Setting Label Text In DataBinding In A GridView?

Oct 11, 2010

I need to perform some string manipulation to a columns contents in a GridView, and I'm using the DataBinding event for the template field for this. I'm converting all Environment.NewLine's to 's for outputting.

Here is the code:


It writes the correct, newly modified, string at the top - but why isn't it feeding back to the grid view?

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Setting Label Text Value On Calendarselect Event

Jan 5, 2010

I have a calendar on my page, i need to display certain information on the page once a date is selected. I have a procedure in SQl that returns 1 row with 3 columns. I need to display that data within my page in the labels.

Here is my code to return the values based on the selected date:


I tried this within my selectionchanged event for the calendar, but get error:


This is the error i get:

Compiler Error Message: CS1955: Non-invocable member 'System.Data.DataTable.Columns' cannot be used like a method.Source Error:


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AJAX :: Update Panels And Setting The Text Of A Label?

Jul 16, 2010

I have 3 updatepanels on my page and I want 2 of them to update when an event is fired. In one of the update panels I have an asp ReoderList.




I've stepped through the code and I can't figure out why it isn't working.



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Setting Label Text To Number Of Rows With JQuery?

Feb 18, 2011

This is my code but nothing happens.

$(document).ready(function() {
var totalRows = $("#<%=GridView3.ClientID %> tr").length;
document.getElementById('Label6').InnerHTML = totalRows;

this is what i ended up using

var rqnum = $("#<%=GridView3.ClientID %> tr").length - 1;
document.getElementById('rqnum').innerHTML = rqnum;
var oknum = $("#<%=GridView4.ClientID %> tr").length - 1;
document.getElementById('oknum').innerHTML = oknum;
var xlnum = $("#<%=GridView5.ClientID %> tr").length - 1;
document.getElementById('xlnum').innerHTML = xlnum;
var dynum = $("#<%=datalist1.ClientID %> tr").length / 3;
document.getElementById('dynum').innerHTML = dynum;

this way it subtracts the header, however, how can i make it so if it is 0 dont subtract the -1 because i dont want negatives

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Forms Data Controls :: Programmatically Setting Detailsview Label Text

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to programmatically set some lables inside a DetailsView that is populated by an ObjectDataSource. The detailsview is handled in an unusual way with one TemplateField that has one ItemTemplate that has one table that has two rows of significance and a boatload of bound items. I'll be working on the EditTemplate next. But now I need to set the top row lable values programmatically baised on the type of data that comes-up. I have scoured the Internet looking for ideas and found two possible approaches - neither worked. I get the error about something not being set to an instance of the object - or something like that.

Here is the ObjectDataSource:


Here is the DetailsView:


My first approach was to set the OnSelected property to the following code in the code behind, which executes:


My second approach was to delete that OnSelected property and try the following code in the code behind:


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Dynamic Label - VB.NET - Change The Text Of The Label If Certain Criteria Is Reached?

Mar 15, 2010

I have Template fields configured for Gridview. The gridview is using an objectdatabsource to bind itself. I have the gridview configured to use Templatefields which then contain tables to display the information. This works fine.

My question is, is it possible to change the text of the label if certain criteria is reached. If "NumberOfDwellings" is 1 then change the label to read, "1 Dwelling". Where-as if NumberOfDwellings has more than one then it's "3 Dwellings".

<asp:Label ID="lbl_NumberOfDwellings" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NumberOfDwellings") & " Dwelling(s)" %> '></asp:Label>

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Data Controls :: Strip / Trim And Cut Short Label Text In GridView TemplateField And Display Complete Text On MouseOver?

May 7, 2015

I am unable to get it done as i have huge data in my table which is spoiling the standard look and feel of grid view..

if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) {
ViewState["description"] = e.Row.Cells[10].Text;
if (e.Row.Cells[10].Text.Length >= 25){
e.Row.Cells[10].Text = e.Row.Cells[10].Text.Substring(0, 30) + "...";
e.Row.Cells[10].ToolTip = ViewState["description"].ToString();} }

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Visual Studio :: Label Name Or Label Text In The Properties Window, It Look Like Its Updating The Text Before You Actually Are Finish?

