Security :: Change Display Of PasswordRecovery Control?
Aug 11, 2010
For reasons to long to go in to I have to change the behaviour/appearance of the Success page on our password recovery page.
We've been tasked with making the Success template identical to the UserName template i.e. with a label and text box for UserName and identical messages on both pages.
Basically our client wants no difference between successful password retireval and failure - the same message will display regardless e.g. "An email has been sent to <username> with your password."
Which reminds me - in the success/failure message they'd like the entered UserName to appear but I can only get it to appear if it's a valid username - if it's nonsense the UserName is blank.
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Similar Messages:
Apr 5, 2010
I have asked the following question multiple times but did not receive any proper reply.
I have a web page which is using PasswordRecovery control.
Its working fine but I have a scenario in which I have to disable Viewstate for the whole application.
Now after disabling viewstate when I visit the webpage I have noticed that PasswordRecovery controls is not working (Every times when I submit the default button to go to step 2, the postback occur but not moving to step 2).
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Nov 17, 2010
I am using passwordrecovery control.
After entering username and keying enter key(from keyboard) it was not firing submitbutton_click event. So i have added defaultbutton property in the panel control, and it is working fine. And my problem here is..
Clicking on submit button it is showing security question. After answering the security question, i have to click on the submit button either by mouse click or tab enter.
What i need to do is.. after answering the security question, I should be able to hit enter key instead of mouse clicking on submit button.
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Mar 31, 2010
I have a web page which is using PasswordRecovery control.
But I have a scenario in which I have to disable Viewstate for the whole application.
Now after disabling viewstate when I visit the webpage I have noticed that PasswordRecovery controls is not working (Every times when I submit the default button to go to step 2, the postback occur but not moving to step 2).
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Jan 26, 2010
Is it possible to use the PasswordRecovery control to recover a password using the email address instead of the user name?
Ideally I'd like to have the PasswordRecovery control allow users to enter their email address instead of their user name and then proceed to answer the security question.
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Jul 12, 2010
I'm using's built-in membership provider with security question-and-answer enabled for password recovery against a SQL Server 2005 db. For some users, this works fine and they're able to receive their passwords. For others, and it's not clear what separates the two groups, the security answer is never properly processed. It doesn't matter if the answer is correct or incorrect, the page merely reloads without confirming or denying the request.As for events, VerifyingAnswer is being triggered, but not AnswerLookupError (if answer is incorrect) or SendingMail (if answer is correct). I ran a SQL trace during one instance, and the aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName stored procedure is being called, but nothing else gets called after. I would expect that aspnet_Membership_GetPassword would be called, which passes the security answer as a parameter, but it isn't.
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Jun 5, 2010
Is it possible to create a passwordRecovery by the email address instead of the username? A lot of our members forgot their username.
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Dec 24, 2010
I have a PasswordRecovery control set up on an ascx control as shown below. In some cases users have gotten two emails with different passwords sent at the same time. They're insistent that they haven't hit the button twice. I am using the CSSFriendly adapters, so I can take that off and see if it corrects the problem. Otherwise I suppose I could put this on the aspx page rather than a control.
<asp:PasswordRecovery ID="PasswordRecovery1" runat="server"
View 5 Replies
Dec 12, 2010
I am new to 4.0 and I am having a hard time changing the PasswordRecovery to email instead of username. here is my aspx page (the page won't hit the vb code unless i enter the username not the email)
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May 3, 2010
I'm customizing the look and feel of the PasswordRecovery control. The problem is this. I've already set the "Search" button on my site as the default button. I've noticed that all the buttons used in customizing PasswordRecovery use "Button" as their IDs. So in my Page_Load() event, I tried this.Form.DefaultButton = pr1.FindControl("Button").UniqueID; where pr1 is the PasswordRecovery control. But I keep getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error where I try to set Button as the default button.How do I make sure that the user can actually hit "Enter" to use PasswordRecovery as opposed to having to click the buttons?
View 4 Replies
Jan 31, 2011
I've build a PasswordRecovery, but it always returns this error code. What is wrong?
The aspx code:
I don't use any code behind, maybe i sould do? but what, it should work without any coding? The txt file:
Bij deze ontvangt u uw nieuwe wachtwoord:<br><br>
Gebruikersnaam: <% UserName %><br>
Wachtwoord: <% Password %><br><br>
Met vriendelijke groeten
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Nov 20, 2010
how to make this work (I assume that no code behind is needed to make this work in its simplest form?).After user correctly answers the security question and presses submit, no email is sent. No message is displayed. Nothing. What is missing?
View 6 Replies
Jul 20, 2010
Is there any easy way of setting a failure text within the PasswordRecovery control?
