Security :: Customizing PasswordRecovery Templates?

May 3, 2010

I'm customizing the look and feel of the PasswordRecovery control. The problem is this. I've already set the "Search" button on my site as the default button. I've noticed that all the buttons used in customizing PasswordRecovery use "Button" as their IDs. So in my Page_Load() event, I tried this.Form.DefaultButton = pr1.FindControl("Button").UniqueID; where pr1 is the PasswordRecovery control. But I keep getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error where I try to set Button as the default button.How do I make sure that the user can actually hit "Enter" to use PasswordRecovery as opposed to having to click the buttons?

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Security :: PasswordRecovery Not Completing Security Answer Verification?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm using's built-in membership provider with security question-and-answer enabled for password recovery against a SQL Server 2005 db. For some users, this works fine and they're able to receive their passwords. For others, and it's not clear what separates the two groups, the security answer is never properly processed. It doesn't matter if the answer is correct or incorrect, the page merely reloads without confirming or denying the request.As for events, VerifyingAnswer is being triggered, but not AnswerLookupError (if answer is incorrect) or SendingMail (if answer is correct). I ran a SQL trace during one instance, and the aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName stored procedure is being called, but nothing else gets called after. I would expect that aspnet_Membership_GetPassword would be called, which passes the security answer as a parameter, but it isn't.

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Security :: Customizing The CreateUserWizard Control

Feb 2, 2011

I am trying to customize the CreateUserWizard control....I added a couple of text boxes with First name, last name in the create userwizard....But the problem is i cannot access the textbox from the code behind....The text boxes which i included in the code are marked in Bold Here is the code for the CreateUserwizard Control

<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="CreateUserWizard1" runat="server" OnCancelButtonClick="CreateUserWizard1_CancelButtonClick"
OnCreatingUser="CreateUserWizard1_CreatingUser" OnActiveStepChanged="CreateUserWizard1_ActiveStepChanged"
CancelDestinationPageUrl="~/Default.aspx" DisplayCancelButton="True" ContinueDestinationPageUrl="~/Default.aspx"
Width="320px" LoginCreatedUser="False" Height="295px" InvalidEmailErrorMessage="Please enter a valid email address.">
<StepNextButtonStyle CssClass="Button" />
<ContinueButtonStyle CssClass="Button" />
<CreateUserButtonStyle CssClass="Button" />
<StartNextButtonStyle CssClass="Button" />
<StepStyle CssClass="WpcClinicalText_Enabled" />
<CancelButtonStyle CssClass="Button" />
<StepPreviousButtonStyle CssClass="Button" />

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Security :: Bug In PasswordRecovery Control?

Apr 5, 2010

I have asked the following question multiple times but did not receive any proper reply.

I have a web page which is using PasswordRecovery control.

Its working fine but I have a scenario in which I have to disable Viewstate for the whole application.

Now after disabling viewstate when I visit the webpage I have noticed that PasswordRecovery controls is not working (Every times when I submit the default button to go to step 2, the postback occur but not moving to step 2).

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Dec 24, 2010

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<asp:PasswordRecovery ID="PasswordRecovery1" runat="server"

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Dec 12, 2010

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Jan 31, 2011

I've build a PasswordRecovery, but it always returns this error code. What is wrong?

The aspx code:


I don't use any code behind, maybe i sould do? but what, it should work without any coding? The txt file:

Bij deze ontvangt u uw nieuwe wachtwoord:<br><br>
Gebruikersnaam: <% UserName %><br>
Wachtwoord: <% Password %><br><br>
Met vriendelijke groeten

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Nov 20, 2010


how to make this work (I assume that no code behind is needed to make this work in its simplest form?).After user correctly answers the security question and presses submit, no email is sent. No message is displayed. Nothing. What is missing?

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Security :: Change Display Of PasswordRecovery Control?

Aug 11, 2010

For reasons to long to go in to I have to change the behaviour/appearance of the Success page on our password recovery page.

