Setting Up A Full Copy Of A Site In One Of Its Own Subdirectories?

Feb 21, 2011

I've been asked to implement the French translation of an ASP.NET 3.5 website. Each translation is going into its own separate website Unfortunately the previous programmer did not implement localization, so each site will have its separate set of files - this is not negotiable.

This French version will also go into its own website (, but for the moment I have been asked to put it into a sub-directory of the current site, called /CA I do not want to start messing around with file paths (for navigation and images), because the plan is to move the files in this sub-directory into a separate location in a few weeks. So the only alternative seems to be to move a copy of the site into the sub-directory and set it up as a separate application.What is the best way to set this up? Since the files in both sites belong to the same namespace and have the same names, how to avoid naming conflicts?

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C# Copy Directory With SubDirectories With System.IO?

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How To Give Full Path For Two Required Parameters Of Copy Method

Feb 5, 2011

I have already create special folder to copy default picture for new user and put it inside that folder.

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I want to pass

sourceDir = "~xyzdefault.gif"
destDir= "~xyz" + userId + ".gif"

can anyone guid me to another method to do that without write full path?

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Configuration :: Copy Web Site Deployment - XSD Dataset Files?

Jun 29, 2010

I am ready to deploy my first real website to my Hosting Server and was wondering exactly how a simple FTP or Copy of the website files will operate as opposed to proper deployment via publishing the website to a DLL?

Will my Typed Datasets within my .xsd files work normally by FTP'ing them to my server or is there something special i need to do such as build them?

Here are the file types i need to deploy:

1) .aspx and aspx.vb files for my website pages (some in folders such as Admin, etc....)
2) App_Browsers --> CSSMenuAdapter.Browser for use with the CSS Control toolkit
3) App_Code --> several .xsd dataset files. Do these just get FTP'd to the server as well????
4) Bin --> several .dll files for using the CSS Control Toolkit, AJAX Control Toolkits, FCK Editor controls
5) CSS files and folders
6) web.config file

Can i just FTP all of the above folders and files and get the website to work, or does some of this .net 3.5 require publishing to DLL's???

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.net - Equivalent Of Reference 'Copy Local' In Web Site Project?

Nov 25, 2010

I don't see any exact duplicates in the Related Questions above, so here goes. Please don't stone me if it is a duplicate.Is there any way to achieve the same end as setting 'Copy Local' to True on a web application reference? I could probably map a custom config section to the <compilation><assemblies> config section, and simple copy all assemblies to local, but that would be quite rude. Should I be looking at tapping into a build provider or something? I think the main issue here is identifying listed assemblies not normally present on the target platform, but this seems a very difficult task to me without simply using a hard-coded list,

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Web Forms :: Use The Master Page To Make A Full Border To The Site

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Making The VS2010 Publish Wizard To Copy App_offline.htm While It Is Publishing The Site?

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What I'm really missing is that the websites sometimes gives errors while the site is publishing because the feature does not copy the app_offline.htm file to the server.

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Maybe there is a simple tweak to tell the wizard to copy and then delete the file.

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Oct 6, 2010

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Copy from 'C:UsersLouDocumentsVisual Studio 2010WebSitesgenusus10 ools' to '' started at 10/6/2010 4:00:33 PM.

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Configuration :: Setting Up Site In IIS?

Aug 2, 2010

steps for using IIS to host a website I created in visual studio? I have the files in a folder called HelpDesk under inetpub and have the path correctly specified in IIS, but IE is stating it cannot display this webpage.

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Setting The Timeout Period On A Site?

Apr 20, 2010

VWD 2008 Express. IIS 6.0. Forms Authentication.My web site uses forms authentication (in case that makes a difference). Folks who are using the site indicate that it is timing out on them (logging them out) before they can finish some entries. How can I increase the timeout period? The following is my web.config file in my root directory:


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UrlRewriter - Prevent Rules For Subdirectories?

