Loginname Replica In The Textbox?

Feb 10, 2010

I have successfully implemented the LOGIN Control and it's working.Now in the default.aspx page I have added a Login Name control in this username is appearing.

But I want this name also should appear in the textbox1 And In textbox2 I want to display the CID of the user

For e.g: cid username password

22 test pass

After login in the application using user name and password in the default.aspx page i have added textbox2 in this value should appear 22(cid of test).

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Similar Messages:

Security :: Display/capture Loginname Value In Textbox?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a code here where the loginname will display the computer name.I have another textbox,where i want the same loginname value to be displayed in the textbox.Here's my code :


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Storing The LoginName In A Variable

Aug 13, 2010

I have a LoginName1, LoginView and Login Status on my Master Page. Whenever a user logs himself in, the LoginName1 displays (as for example):

Welcome omarakhtar

Now the only thing I want is how to store this omarakhtar into some variable? Kindly, let me know.

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Security :: How To Get Firstname With Loginname

Mar 5, 2011

Is it possible to obtain instead of username, domain name?

I have tbl_membership and tbl_domain

tbl_membership JOIN with tbl_domain.

How do I get a domain name in the table tbl_domain to "<asp:LoginName ID="LoginName1" runat="server" />"?

Do I have to use the "where" Is it possible otherwise?

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How To Get UserName Or UserId From LoginName Control

Nov 14, 2010

I'm wondering is there any way i could get UserName or UserId for current User from LoginName control in ASP.NET ?

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Security :: How To Change LoginName As A Link

Jun 6, 2010

As the title says, how do I change my Login Name control into a link?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Use LoginName As Filter

Jul 8, 2010

I have seen this question asked about a half a million times and I still haven't been able to get my solution working by reading there answers.

First off I am using visual web developer 2008 express. I am brand new to asp.net net so me="nub"

I watched some videos on how to setup a website soloution and I did got a free cs and all that got it working. I installed the Ms Membership for loging in and out of my website. I got all that working. I installed the database for the membership on a sql server followed the video for doing that and everything works.

I then decided to do something so simple. I thought it was so simple.

I created a dropdown list using the control and I wanted it to go out to my database on my sql server and get my account numbers and filter them by using the current membership member that is logged in. I see that I can display my current user like this

<asp:LoginName ID="LoginName1" runat="server" />

I can see my user log in and out of the website and that seems to work fine.

So here is what my current dropdown list looks like I say current because I have tried this a ton of times with different parm options but none work.


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Web Forms :: How To Connect A Loginname To Database

Nov 3, 2010

im trying to connect a loginname to a data base so when ever a button is pressed the name in the loginname is inserted into the database i tried this code but didnt work :


how can i do that

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Web Forms :: How To Change LogInName To Leading Cap

Sep 5, 2010

Right now my LogInName format string is shown below. It displays the username in lowercase

How do I change it to display the username with Leading Cap (ProperCase)


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C# - Display Full Name Instead Of Username In LoginName Control

Oct 9, 2010

The LoginName control displays the Username. I would like to display the Full Name of the user logged in rather than the Username. Below is my code. I cannot seem to access the LoginName control in code behind. I am wondering if it because the control is in .

ASPX Page:

<asp:loginview id="HeadLoginView" runat="server" enableviewstate="false">
[ <a id="HeadLoginStatus" runat="server" href="login">Log In</a> ] [code]....

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Security :: LoginName Turns In To The Name Of My Server And Not The Name Of The Username?

Mar 3, 2010

why when i'm loging in the loginName turns in to the name of my server and not the name of the username ... ? give some tutorials or articles about loginview.

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DataSource Controls :: Using LoginName As A Search Parameter?

Feb 23, 2010

Im working on my Dissertation and am seriously stuck. Im creating a blogging site with the ability to log in, this will also include the ability to search for projects etc. (created in Visual Studio in VB)

There are different roles: Student, admin, tutor. the table is made up of 2 tables aspnetdb.mdf and blogging.accdb; the first was created by visual studio and the later is mine that contains the projects, bloggs etc.

I want to use the asp:loginName in a search that is sourcing its data from the blogging database, Iv tried for days to do it myself, by trying to write an inner join manually, using its full name etc but keep coming up against a brick wall.

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Web Forms :: Use LoginName To Select A Value In Drop Down List?

May 10, 2010

I have just got the login control working, and would like to grab the currently logged in username (I'm guessing via the loginname control), and then have the Drop Down list on the default.aspx select the matching name. The names don't exactly match so, I could hard code compare them via a select case or if statement, but the problem is I don't how to get the logged in username into a variable, and I don't know how to have the drop down list (which is databound) select the record.

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Security :: UserName (LoginName) Control Gets Changed?

Dec 22, 2010

What will happen if we follow below steps?

1) Open Login.aspx from our web site

2) Copy the address bar

3) Login it with User and Password

4) Open another Tab or another IE window paste the copied address and hit 'enter'

5) Login with another User Name

Now login with atleast 3 to 4 Users.