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Basically our client wants no difference between successful password retireval and failure - the same message will display regardless e.g. "An email has been sent to <username> with your password."

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Jan 12, 2010

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my Q is:

1)can i do this without having to suffer down the road.

2)can i modify the existing sp's in sql08 or would i need to use additional sp's for the new columns that i add.

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Nov 17, 2010

I am using passwordrecovery control.

After entering username and keying enter key(from keyboard) it was not firing submitbutton_click event. So i have added defaultbutton property in the panel control, and it is working fine. And my problem here is..

Clicking on submit button it is showing security question. After answering the security question, i have to click on the submit button either by mouse click or tab enter.

What i need to do is.. after answering the security question, I should be able to hit enter key instead of mouse clicking on submit button.

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Security :: PasswordRecovery Control Is Not Working With Disable Viewstate?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a web page which is using PasswordRecovery control.

But I have a scenario in which I have to disable Viewstate for the whole application.

Now after disabling viewstate when I visit the webpage I have noticed that PasswordRecovery controls is not working (Every times when I submit the default button to go to step 2, the postback occur but not moving to step 2).

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Jul 20, 2010

Is there any easy way of setting a failure text within the PasswordRecovery control?

I want to be able to notify users that there was a problem with sending an email. Is there a failure - counterpart to the SuccessTemplate i can use or is there any other template/control within the passwordRecovery control whose value can be set in a handler to the onsendmailerror event?

(Please don't send MSDN links to PasswordRecovery or onsendmailerror, i've read them)

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Jan 26, 2010

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Feb 1, 2011

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now problem is that how to create template field and edit template field for updating fields of salary table because field of the salary table changing every time as it is creating dynamically.

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Apr 30, 2010

I use master/content page and use this code (below) for validation, if I place the PasswordRecovery outside LoginView the validation is marked up correctly, but placed back inside the LoginView the PasswordRecovery compilation error is CS0103: The name 'PasswordRecovery1' does not exist in the current context.


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C# - Customizing Telerik RadEditor Skin

Oct 29, 2010

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder2" Runat="Server">
<link href="Skins/CustomSkin/Editor.Default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
<telerik:RadEditor ToolbarMode="Default"
ID="editor1" runat="server" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" Skin="CustomSkin">

RADEditor on my page was inheriting Master Page's CSS properties so followed this tutorial to create custom what I did was...I simply copied the Folder named "Default" under Skins folder and renamed it to "CustomSkin" and added it like in the code above ..thot it would work but it didn't coz now I don't see border on my RADEditor...why is that ? Also it is STILL inheriting properties from Master page's CSS file :(

I didn't change name of any of the CSS files inside "CustomSkin" folder...Also when I added the following inside "telerik:RadEditor"...still problem persisting..

<telerik:EditorCssFile Value="~/Skins/CustomSkin/Editor.Default.css" />
<telerik:EditorCssFile Value="~/Skins/CustomSkin/Window.Default.css" />
<telerik:EditorCssFile Value="~/Skins/CustomSkin/ToolBar.Default.css" />

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Feb 15, 2011

there a way to change the width of the combobox control dropdown list? The problem is that because of the entries in it width of the combobox' dropdownlist exceeds the width of the screen resolution itself.So, is there a way to set a fixed width or any other better solution?

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Customizing The Auto Generated Grid View In C#?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm creating a column through ItemTemplate in my gridview, how can i adjust it to be my last column, unfortunately .net is making this column to be the first in grid view i want it to be the last column. The rest of the columns are automatically created by this code.

I mean

gridview1.datasource = myArrayList

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Feb 28, 2011

I am trying to do a version of this post, but with the EntityDataSource. I think I am close, but it seems that the "InsertText" and "Insert" command in the code-behind do not carry over. Here is what I have so far, but please help me fix it. In addition, in the .edmx the Table "UserProfiles" inherits from "aspnet_Users"



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