VS 2005 - Control Alignment - Float Image

Sep 29, 2011

I have a div container with an image to the left and a smaller image to the right. My problem is the small image to the right is at the top and I want it to be at the bottom.


I want :-


I float my small image right.

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Vertical Image Border Changes Alignment When Screen Is Not Maximized?

Apr 28, 2010

I have some pretty straightforward HTML code with a few tables to organize various items of text or images. All works fine except that I need to place a vertical border on both the left and right sides of the screen. I am able to do this with a 2x2 pixel image that I stretch out. When the user has their screen maximized, everything looks great. But when the user hits "Restore Down", then the borders stay in place, but the tables get shoved down so that they start below where the borders end, which is off screen. in other words, the relational alignment between the borders and the tables gets all screwed up. Does anybody know how to make this alignment stay consistent on a restore down? I'm pretty much a newbie with html and asp, so speak slowly. If there is a better method to accomplish this, I'm all ears.

Here is the relevant section of code:

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.cs" Inherits="MasterPage" %>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Image ID="LeftBorder" src="../Images/Border_Blue.jpg" runat="server"
WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="1000" BORDER="0" alt="Image Missing" align="left"/>
<asp:Image ID="RightBorder" src="../Images/Border_Blue.jpg" runat="server"
WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="1000" BORDER="0" alt="Image Missing" align="right" />
<table id="BannerTable" style="height: 100px">
<td width="934px">
<img src="../Images/Header.jpg"
alt="Image Missing" id="ImgBanner" align="left"/></td>

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VS 2005 - Image Control To Scroll Horizontally

Aug 18, 2011

I have a website wrote in asp.net which is dynamic which gets its data from an access database. I want to put some sort of image control on my site and load it with images in code behind. I then want the control to scroll horizontally. I don't have a clue where to start.

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Sql Server 2005 - Upload Image Without Using FileUpload Control?

Dec 27, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2005 as my back-end.I saw this topic is already introduced in StackOverflow but I have different question related to this topic.I just want to directly get the file from my server/hard-disk and save it in the database.

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Web Forms :: Treeview Control Alignment?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a simple Treeview on my web page. I am using ASP.Net 3.5. I have 2 parent nodes and then some child nodes for each parent when expanded. I want my 2 parent nodes to align up to the left. And I want the child nodes to be idented under the parent and all aligned to the left. Presently, it seems like everything is aligned in the center. It seems odd that there is not a horizontal alignment proprty. Or am I just not seeing it?

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Web Forms :: Alignment For Dyanamically Created Control

Sep 21, 2010

I am creating some label and textbox dynamically in a Panel. I am not able to do alingment. I need to allign all textboxes. Below is code.


And one more thing I would like to put scrollbar in panel, because there are 20 textbox, After dynamically creation of control, Its not coming under scrollbar.


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Web Forms :: Add Horizontal And Vertical Alignment Property To User Control?

Jan 9, 2010

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Drop Down Menu Float Visible Over UI CONTROL Like TEXTBOX, Select Boxes, And Iframes?

Mar 9, 2010

Issue is Menu is not overlaping or float, above the IFrame i am design the menu with table and Div tag in Usercontrol From and i called Usercontrol from in the Index.aspx.

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Web Forms :: Style The Menu Control To Allow The Menu Items To Float To The Right Of The Container?

Feb 3, 2011

Currently I have a menu control on my webform in ASP.Net 4.0 :

<div class="PNMenu">
<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="PNSiteMap" runat="server" ShowStartingNode="false" />
<asp:Menu ID="PNMainMenu" runat="server" DataSourceID="PNSiteMap" RenderingMode="List" Orientation="Horizontal" CssClass="PN-PrimaryNavMenu" >

I am trying to style the menu control to allow the menu items to float to the right of the container, however I am unable to do so as whenever I am styling the a, ul or li it keeps getting overidded by asp.net and floats everything left.



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VS 2005 How To Add Wait Image When Uploading

Jan 22, 2010

How can we add any wait image or progress bar when we upload a big size file to upload and it take several minutes to upload a file.

I want to show any Image or progress bar.

