C# Copy Directory With SubDirectories With System.IO?

May 10, 2010

I need to copy a whole directory C:X to C:YX, and I need the sub-folders to be copied as well.Is there any way to do it with the System.IO.FileDirectory namespaces ?

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Setting Up A Full Copy Of A Site In One Of Its Own Subdirectories?

Feb 21, 2011

I've been asked to implement the French translation of an ASP.NET 3.5 website. Each translation is going into its own separate website Unfortunately the previous programmer did not implement localization, so each site will have its separate set of files - this is not negotiable.

This French version will also go into its own website (www.mysite.ca), but for the moment I have been asked to put it into a sub-directory of the current site, called /CA I do not want to start messing around with file paths (for navigation and images), because the plan is to move the files in this sub-directory into a separate location in a few weeks. So the only alternative seems to be to move a copy of the site into the sub-directory and set it up as a separate application.What is the best way to set this up? Since the files in both sites belong to the same namespace and have the same names, how to avoid naming conflicts?

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Using System.directory Services Namespace In Framework 2 To Query Active Directory?

May 5, 2010

I am using System.directory services namespace in framework 2 to query active directory. I have used fixed user account impersonisation in the web.config file, find the code:

<identity impersonate="true" userName="enterprise ang09" password="Telcome123"/>
<authentication mode="Windows"/>

I have disabled anonymous access in IIS. Also i have given Read & write access to the account tang09 for the website virtual directory and Microsoft.NET folder located in windows folder. But still i get prompted for the domain username and password to access the website.

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Using Directory Entry Of System.Directoryservices Class?

Sep 9, 2010

I am using Directory entry of System.Directoryservices class of Asp.net for authenticating against Sunone LDAP server. The following works fine.

DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://SunOne2:42028/dc=domain,dc=com");
entry.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.None;
entry.Username = "uid=thost,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=com";(replaced original values)
entry.Password = password;

Now I want to be able to authenticate all the users of different organisation units. e.g. ou=development,ou=accounting etc., So I specified like this, entry.Username = "uid=thost,ou=people,ou=devlopment,ou=accounting, dc=domain,dc=com"; but it says "There is no such object on the server". I also tried putting ou in URL. I am not sure where should I specify this OUs to make my search broad. I found a lot on internet but no success so far.

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C# - How To Prevent System.IO.Directory.Delete(pathtodelete, True) From Giving Me A "Directory Is Not Empty" Error

Jan 21, 2011

I am writing an online interface that will allow a site owner to modify files and directories on the server.

I have gotten inconsistent performance out of System.IO.Directory.Delete(PathToDelete, true);. Sometimes it works great, sometimes it throws an error. My controller looks like this:


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MVC :: Need To Copy The Whole Solution Directory To The 'virtual Folder' Equivalent Location?

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Active Directory/LDAP :: System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry Get Full Name From Active Directory?

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may i know where is the error , i tried so many to figure out but i was not able

UserName0 As
String= [code]......

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Visual Studio :: How To Add Copy A Reference Folder To Test Project Directory

Feb 3, 2010

I am working on my test project for my web service, and my problem is that, my web service uses a folder (within the folder there are crystal reports template).

How can I copy it to test porject?

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Active Directory/LDAP :: How To Create And Copy Files Into A Subdirectory At Runtime

Nov 22, 2010

I have a folder on my server say:


in that folder there is 4 folders





in the pics folder is jpg's that are the buttons for a web page, the web page is in the MasterArt folder and is named default.aspx upon a user creating an account, i have my program create a folder under a subfolder named ARTIST

I got that part but now what I need to learn how to do is to have at run time, when a new user creates an account, that my program creates a subdirectory under the ARTIST subdirectory and then I copy the default.aspx from the MasterArt folder into their folder, then copy the folders and contents of the 4 subfolders (pics, videos, music, other) so that they now have the direcotries and its contents.

Example: I create a user account and my artist name is Kevin

a subdirectory is created called Kevin, the folder Kevin should now have the default.aspx page, and 4 sub folders, pics, videos, music, and other.

