Two Different JQueryUI Themes On One Page?

Apr 13, 2010

I'm using the Google CDN to load my JQuery file. However, I'd like to have my master page use a separate theme to my content page. Is this possible when using the CDN? I'm using ASP.NET.

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Sep 28, 2010

I have HandleError attribute working normally, however:

I have a jqueryui dialog that displays a partial view. If i generate an error in this action the dialog just remains blank and no redirect to the Error.aspx page.

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MVC :: Get JQueryUI Datepicker To Update View Immediately?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a view that displays an appointment schedule for the logged in user. It defaults to today's date and schedule when first navigating to the Index action for the controller. I have added a jQueryUI DatePicker to the view and when the user selects a new date I would like the data to be refreshed and the view to be refreshed immediately. Following are partss of the code. The javascript for the DatePicker that sends the new date back to the controller:


This works fine and the Index function of the controller gets the date back as a parameter. Code for the controller is:


When I run this in debug it seems to be working fine also. The model calls a stored procedure with input parameters and the new date gets passed just fine. The correct data is coming back but the view does not re-render with the new data on the first pass through. I had to put a button on the view to prompt the user to refresh the view after selecting the new date to get it to work at all. So here is the scenerio:

User navigates to view and gets today's schedule. User selectes new date from DatePicker

In debug the Index controller is fired immediatly and the new data is retrived and returned to the view but this is not reflected in the UIUser clicks the "Go" button.

In debug the controller is again fired immediately with the same date and the data is retrieved and returned to the view and this time it renders correctly.

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Mar 13, 2011

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Use 2 Different Themes Based On The Master Page?

Feb 9, 2011

I have an App_Themes directory, and also Master pages for a ASP.NET website.

Can I use 2 different themes based on the master page?

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Web Forms :: Master Page And Css Themes Does Postback Each Time?

Dec 29, 2010

I have a master page which contains a treeview and a linkbutton. i have used 3 different stylesheets for the same page and those are listed in dropdownlist on the same master page. on dropdownlist change() event stylesheet of the master page change, i have 1 default style sheet which will come as master page loads.

now the problem is when i changed stylesheet from dropdown list, stylesheet changes the master page , but after that when if i clicked on treeview or linkbutton the stylesheet is restored to default one.

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Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

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Master Page Has Runat=server On The Head Tag Element - It Is Injecting A Stylesheet Using Themes

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Is it a themes setting that is adding the stylesheet? How can I disable it for this master page?

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C# - What Is CSS, Themes And Skin In .Net

Jan 6, 2011

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Using Different Themes For Different Customers?

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C# - Using Themes With URL Rewriting?

Jul 7, 2010

I am using the UrlRewriter.NET library to perform URL rewriting. I noticed that themes do not work properly as the browser tries to retrieve the CSS file incorrectly.

The link tag generated by ASP.NET automatically is as follows:

<link href="App_Themes/vertebrata/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

URL typed into browser: localhost:1708/BloggingEngine/aa Displays fine

URL typed into browser: localhost:1708/BloggingEngine/aa/ Browser does not load the CSS file

I can probably fix the problem by prefixing a "/" before the URL in the href attribute, but this is dynamically generated by depending on selected theme and I have no control over it.

How do I get to load themes properly?

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How To Change Themes Asynchronously

Dec 25, 2010

I have a portfolio website I am building for fun, I am graduating about this time next year. I have added ASP.NET themes to this portfolio website, and I have added themes to other ASP.NET sites before. I really love the feature! I have been noticing though that other sites (not that I've seen) change "Themes" without the page refreshing and I understand its probably just changing which CSS the site is using. Is there a way to do something like this in ASP.NET 4.0?

I am just setting the default theme in the web.config, and then setting a session variable through a couple asp:ImageButton's, then in the Page_PagePrePreInit setting the page.theme to the session variable. This is my first time taking that route, I usually use "profiles" to save the theme info.

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Themes - How To Change Whole UI On A Website

Feb 1, 2011

I am working on website and i want to implement themes on my site. If i select any theme then it will change whole UI not only colors. After Change it will show a new User interface. Like change in div size, width and location same for controls and same all html tag that is used in page.

I got lot of example of themes where it it changing only UI color.

