State Management :: ISS/VS Built-In Web Server Session_Start Event?
Mar 9, 2011
I've exhausted my resources and still have been unable to determine why I'm experiencing this issue:
- I have an ASP/VB Website
- I've added a Global.asax file
- In the Global.asax file, I'm initializing some settings in the Session_Start method
If I use the Built-In VS web server, the Session_Start method is hit and the settings are initialized
If I use an IIS Virtual Directory for the website, the Session_Start method is NOT hit
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Similar Messages:
Jul 18, 2010
I'm using BlogEngine and i'm changing it a little bit. I tried to show the online visitors number. I added some code in global.asax. My approach is like:
I defined the count of visitors in App start like Application["OnlineVisitors"] = 0
then i increased the count with 1 in the session start and decreased it in session end but it's not working. I downloaded the website to debug in my computer but i never comes to the breakpoint in the session start function. Also sessionstate mode is inprog cookieless= false and timeout = 20
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Sep 30, 2010
I have an 3.5 C# web app.
When a person starts this app it will auto log them in by the System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.
On the method Session_Start in the Global.asax file I am setting the User's cookie.
If the cookie expires I want to be able to re-start the Session or call Session_Start from the Global page.
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Oct 27, 2010
I want in Session_Start method check if cookie with specific key exists and if not create cookie with this key.
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[key] == null)
But in Session_Start it is always NULL. If check it in another place I get cookie's value.
Why is it always NULL in Session_Start?
View 9 Replies
Oct 6, 2010
I have a simple aspx Page, which html contains:
and code behind:
This is quite simple. When I press btn1, it sets correctly the Session Key. And this is then the issue arrives: When I press one of these buttons, this is the sequence of what happens:
Global.asax: Session_Start
MyPage.aspx: Page_Load » btnX_Click
So, everytime there is a PostBack, even before the Page loads, the session starts and generates a new Id. This way, I loose everything during the PostBack. My Session State configuration:
This is running on VS 2010 + V3.5, on IIS5.1. The Page header configuration is default.
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Mar 22, 2011
Why Session_End event occurs only in "InProc" mode not in "State Server" and "Sql Server"?
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Oct 1, 2010
i have one method which save datatable in viewstate.i am calling this method in. page_load2. Prerenderthe page was every heavy,i did tracing of page i found due to calling of method from preprnder it doubled the viewstate sizewhat was the reseon behind this.
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Aug 26, 2010
In my web application, I set the mode of session state as State Server and point to another server. After run some days, I always meet following exception:
The state server has closed an expired TCP/IP connection. The IP address of the client is The expired Read operation began at 08/25/2010 14:18:03.
View 2 Replies
Feb 25, 2011
when we go for client and server side state management in
View 2 Replies
Sep 21, 2010
i have button and i want to count how many times in a page load this button clicked? or have a counter in the events but i be able to use that number outside the coding.
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Sep 8, 2010
Why Session_OnEnd does not fire in state server & SQL Server modes....... i mean what is the speciality in InProc mode that Session_OnEnd fires in that mode only ????
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Nov 5, 2010
Customer were getting "View State Validation Error" due to worker process recycling at our production webserver and to fix that i applied machinekey and then move my Session state Mode from In Proc to State Server to retain session data and not kick out the customer to relogin. I had serialization issue with one object which has to be stored in session but when i moved it out of session i could able to resolve the issue.
But doing all these i was partly successfull in keeping the user in their session when Worker Process recycle event occurs.I was able to refresh the page or make a post back by clicking the refresh button and also able to retain the session values. But the Problem occurs when sending asynchronous request to server which we do periodically every 15 minutes from the moment the user logs in.The web page doesnot update data on website when sending asynchronous request.By Debugging I found at this particular code point it fails to make a postback which is required.
<%=GetHintFromServer%> (When there is no Worker Process recycle i t gets replaced by
WebForm_DoCallback('__Page',message,ShowHint,null,null,false) on postback) Everything works fine when there is no Worker Process Recyling but when it happens looks like sending request asynchronously using javascript fails .Remember When I make a post back by manually clicking submit button everything works fine.
function SendRequest(msg, isBusy, chartMsg, vesselMsg)
_busy = isBusy;
if(chartMsg != null)
_element.SetMessage(true, chartMsg);
if(vesselMsg != null)
_element.ShowVesselLoading(true, vesselMsg);
_stuckWatchdog = setTimeout( "ClearPendingRequest();", 60000);
var message = msg;
var context = '';
alert( "Exception error on SendRequest(): " + e);
View 2 Replies
Apr 5, 2010
Our ASP.NET App uses ASP State Session Management and has been rebuilt about 2 years ago [With .NET Framework 2.0]. We are currently in .NET framework 3.5 and have moved to SQL Server 2008 - but continue to use the same ASPState database. The State database has been upgraded to SQL Server 2008. Since then we have are seeing timouts/locks on ASPStateTempSessions table. I am wondering if we have to rebuild this database from scratch with some newer scripts?