Nov 3, 2010

I'm using, mentioned on ScottGu's Blog. I've built a site around this and now I'm having problems with subdirectories. The problem is, I want to exclude a directory and all subdirectories/files within it from rewriting. The rules I have are:

<rewrite url="~/(.*)/Uploads/Images/(.+)?" to="~/Uploads/Images/$2" processing="stop" />
<rewrite url="~/(.*)/Uploads/(.+)/(.+)?" to="~/Uploads/$2/$3" processing="stop" />
<rewrite url="~/(.*)/Uploads/(.+)?" to="~/Uploads/$2" />

The problem is, although I can access files in the uploads directory (/Uploads/myfile.ext) and see the directory lists for direct subdirectories (/Uploads/mySubdirectory/), anything in /Uploads/mySubdirectory/, eg: /Uploads/mySubdirectory/myfile.ext returns a 404, because the UrlRewriter is messing with the Urls. I've tried these rules in different orders to no avail.Has anyone used this before? There must be a way to get it to work.

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Why The CSS Style Is Not Applied In Webpages Within Subdirectories

Sep 27, 2010

In the root of my domain i have the CSS file style.css and the masterpage file site.master.The link to the CSS file within the site.master is

<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />

The problem is that webpages contained within subdirectories do not inherit the CSS file.What am i doing wrong here?If i copy the style.css file to the subdirectories everything works like a charm...UPDATE: If i change the path to /style.css or to ~/style.css the style is Not applied also to the webpages within the root folder.

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C# - Setting Up An Access Controlled Intranet Site?

Jan 26, 2010

An abstract high level idea of where to begin as I am totally clueless at this point.


I am setting up an intranet site (ASP .NET) where users from our local user group (who are also added in our user table) will have access to web applications they are given access to. Right now I am developing from my PC and using SQL Server 2005 Express as the database, but the final site will be hosted on an application server with IIS 6.0 and the database on an instance of SQL Server 2005. I am a .NET newbie and it's a daunting task, but the experience is worth a million dollars.


We are using Windows Athentication for our intranet site. Therefore I am not using ASP .NET's membership data sources. Rather all the user information will be stored in two tables tblEmployee (all employees in my company) and tblUser (all users of the intranet site).

tblEmployee has fields - EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, CostCentre, Role, ManagerName, UserID
tblUser has fields - EmoployeeID, UserID, ApplicationID, AccessLevel, AddedBy, DateAdded

(I have set up these tables and I can change them any time).

What I need to accomplish - When an user goes to the intranet site, I can get his/her domain username. I need to check if this user exists in tblUser (domain username is same as UserID in tblUser). If user exists, we display all the applications he/she has access to, else display a "no access" page.

Specific questions:

What are some of the things I need to "learn"? (as I said before, I am a .NET newbie, but a fast learner too) I need to use URLAuthorizationModule for validating a page request. How do I hide the username from the URL? I was thinking along the lines of using a session ID... but then how do I know who the user is? I am sure these is a way to encrypt the UserID, just can't find it.

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Configuration :: Setting Up An Application Pool And Site?

Aug 17, 2010

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I have added an application pool in iis and created a site but im not sure how to link the 2 or what to do next.

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VS 2008 - SMTP Setting In Web Site Admin Tool?

Apr 28, 2010

I am trying to send an email using the gmail smtp server. I am trying to enter the SMTP settings into the Web Site Admin tool. I have set

Server Name:
server port: 587

Sender's User Name: my real gmail username
Sender's Password: my real gmail password

I am getting the following error when I try to send an email as a result on using the CreateUserWizard after successfully creating a new user.


The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. i29sm30127820vcr.12

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WIF Cross-domain On One IIS Site/ Dynamically Setting Of Realm?

Nov 16, 2010

We have a lot of domains running on one IIS WebSite/AppPool.

Right now we are in the process of implementing SSO with Windows Identity Foundation.

in web.config the realm has to be set with

<wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true" issuer="" realm="" requireHttps="false" />

My problem is that the realm is dependent on which domain the user accessed the website on so what I did is that I set it in an global action filter like this

var module = context.HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Modules["WSFederationAuthenticationModule"] as WSFederationAuthenticationModule;
module.Realm = "http://" + siteInfo.DomainName;

My question is. When I set the realm like this, is it set per user instance or application instance.


