State Management :: Post Data From Window1.aspx To Window2.aspx
Nov 10, 2010
I've scoured through the Forums about how 2 windows can interact with each other. There had been a lot of solutions involving parent-child windows, or modal pop-up wiows. However, my problem involves 2 aspx windows that show data from the same datasource, but should be able to update the data from either window, and after saving in either window shows the updated data
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Mar 24, 2011
I have done a web appllication and when run simultaneously from different locations, the one that is started first would use the one that is started late's session variable and datatable contents. This is an exams web app and pageone.aspx results should never be used for pagetwo.aspx's results, because they are not the same questions.
What can I do to prevent this from happening. I am desperate, people are standing by to do exams and time is not on my side.
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Mar 11, 2011
Here is example of what I need:
default.aspx.vb on load:
Dim strA as String = "good title"
<a class='colorboxLogin_aspx' href="zamjenaslike.aspx" title="*****here should be value of strA******">
in old fashion .asp i jused <% =strA%> and it was great, what is alternative here?
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heres how ive placed the object into the session from an aspx page
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Sep 18, 2010
Here is my scenario.In default.aspx page user selects the country, state, city from drop down list, and store them in cache for further use. but when other user open the web site from other computer it shows the same country, state, and city selected by user 1. Is there any problem related to cache? I have stored data as following.
cache["ctryID"] = ctryID;
cache["stateID"]= stateID;
cache["cityID"]= cityID;
I want to show default country, state , city at page load of default.aspx
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Dec 7, 2010
I have a zmags catalogue program running in an IFrame, and are using the shopping capabilities to send data from the zmags viewer to a specified URL where I want to catch the data. The data is specified as XML data and stored in a "ShoppingList" POST variable. I then need to extract those data from the xml and send them as POST parameters yet again to another URL because the shopping system I'm using requires a specific parameterlist to fill the shoppingbag rather than an xml file. And I suppose I only need the ID and quantity since the rest is already part of the shopping system. In short what I'm looking for is:
catalogue --> *XML in POST variable* --> ASPX / ASCX / VB / C# (solution) --> *new URL call with new POST variables* --> SHOP aspx
I've been searching all day for a solution to this problem with small advances but no real solution. I hope this forum can provide some precise help, since I've been reading a lot of posts which answer different issues. I can't change the XML format or the fact that I need to send the data inside the XML as parameters to a new URL. I'm primarily working in ASP.NET and C# or VB for codebehind. XML data example
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Jul 15, 2010
i have a php page.Now i need to post data from this php page to my another aspx page? can i post data from a php page to aspx page?
<form method="post" action="http://localhost/.../friend.aspx?title=abc" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<td ><input type="submit" name="search" value="SEND"/></td>
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May 20, 2010
I'm doing nothing special with session...
I just put some value on button_click event handler and then redirect to another page
like this { Session["key"]="value"; Responde.Redirect("AnotherPage.aspx"); }
And then I try to read Session["key"] on Page_Load of AnotherPage.aspx but it's null!
What can cause this?
P.S. When I use Server.Transfer() instead of Response.Redirect() it works fine.
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Feb 26, 2010
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How can I access the XML in the Aspx page?
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May 1, 2010
I am developing a application. In which i am posting a image to .aspx page.The HTML for the page is as below.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ">">
<html xmlns=">">
Untitled Page
</title><link href="App_Themes/XXX/XXX.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /></head>
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May 23, 2010
in my file1.aspx: i have a search date from [textbox: date1] to [textbox:date2] and a submit button. in my file1.aspx.cs i can list all the dates from date1 to date 2 given using a for loop.Howan i list all the dates in my file1.aspx under my search tool.
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Oct 18, 2010
How to display text in another Web form
In Default.aspx I have a GridView. How to Default2.aspx, show data from Default.aspx?
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Data from the GridView I want to show the textbox (Default2.aspx).
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Jun 6, 2010
i would like to know if there's a combo like jCryption (jCryption) - PHP but for jQuery - ASPX.I mean, I have been searching for a combo to send data both ways (Client-server, server-client) with jQuery to ASPX. The best I found was jCryption that sends data from JavaScrpit to PHP. I need a combo to send data from JavaScrpit to ASPX.
PD: Please don't tell me to use HTTPS, it's not enough to ensure the data communication on a client - server application.
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Jul 13, 2010
I want to know how can I load my files (file1.aspx and file1.aspx.vb) in a container on my index.aspx. My index should have my menu and my container. My problem is that i don't know how do that... options wich i tried:
Iframes: yes work it... but in html 5 iframe will dissapear...
MasterPage: isn't the solution because this refresh all index page.
Ajax: yes.. charge my File1.aspx in the container but i can't call the functions of File1.aspx.vb...
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May 21, 2010
I am writing an appointment form that has search date textboxes: startdate and enddate with a search button.
(in file date.aspx)
<asp: textbox id="sdate" runat="server"></asp:textbox><asp:textbox id="edate" runat="server"></asp:textbox>
<asp:button id="btn_search" onclick="btn_search_Click" />
(in file date.aspx.cs)
void btn_search_Click() {
---in here i can list all the dates based on the input in date.aspx
---output like saturday, 1/1/2010 open
sunday, 1/2/2010 office close
monday, 1/3/2010 open
However, i want the output like this to be displayed in date.aspx. So for each date i can have different time schedule.
search dates: [textbox sdate] to [textbox edate]
[button search]
saturday, 1/1/2010
[time table1]
sunday, 1/2/2010 office close
monday, 1/3/3010
[time table 2] on
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