Security :: Add Delete Function To 2nd Class File?

Jan 7, 2011

We are using ASP security on the site, i found months back a tutorial on implementing a pretty simple management page that allows you to create, edit, delete and add roles as well as adding users to roles from 1 page..

It has been working fine, but we added our own security matrix to the site, everything that has to do with the ASP side of the security works as expected and no issues or concerns.. but with our matrix in place, i need to tie the 2 together for 1 thing.. the deleting of a user..

The delete function works great.. but i would like to add my delete to that function so that the users security matrix is deleted as well when their account is done.

Within the class that is handling all the membership functionality, there is this portion tha handles the deleting, i would like to add a call to my class that has the delete method so that when you click delete, the membership account as well as the matrix record is deleted. Since the delete is already setup within my 2nd class, how can i call it to execute it from within the first class?


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<add key="ReportPath" value="\<Server_Name>Reports"/>
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/ Show the report in a link

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Return Format(pDate, "yyyy-MM-dd")
End Function

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