User A loads the page and the realm get set to

User B is already logged in on and presses login.

Since user A loaded the page before User B pressed login, user A will hit the STS with the wrong realm set.

What will happen here?

If this is not the way to set the realm per user instance, is there another way to do it?

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FormsAuthentication: How To Specify Different Cookie Names For Specific Subdirectories/MVC Controllers

Sep 14, 2010

I'm using FormsAuthentication (with cookies) for users authentication, with the default cookie name (".ASPXAUTH").What I need is a different login system for the "/Admin/" virtual directory (backed by an ASP.NET MVCcontroller, "AdminController")... as if the "/Admin/" directory was another web application, but without creating another web project inside my solution.

How can I customize, at runtime, the cookie name used by FormsAuthentication? The FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName is readonly (and static...), and can be customized only once inside the web.config.Should I create a custom FormsAuthenticationModule?A controller filter, like the following, could be great:

public class AdminController : Controller

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Allow User To Navigate Through Subdirectories - Select, And Download Files?

Oct 19, 2010

how to allow user to navigate through subdirectories, select, and download files

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Howto Get Local Site To Work - Setting To Change The System

Jan 5, 2010

I've received a website that uses sql server on the live environment. In the code at many places sql is created, say: However, locally on my dev machine, I use sql server express edition. It looks like select * from mytable doesn't work there, but instead I should use: How can I get my local site to work? Is there a setting I can change or am I missing something else?

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MVC :: Setting Class For Action Link Programmatically In Site.master?

Dec 28, 2010

I have a menu made of an unordered list:

<ul id="navList">
<li id="homeTab">
<%: Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")%>
</li> |
<li id="ourMissionTab">


I find the controller:

<% string controller = ViewContext.RouteData.Values["Controller"].ToString(); %>

then I would like to set the class for the li according to the controller value. How do I do that?

Something like: if controller == "home", then set the class for the li with the home id to active.

I just started learning MVC and am very new to the syntax. when you respond to this posting provide syntax, as I am coming from code behind background.

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Web Forms :: File Copy From Remote Server To Site Server ?

Jan 25, 2011

I have deployed my site in Win 2003 server. In this, it copies file from Another server and copies it in local. It is working with my local computer, but not in the server i have deployed. I hope access credentials may be the first reason. But are there any other reasons for this.

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Want To Include Microsoft AntiXss V1.5 Library On Live Site Running In A Medium Trust Setting?

Apr 6, 2010

I want to include Microsoft AntiXss V1.5 library on my live site running in a medium trust setting.However, I got an error something like:Required permissions cannot be acquired.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Security.Policy.PolicyException: Required permissions cannot be acquired.I tried this in full trust setting on my development machine and everything works good.Looks like this will run only in full trust configuration.

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May 7, 2015

I use the code, to display the file that I saved in the database.the question is: why the file can not be performed with a full screen.

protected void View(object sender, EventArgs e)
int peraturan_id = int.Parse((sender as LinkButton).CommandArgument);
Session["peraturan_id"] = peraturan_id;
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "open", "'file_view.aspx','_blank' );", true);
[Code] ....

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Visual Studio :: Visual Studio 'copy Web Site' Error

Oct 31, 2010

I am getting the following error when I try to establish ftp remote connection using the 'copy web site' feature on visual studio 2005.

unable to open the web 'ftp://209.*.*.*/httpdocs'. The computer is disconnected from the network.

Why can't I connect to the remote site on visual studio 2005? I can do the same thing on Dreamweaver with no problem. I can ping the IP successfully. I can open the ftp URL on a web browser with no problem.

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SharePoint External Facing Website Ability To Go Full Website And Non Full Website When Accessed In Mobile Device?

Dec 15, 2010

I've got an external site that's built in SharePoint 2007. the user of the site need to have an option to view the full site when accessed from a mobile device. I am thinking of just creating a button control to do this. The question is, what would be the best solution to do this?

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