All Users should see same form but different contents.

Now, if we press refresh button then contents will get change but check wheather the Logged In User name is chaning or not.

I worked on VS 2010 default site.master.

Here, I already applied above process and when I do this my UserName (LoginName) control gets changed.

I ask the question here : http://forums.asp.net/t/1625117.aspx. And still I am doing R & D on it.

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Security :: Access Loginname From LoggedInTemplate At Code Behind?

Jul 15, 2010

i want to access loginname of login view control for some other reason also i tried something like this but not working

My design time code is


and at code behind i tried this normally by string nm= LoginName1.Text ; LoginView1.Findcontrols("LoginName1"), using the LoginView1.Controls[0]. controls collection... (this get only controls from the anonymoustemplate)LoginView1_ViewChanged also doesent work because since the change in 2005 (or sth) logging in doesn't trigger this event (didn't try it, just read that it doesn't :)) but not able to access the value of loginname1.

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Security :: Logout Does Not Refresh LoginName And LoginStatus?

Oct 16, 2010

i have a masterpage containing this code :


when i am logged in, everything works fine : loginName shows the login name and loginstatus shows "Logout" hyperlink. And it shows this wherever i am in the website (subfolder or root).

But when i click on logout hyperlink, i go back to homepage and then loginName shows the login name of the member who just signed out and loginstatus still shows "logout" hyperlink. That s wrong.

When i go on a subfolder page, the loginName shows "You re a member ?" and loginStatus shows "Log in". That's the right behavior.

After trying lots of time to log in and log out and understand why it works this way, i realised that when i click on the logout button and then wait about 20 sec, the loginName and loginStatus show "You re a member ?" and "log in".

Maybe i get it wrong, but it seems like there is a parameter to set somewhere so that it wont wait 20sec to refresh this data.

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DataSource Controls :: Use The LoginName As A Parameter In An SQL Select?

Feb 3, 2010

I need to do to get the LoginName value.

Once I can retrieve it I want to use it as an sql parameter.

I've tried user.identity.name, profile.username and many variations, but they all draw a blank.

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Web Forms :: Populate Text Box With LoginName To Send To SQL Database?

Aug 20, 2010

Split off from http://forums.asp.net/t/1229987.aspx

How to i perform this function if the code is inside the login view?

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Security :: User Must Not Be Able To Do Multiple Logins From Diff M/c Using 1 Loginname

Jan 22, 2010

I am working on site which requires to control user from its misusing. Say a user is login from 1 m/c the other user should not be able to login from other m/c with the same account, but user must be able to do multiple login of same user from the same m/c.

First I was hoping using the IP address check I will be able to do that but due to proxy many user will have a same IP address.

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Vb.net - How To Display Logged In User Name On Everypage Using Label But Without Using Loginname Control

Jan 20, 2011

I have two textbox and a button .... control on web page, ,,,

database structure...

ID Email Password
1 dd@d.com jhatri00
2 ff@f.com tyyuiioo

i want when i login using texxbox1 and textbox2 then it validate emailid and password if record find .... the it will display the emailid on the each page ........ of the logged in username ..... on everypage ...

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Using LoginName To Find ADInfo From An Outside Class?

Aug 20, 2010

I wrote a class to pull adinfo and for the life of me I can't seem to figure out why it says "Invalid Login Name" no matter what I type in. If I leave it blank it seems to work properly but it doesn't seem to be actually searching the AD. I'll drop the whole class here, it's being initiated by a button click on an outside form.


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Forms Data Controls :: Auto Populate Formview Fields From Calendar And LoginName?

Apr 12, 2010

I am inserting 4 fields into a table trought an SqlDataSource and a FormView element. These fields are ID (autopopulated), date(selected from calendar and/or todays date as default), Company name(user input), and UserID (taken from LoginName?).

I am able to inser the data in to the table when typing it, but I would like to have the UserID fiel auto completed and the date as well, or filled with the selected calendar date.

This is my part of my code.-------------------------------------------


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Putting Text From LoginName Control Into Logout Text For LoginStatus Control?

Apr 16, 2010

Putting text from LoginName control into Logout Text for LoginStatus control?


I would like for hte full logout link to read: "Welcome, username - Logout Here"

Username is obviously being provided by the LoginName1 control. I am unable to simply use concatenation so I assume I must turn the value of the LoginName object to a string and then concatenate it. Is there a way to do this?

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Web Forms :: Changing The Textbox's Text Mode To Multiline The Textbox Becomes Resizable During Runtime?

May 3, 2010

When changing the textbox's text mode to multiline the textbox becomes resizable during runtime. I can't seem to find the property to disable this, does anyone know how I can resolve this issue?

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JQuery :: Finding A Script That Allow User To Focus One From Textbox To Another Textbox By Onkeypress Event?

Dec 17, 2010

I would like to know whether it is possbile to have a script that allow user to focus one from textbox to another textbox by onkeypress event.

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