I want to be able to notify users that there was a problem with sending an email. Is there a failure - counterpart to the SuccessTemplate i can use or is there any other template/control within the passwordRecovery control whose value can be set in a handler to the onsendmailerror event?
(Please don't send MSDN links to PasswordRecovery or onsendmailerror, i've read them)
View 4 Replies
Jan 24, 2011
I want to use PasswordRecovery control in modalpopup. After successfully completing first step of password recovery.I close the modal popup and now again when i open modal popup it shows with second step of the password recovery. But I want default first step when user close the modal popup.
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Oct 28, 2010
I have a password recovery control on my login page. I want to have it send the user specified (and after question/answer filled out correctly) password in an email. I keep throwing an error though, saying that the SMTP needs authentication. I've used a lot of email capabilities in my application, but I set all the SmtpClient properties programmatically, so I never had to rely on mailSettings section of the web.config file. But now I am relying on it, because I am not intercepting any events (unless that would be easiest) of the password recovery control. Here is my excerpt from my web.config file:
What am I not doing here to specify SMTP authentication? Why am I throwing this error? I'm putting my credentials in there with username and password. Am I not configuring the PasswordRecovery control correctly?
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Apr 12, 2010
Example scenario in an ASP.NET application using SQL Server membership provider :
1) a user can't remember their exact password, and tries many times in a short space of time to login with an invalid password (say 5 times in a 10 minute window). This locks out the user (i.e. sets the IsLockedOut flag of the aspnet_Membership table to 1).
2) user goes to the "forgot my password" screen to try to get a new password emailed to them. This screen uses the PasswordRecovery control. User enters their correct user id, but then cannot go further in the password recovery process, since the IsLockedOut flag is 1. (They don't even get to see their security question).
3) The user would then have to phone tech support to get themselves unlocked etc.
To reduce the burden on support staff, we are trying to reduce the times step 3 is required, by making the PasswordRecovery control (if possible), work with locked out users. i.e. when they enter their login ID, the security question comes up, and IF they enter the correct answer, the system will unlock the user, and email the new temporary password to them. I'm wondering if it is possible to tweak the PasswordRecovery control to do this.
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Aug 15, 2012
I am using password recovery control in forgotpassword.aspx page. By default the password recovery control validates the Login id and the security question of a particular user. But i want to give an alternate option. That is, If the user forgets the security answer he can give his PAN Number as identificaiton. Its should be an option like either he can provide security answer or his PAN number. Can we acheive this functionality. Because from my knowledge it looks like Security Answer is mandatory. But i want to provide alternate option that user should give his security answer, if he forgets he can use PAN number for his identificaition. UpmMembershipProvider has default property (requiresQuestionAndAnswer) which is set as true.
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Jul 12, 2012
My PasswordRecovery Control is not working. It is giving me SMTP problem. I set my proper gmail address with port number, valid user name and password. But not working? Do I require to set more settings?
The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. pg3sm5232120pbc.2
Web.config :
<> <mailSettings> <smtp from=""> <network host="" password="mypassword" port="587" userName="" /> </smtp> </mailSettings> </>
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Apr 30, 2010
I use master/content page and use this code (below) for validation, if I place the PasswordRecovery outside LoginView the validation is marked up correctly, but placed back inside the LoginView the PasswordRecovery compilation error is CS0103: The name 'PasswordRecovery1' does not exist in the current context.
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Jan 13, 2011
I got a problem here and i desperately need your helps through this.Ok,i use Change Password control to allow user to change their password.I use administrative tool to setting their username and password.When i run my project and clicks on Change Password button,i got below error:"Password incorrect or New Password invalid. New Password length minimum: 6. Non-alphanumeric characters required: 0."It means,change password attempt is unsuccessful.Why this happen?
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Dec 21, 2010
some links or guides on how to use Change Password control in already succeed implemented the login control in my application.And now i want to put change password control in my application so that the user can change their password accordingly.How can i do this using
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Sep 29, 2010
I am new to I am designing a page to let the user to edit and update his own profile. How can I control a user so that he can only change his own profile?
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Jul 14, 2010
Is there a way to change the layout of the login control so that it shows username and password side by side instead of the username on top of password?
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Apr 18, 2010
I using control Membership and profile for change Your password. It is error when i login again.
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Jul 10, 2010
I have converted the change password control to a template. It is inside an update panel. After changing the password the confirm button takes the user to the success step by updating the update panel. Then by clicking the OK button, I would like to reset the password changer to its initial state so that the user can change the password again. Right now I am not sure how this is done and the control simply remains at the second step, telling the user "password has been changed" . User can press OK. What must I write in the OK button click event to reset the password control to its original state?
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