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Web Forms :: Copy And Paste The Images From Webpage To Browser System

May 31, 2010

Am using a image cropper(custom control)what i need is i have to copy the cropped images and then save it wherever i want in local system (just like copy/paste in windows folders)..also need to copy the images from system and paste it to web page

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Security :: Directory.GetDirectories Access Error / How To Access With The Method System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories()

Mar 29, 2011

I have a shared folder with directories on a remote server that I am trying to access with the method System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(). This folder is based off of the credentials gotten from windows authentication. My problem is that everything works fun when I debug the Web Application in the built in IIS in VS, but when I set it up in IIS V5.1, it tells me that I have an invalid username and password. I am using Visual Studio 2005 on a Microsoft XP SP2 machine.

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UrlRewriter - Prevent Rules For Subdirectories?

Nov 3, 2010

I'm using UrlRewriter.net, mentioned on ScottGu's Blog. I've built a site around this and now I'm having problems with subdirectories. The problem is, I want to exclude a directory and all subdirectories/files within it from rewriting. The rules I have are:

<rewrite url="~/(.*)/Uploads/Images/(.+)?" to="~/Uploads/Images/$2" processing="stop" />
<rewrite url="~/(.*)/Uploads/(.+)/(.+)?" to="~/Uploads/$2/$3" processing="stop" />
<rewrite url="~/(.*)/Uploads/(.+)?" to="~/Uploads/$2" />

The problem is, although I can access files in the uploads directory (/Uploads/myfile.ext) and see the directory lists for direct subdirectories (/Uploads/mySubdirectory/), anything in /Uploads/mySubdirectory/, eg: /Uploads/mySubdirectory/myfile.ext returns a 404, because the UrlRewriter is messing with the Urls. I've tried these rules in different orders to no avail.Has anyone used this before? There must be a way to get it to work.

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Why The CSS Style Is Not Applied In Webpages Within Subdirectories

Sep 27, 2010

In the root of my domain i have the CSS file style.css and the masterpage file site.master.The link to the CSS file within the site.master is

<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />

The problem is that webpages contained within subdirectories do not inherit the CSS file.What am i doing wrong here?If i copy the style.css file to the subdirectories everything works like a charm...UPDATE: If i change the path to /style.css or to ~/style.css the style is Not applied also to the webpages within the root folder.

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ADO.NET :: Unable To See Option "Copy To Output Directory"

Oct 7, 2010

I am using EF Data model for my database activities and I figured recently that using views were hurting performance of the web application. After some research I decided to pre-generate my view and one of the initial step was to Change the Metadata Artifact Processing property to: Copy to Output Directory. But when I right click on my DB Model designer and check the properties for Metadata Artifact Processing I only see one option and that is "Embed in Output Assembly" I don't know why I don't see the option "Copy to Output Directory". I am Windows 7, 64-bit, VS 2010 Ultimate, .Net Framework 4.0

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Architecture :: Virtual Directory Vs. File System?

Feb 7, 2010

Recently, I have been contemplating whether to save my images into a file system or create a virtual directory in IIS 7. Which option would be best?

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FormsAuthentication: How To Specify Different Cookie Names For Specific Subdirectories/MVC Controllers

Sep 14, 2010

I'm using FormsAuthentication (with cookies) for users authentication, with the default cookie name (".ASPXAUTH").What I need is a different login system for the "/Admin/" virtual directory (backed by an ASP.NET MVCcontroller, "AdminController")... as if the "/Admin/" directory was another web application, but without creating another web project inside my solution.

How can I customize, at runtime, the cookie name used by FormsAuthentication? The FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName is readonly (and static...), and can be customized only once inside the web.config.Should I create a custom FormsAuthenticationModule?A controller filter, like the following, could be great:

public class AdminController : Controller

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Allow User To Navigate Through Subdirectories - Select, And Download Files?