Jul 14, 2010

Anyone have this problem. When you write a ex. label name or label text in the properties window, it look like its updating the text before you actually are finish. This make you type over what you allready wrote. Its not a big problem,

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Set Label Text To Total Row Count Of Gridview?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using a stored procedure in a sql database as the data source for a SqlDataSourceControl on my .aspx page. I'm then using the SqlDataSourceControl as the data source for a gridview on my page. Paging is set to true on the gridview. What i would like to do is set the text of a label to the total number of rows in the gridview. I can use this code

'labelRowCount.Text = GridView2.Rows.Count & " layers found"

to return the number of results per page, but it doesn't give me the total.

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting GridView Header Text When Page Changes?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a GridView (inside an update panel) that has header text that changes based on some user profile information. I set the header text in the Page_Load function of the page - that works fine. The problem is that when I change to the page number of the GridView, the header text is not redrawn. I am handling the OnPageChanging event to try to update the header text but nothing is happening. I've attached the relevant code.



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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Text Value From Label In A Gridview?

Apr 16, 2010

I'm trying to get the text value of a label when that row is selected in my gridview. The label's text is databound. Originally when I used the <ASP:BoundField /> I retrieved the data by using this syntax "Server.HtmlDecode(row.Cells[1].Text )" when an "onrowcommand" event is triggered. My question is what is the syntax to retrieve the text value of this label if I am using a template field in my gridview. The code for my label is below.


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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Text Programmatically In ItemTemplate Of Gridview Does Not Show

Mar 7, 2010

The problem is this: I am writing a system to show helptexts on certain labels. So in the PageLoad I recursively iterate all controls and save those with a certain tag. So far so good.

On the PreRenderComplete I iterate the controls and set their text property. The strange this is that the labels in ItemTemplate don't get the new text. The PreRenderComplete fires after the DataBound event of the gridview, the label gets found perfectly, in the end it has the new text, but in the page it's still the old text.

I hope I don't need the Row_Databinding event of the gridview, since I want to put all the functionality in an extender class with as little custom work as possible.



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Forms Data Controls :: Wrap Label Text In Gridview

Aug 18, 2010

I want to wrap label text in gridview,as it increses as of the data which bind from database. i have used below code

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Name" ItemStyle-Width="100px" >
<asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("Name").ToString()%>' width="100px" ></asp:Label>
<ItemStyle Wrap="true" />

But it not wotking.

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Label Text On A Row Select In Gridview?

Sep 5, 2010

How to accomplish the below:Whenever users selects a row in the gridview, "text" of a label control changes from 'A' to 'B'. Both label and gridview are on the same aspx page.

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Data Controls :: Change Text On Label On Click Using JavaScript In GridView

Mar 18, 2014

I am using a gridview contaning name and status as fields, all the names and status are fetched from the database.initially all the status value will be "0" in database once it is aproved it will be chaged to "1"In gridview the all the values are displayed as "approve" which is "0" when i click on that approve a javascript confirm prompt askin "do you want to approve??"

if i select ok the approve is changed as "Activated" once it is activated the value will be updated as "1" in database.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Show Label Control Text Based On Gridview Value

Dec 9, 2010

I am developing a form where I have a gridview control which I shows data from sql database. Sql query:

I also have a label control. What I want to do is to show label control when gridview cell value is > 3.

Could you tell me if it is possible to make label control visible based on gridview value?

Here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Changing A GridView's ItemTemplate Label Text Dynamically

May 7, 2010

I'm trying to change the text of a GridView label in an ItemTemplate and I am having some issues. I searched all over and can't find a solution. This is what I am trying to do...

I have a GridView that has a comment field. Normally when the page is rendered the comment field is truncated using a truncate class that limits field length. The full contents can be displayed in a tooltip when the comment field is hovered over. That part works fine.

I also have an export to Excel class that will take the Gridview and export it to Excel and that part works fine as well...