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Oct 27, 2010
The fix for this error message is to run [Code]..... I have run that uptown, downtown and in my lady's chamber and it does no good, although it never complains. Are there any other possibilities?Details:
IIS Server: v5.1 running on XP. SQLServer 2005 running on a different XP box.Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3615; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3618 There is an ASPState database on the server, containing only two tables: [Code].... and [Code]..... I did not use [Code].... when I ran [Code]....
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Mar 31, 2010
In my project Session end event is not getting fire.
How to fire it in global.asax file..
View 4 Replies
Apr 27, 2010
How do I call Page_PreRender? And where is it called from?
Here's the code I want the Page_PreRender event to contain:
DropDownList oddl = (DropDownList)Page.Master.FindControl("ddlSystemsMain");
if (Session["LastSystemUsed"] != null)
oddl.SelectedIndex = (int)Session["LastSystemUsed"];
View 3 Replies
Dec 20, 2010
i have a problem with web application bulit on vs2005,an application work client/server .the application End event fire every 1 hour almost,although there is no changes on web.config or deleting files!
View 8 Replies
Dec 8, 2010
I need to have a timer to count down a multiple-paged online quiz. The timer countdown should decrement consecutively on each following page. It is tricky to use javascript to maintain the timer value across multiple pages through sequences of postbacks. So, I have been searching a server-side solution and found this: (see the response by Wenchao Zeng - MSFT, the 4th post in that thread).
I created a small web application to test it out and it works great. But when I put the code into a header user control (Header.ascx) in my quiz application, the Timer control's OnTick event never fires. I put a break point in the first line of Timer1_Click, but the debugger of visual studio never gets there.
I tried this:
The code behind is the same (except maybe UI control names) as the one we see at the thread I referred to above. But Timer1_Click never gets executed (and hence my countdown doesn't get displayed). The CountDownTimer class works just fine because I can see from the debugger that the time value is decreasing like I want.
View 4 Replies
Mar 16, 2011
i allow my admin to login from his login page and login information verified and stored into an session after that, he visited into an client page, there is an logout button this will visible whether session has the user id or admin user id else it'll be invisible.
now the scenario is:
1. admin logged into admin page
2. then in the address bar type the client page name
3. now the client page is check whether has the userid or admin user id in Session, now the session has admin user id so, its show the Logout button.
4. from this client page, the admin clicks on Logout button, here i have Abandon the session and moved into the admin login page.5. now again admin types the same client page name in the address bar from his login page(but now he didnt logged in).6. this time i set the break point on client page_load event but its not hitting the event also its visible the Logout button, how its not hitting the page_load event and why the logout button is visible after loggedout.
View 18 Replies
Dec 7, 2010
How do I invoke an event handler a minute before session timeout.
I found this code.
View 5 Replies
Feb 16, 2011
How to prevent Session.Timeout extension on certain event from codebehind?
What I do - I have Session Timeout configured in Web.config file for 10 minutes. Also, I have in my webpage1.aspx, an ASP.NET AJAX control ModalPopup which shows into the page 9 minutes after the user stopped sending requests to webpage1.aspx. I did this with this code:
So, my initial calculations was that 1 minute before the session ends, i'll inform the user something with the ModalPopup. The problem is that when this Timer1_Tick event triggers, the session.timeout renew ( or extends ) and the session ends 10 minutes later (if user still don't send any request from his browser).
Can I write code in Timer1_Tick event which prevent session extension?
View 10 Replies
Dec 1, 2010
Suppose my website address is like http://localhost/MyWebsite
I wanted to access this url in Application_start event in global.asax, Can i some how get it?
[I know i can get it via application_beginrequest or other event]
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Nov 3, 2010
How can i capture Application pool recycle event in c# code so that when recycle event occurs i can make a post back or refresh the page in the code ?. Our Application sessionstate mode is StateServer which helps me in not loosing the session data but still i need to refresh the page at server side only on this particluar event.The reason is at the client side javascript webform_DoCallBack doesnot fire when there is application pool recycle and thus website stops getting updates.we have a timer set to 15 minutes when webform_DoCallBack fires and fecthes updates for the page and displays it.
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Aug 30, 2010
I haveMaster Page -> ASPX page -> User ControlUser control page is contains all dynamic bind controls (e.g Repeater) depended on ASPX Page (Only one parameter say ItemNo)The problem is, if I bound user control on page load event with passing respective parameters then it's create to much view state (I checked source file and it's almost 1.5 MB)In other way if I put one textbox, and a command button and I pass required parameter on button click and load the control then page size is ok (I checked and it's < 500KB)
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Sep 20, 2010
I have this code (just for example):
The Code-behind file looks like that:
So, when i use
SelectedIndexChanged event doesn't fire for the first item of the DropDownList. For any other item SelectedIndexChanged fires, but not for the first one.Could someone, please, explain what kind of magic is it?(I use Visual Studio 2008)
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