Oct 19, 2010

how to allow user to navigate through subdirectories, select, and download files

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C# - Exclude A File Extension In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles()?

Jan 28, 2011

Is there a way to get a file count in a folder, but I want to exclude files with extension jpg?


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Does Anyone Know A Good Practice To Use When Developing For The System.directory Services Class

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to create a data access later using System.DirectoryServices. I'd like to use the MVC 2 framework and have all my views be mostly strongly-typed. Does anyone know any good way to this?

For example I started creating a Group Entity:

public class Group
public string DistinguishedName { get; set; }
public string GroupName { get; set; }

And an abstract interface:

public interface IGroupRepository
List<Group> Groups { get; }

I am confused about developing the GroupRepository using the system.directory services. Connecting to a SQL database is easy there are examples everywhere but I have no been able to find any using the System.directory sevices in conjunction with a class using MVC. Has anyone tried to do something like this?

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Getting User Groups / Can't Use UserPrincipal.GetGroups In System

Mar 8, 2010

I am having trouble using UserPrincipal.GetGroups in System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.

When I use the following code:

PrincipalSearchResult<Principal> groups = userPrincipal.GetGroups();

foreach (GroupPrincipal g in groups){

I get the error "The value for the property AttributeScopeQuery cannot be set" in the foreach loop. I also get the same error when using groups.Count()I have read things that indicate this may be due to having some Windows 2000 domain controllers in the domain and so meaning it does not support ASQ.

What is the best way of doing this? The best I have come up with, since most of the rest of my code is running fine using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement is using the GetUnderlyingObject method of the UserPrincipal to get a DirectoryEntry and enumerating the values of the memberOf attribute. Using LINQ the code is quite compact:

var groups = from string groupPath in
select new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + groupPath).Name.Replace("CN=", "");
foreach(groupName in groups){

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Active Directory/LDAP :: System Doesn't Recognize DirectoryEntry In The Code - Not Found

Aug 19, 2010

why the system does not recognize DirectoryEntry in the code below? It indicates DirectoryEntry cannot be found.


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Programmatically Interact With IIS So That It Changes Where Virtual Directory For A Test System Points To Based Result Of Build?

Mar 29, 2011

I have a C# program used to build and deploy a suite of websites.

I would like to programatically interact with IIS so that it changes where the virtual directory for a test system points to based the result of the build.

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Active Directory/LDAP ::exception "A Device Attached To The System Is Not Functioning"?

Mar 31, 2010

I am working with AD and i have to add users to the Distribution list if they are not present in the list. Everything works fine, but sometimes i get the exception as "A device attached to the system is not functioning." at directoryentry.commitchanges() method.and sometimes it successfully adds the user to the group directly. I checked all the user-names and there is no special characters in the user-name i wonder is this exception is due to any network related issues. And more importantly the exception is not consistent,


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WCF / ASMX :: GetUser() Is Null When WCf In Virtual Directory Is Called In Parent Directory

Nov 10, 2010

I have a WCF service in a virtual directory that is called in the code behind of a page that is in the parent directory, when i debug the code i can see the wcf service is being called, however when the service calls Membership.GetUser() it alway returns null. The user has already logged in to the asp.net site. When i call the service via jquery it does pick up the correct user, but i need to be able to call it via the code behind as well. I am developing in .Net 3.5 how i can make the Wcf pick up the logged in user?

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Installation :: Development To Web Movement: Directory Listing Denied - This Virtual Directory Does Not Allow Contents To Be Listed

Oct 27, 2010

I made a web form on a development website of mine (we'll call it dev.somewhere.com) and tried to publish it out to the web (we'll call it [URL]) in a subfolder. I named it default.aspx like I was supposed to and it worked flawlessly on the dev site. When I published it out the web, I wound up getting the following error when trying to get to the subfolder: [URL] Directory Listing Denied

This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed. Confused and flustered, I tried to go to [URL], but I wound up with some error that won't tell me the problem. Instead it tells me to change the my web.config to read <customErrors mode="Off"/>.

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