Now the issue... Because of the truncated field, when I do an export it will export exactly what is in that field, the truncated version of a comment. When the export button is clicked I need to change the .text value of the label that is in the GridView ItemTemplate

From this truncated version...


And then back again after the export routine is complete.

I have accessed the contents of a label before using FindControl but never set a value, is this possible? Also, I have captured what is in the comment field on RowDataBound but by that time, it is already truncated.

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Forms Data Controls :: Calling Function From Gridview TemplateField Label.Text?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a gridview being loaded via a Databind to a MembershipUserCollection

This works fine, but I need to add one more Column with data not found in the collection, so i added a TemplateField and a Label to my Gridview and in the TEXT prop of the label is where my problem is.

The function call is working, but my problem lies with providing the Datafield="UserName" value from the same row in GridView in the function call

This is my HTML for the GridView:


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Data Controls :: Change Text Of Label On Button Click Using JavaScript In GridView?

Jan 9, 2013

I am using a gridview contaning name and status as fields, all the names and status are fetched from the database.initially all the status value will be "0" in database once it is aproved it will be chaged to "1"

I want javascript prompt on selecting the gridview label=> "approve" i.e "0" as  "do you want to approve??"

once it got selected  the approve is changed as "Activated" once it is activated the value will be updated as "1" in database it cannot be changed further into approveIT CANNOT BE CHANGED FURTHER INTO APPROVE and no other action should me made once it is changed to "approved" i.e "1"

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Data Controls :: Change Text Of Label On Button Click Using JavaScript In GridView

Mar 19, 2014

I am using a gridview containing name and status as fields, all the names and status are fetched from the database.initially all the status value will be "0" in database once it is approved it will be changed to "1"

I want javascript prompt on selecting the gridview label=> "approve" i.e "0" as  "do you want to approve??"

once it got selected  the approve is changed as "Activated" once it is activated the value will be updated as "1" in database IT CANNOT BE CHANGED FURTHER INTO APPROVE and no other action should me made once it is changed to "approved" i.e "1"

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SQL Server :: Convert Label.text To Int / Error Conversion Failed When Converting The Nvarchar Value 'Label' To Data Type Int.'?

Jul 14, 2010

I have been messing about with this for hours surely this should be an easy task ....... I have a stored procedured that creates a invoice on a Quotetable one of the parameters is a output parameter Invoice Number this is passed to a label. (Label1) This works great.

I then need to add items to the invoice on a item table so my next stored procedure should take the value of Label1 and update the foreign key quotenumber on the itemtable with the value from label1.

On the aspx page I have a small section for a gridview which shows the current quote with however many items on it using the control


On the ASP page the control for @Quotenumber = Label1 but I get the following error

'Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Label' to data type int.'

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview View Into Hyperlink Onclick Update Label.text ?

May 3, 2010

I have a Gridview looks like this:-


I want to turn 100,200,...600 etc into hyperlinks (I guess I know this part by using hyperlink field), and onclick 100, it will get the point parameters related to the value clicked (in this case, when 100 is clicked it gets US, A, Q1) and url to a new page with datasource parameter based on US,A, Q1

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind Label Inside A Gridview With Both Static And Dynamic Text?

Apr 21, 2010

I need to set the "Text" property of a label inside a gridview using, I know how to set the label using static value and I also know how to set the label using the "Bind" keyword but I want to do both, something like this:


So the output will be something like:


Book Name: The Story of My Life


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Web Forms :: Hiding Label Based On Label Text?

Sep 25, 2010

Is it possible to display or hide a label based on the text rendered in it?

I have a label that will display the value of a control on the previous page. If the value rendered is "0" then I want to hide the label or hide the label and one more label associated with it. (or if the value is more than "0" make it visible.

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Web Forms :: Text Of Label Exceeds The Width Of Label

Jun 1, 2010

My problem is when a label's text property has a value without space and bigger than it's width property. -Mostly when i enter a link url- The text of label exceeds the width of label!

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