column In Table (User Activation) Can Only Be Specified When A Column List Is Used

Jan 24, 2016

How to handle this error

"An explicit value for the identity column in table 'UserActivation' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON."

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Data Controls :: Rotate GridView Rows Into Column With Image Column

Apr 27, 2016

I saw post [URL] .... which is converting rows into column item,quantity ,price. I have one other image field .how can bind image in this program?

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Data Controls :: How To Hide Column In GridView And Access Value Of Hidden Column

Aug 16, 2013

As per my requirement, I am getting CompID, Company Name and URL from SQL database. I want to display just CompName and URL in gridvew. So, I need to hide the CompID in gridview. One way I can do BoundField field Visible to false but I need to retrive that compID id when user selected any of the row. if I set visible to false user wont see any compID in gridvew but I want access the selected compID also using SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text..

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