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Web Forms :: How To Change Themes In 2.0

Sep 30, 2010

Change themes in 2.0

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Web Forms :: What Are The Benefits Of Using Themes

Feb 8, 2010

I think i understand the benefit of using themes but I want to be sure I understand correctly. I have previously used css to style my pages. I'm thinking about using themes in my next project. It provides a way to switch between the visual style of web controls and html elements. This could be done by allowing the user to choose a theme that is to their liking.

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Can C# Themes Be Used Per User Session

Aug 20, 2010

Can ASP.NET themes be used per user session ? Ex : For one user,User theme called "Green" and for another user Use the theme called "Red". Or themes are for the enire web app ?

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Advantage Of Themes Versus CSS?

Jan 24, 2010

Since Themes in ASP.NET are used to style elements of your site, I was just wondering why would you use Themes rather than CSS, or is it common practice to use both? If so, when would you opt for one versus the other and why?

Just seems to me like Themes are kind of unnecessary, so I am just looking on clarification if there really is a good reason to use them, or it's just a part of the framework as an alternative(unnecessary) step to styling your site.

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Php - Implement Visual Themes Like

Jan 11, 2010

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C# - Applying Themes In Web Application?

Jan 24, 2011

I use ASP.NET C# in a Web Application Project (not web site).

I would like use ASP.NET Theme feature for my Web Application.

From the root of my project I am able to create a special folder App_Themes

Root/App_Themes --WORKS

but I need have App_Themes folder in a different level, in my case:

Root/Cms/App_Themes --DOES NOT WOEK

I notice that Visual Studio does not allow insert an App_Themes in a sub folder.

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Web Forms :: How To Refer To The External Themes

Jun 4, 2010

We have multiple themes and based on the employee login we need to set the themes. And my themes folder including images, style sheets etc resides outside my application ie inside my master page project.When i refer the theme to it i am receiving an error stating its not valid theme.Cant we refer the external themes and set it page.theme?Any idea on this?

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Web Forms :: How To Get The Themes For Media Player

Feb 1, 2011

i am using Media Player in my site its working fine..but if i want to use themes where should i get those thems(professional xaml.,,et.,) it possible to download..if yes provide the link

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VS 2008 - How To Use Global And Application Themes

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to figure out if Global Themes will be something our department could use. However, I am a little unclear on it. Can you basically just have one theme? Either a theme from the Global directory or one from the application theme folder? Or is there a way to use both at the same time?

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Add Url Parameter To Css File In Themes Folder?

Jan 7, 2010

I have written a bit of code that helps with versioning of js files. Essentially it spins around the current script manager and appends the javascript file path with an md5 hash of the file. So

<script src="../Javascript/Navigation.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


<script src="../Javascript/Navigation.js?md5=70D2B4D1F236C7E340D9152B9E4102C3" type="text/javascript"></script>

I think this is a fairly common thing to do (or variants of it). What I am struggling to do is pick up the css files in the app_themes folder and do the same.

How do I get in and change the css links?

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Web Forms :: Themes Or Master Pages?

Jun 21, 2010

I have been working on a fun little project just to build my skills as an ASP.Net developer. I have learned quite a bit thus far, and don't normally post questions in forums. Google and the books I own generally do the trick for me. But for this question I would like some community input.

I am developing a simple blog platform in ASP.Net / C#. Eventually I hope it will basically be a clone of how Wordpress works. Again, this is mostly a learning project for myself and I realize there are many projects out there doing what I am doing in .Net.

Anyways, the question I want some input on is whether I should use themes or master pages to customize the look and feel of the site. As I understand it, a theme mostly just changes colors and such, but CAN do much more. Whereas a master page can easily change the look and feel of an entire site.

What are the pro's and con's of either route, and what would y'all recommend? I'm not really looking for code examples here, just input on what y'all would think is the best route to pursue.

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Web Forms :: How To Make Dynamic Themes In CSS

Feb 22, 2010

I have new task..

I'm work with to make website..

how to make dynamic theme in CSS?

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Web Forms :: Read All Available Themes Under In A Solution

Feb 8, 2010

What i have is a number of themes in a solution under the App_Themes directory. How can i read all these and bind them to a list so that when the user selects on it applies that theme to the web page ?

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