View 5 Replies

VS 2005 Cannot Display Image In The Datagrid

Jan 27, 2010

i want to display image in my datagrid.....so i added a field named img and set its datatype to nvarcharmy database content is like this:i did this code:

Dim obj As New DataAccess
Dim dt As New DataTable
dt = obj.getDataTable("Select * from Table1")
Dim dr As DataRow
For Each dr In dt.Rows
dr("img") = MapPath("~img") & dr("img")

View 30 Replies

VS 2005 Embed Image In Email

Feb 8, 2010

i did this code to embed an image in an email:


If FileUpload1.HasFile Then
Dim emailMessage As System.Net.Mail.MailMessage = New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
emailMessage.From = New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("txt"))
emailMessage.Subject = txtSubject.Text.Trim()
Dim plainTextView As System.Net.Mail.AlternateView = System.Net.Mail.AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(txtBody.Text.Trim(), Nothing, "text/plain")
Dim htmlView As System.Net.Mail.AlternateView = System.Net.Mail.AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(txtBody.Text.Trim() + "<img src=cid:HDIImage>", Nothing, "text/html")
Dim imageResource As New System.Net.Mail.LinkedResource(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName)
imageResource.ContentId = "HDIImage"
Dim smtpClient As System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient = New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient
Catch smtpexc As System.Net.Mail.SmtpException
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If

i am getting the runtime error:

Could not find the file how to solve this?

View 14 Replies

VS 2005 - Lightbox - If Image Is Not Visible Set

Jan 13, 2015

I'm using lightbox [URL] .... to display a 6 images in a ASP.NET repeater looks great and almost does every thing i need.

I have set the .vb to make imagename.visible=false if the imageUrl=""... again works like a charm and I only see images that have a value in the database.

The problem i have is in order to list how many images in each set Lightbox uses an attribute in the HTML Hyperlink tag called 'data-lightbox'.

' href="<%# "../uploads/" & DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "image5") %>">
' width="45px" runat="server"/>

The problem is that when 3/6 images are uploaded and populated in the database lightbox still says there are 6 in the set even though only 3 are visible.

What i would like to do is in the .vb code when i check to see if the database field for the image is blank is set the data-lightbox value accordingly so visible images get a data-lightbox value only and are therefore added to the set.

Tried a .net Hyperlink too but same issue...

' href='<%# "../uploads/" & DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "image") %>'>
' Visible='<%# IIf(Eval("Image") Is DbNull.Value, "False","True") %>' width="280px" runat="server"/>

How can i change a custom attribute in a HTML form from the VB.net code behind?

View 1 Replies

VS 2005 / Dragging Key Points Onto Image?

Dec 8, 2011

I need to show an image and then 4 pointer small images. The user then has the facility to grab each of the pointer images and drop them on the large image.

Is this possible and if so how do I go about getting started or is there and third party controls out there that will do the job.

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VS 2005 / Compressing JPEG Image?

Nov 18, 2011

I need to write a routine which uploads a largish (2-4 meg) jpg photo and shrink it down to a small size. Adobe image ready does what I need but I need to develop it in my web application. Basically I need to reduce the image file size so it is web friendly.

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AJAX :: Uploading Image With AsynFileUpload And Changing Image Url Of An Image Control?

Jun 7, 2010

I Used AsyncFileUpload(one of Ajac Control Toolkit Controls) to Uploading User's Image. this works well. But i want to change the image url of an image contorl to uploaded image url. how can i perform that? I put Image control in a Update Panel:


in C# code I wrote these:


But it does not work. Image is like Previous. Note that ImageOperations.ResizeFromStream() method resizes and saves the image to a specefic folder. actually I should trigger a Postback to Update the Update Panel but How to do that. I usedUpdatePanelNew.Update(); but it does not work!

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VS 2005 Creating Image On Basis Of Space Used

Feb 17, 2010

I want to create an Image to show the used space of each user. I explain it in details. Each user can login and can upload its document on the web. I want to calculate that space and want to show the space used i form of Image like attached. I have calculated the space for logged in user but unable to create Image on basis of this calculated space.

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VS 2005 Finding Code For Converting Image To Text

Oct 22, 2010

i have images, i need a code that convert the images in to editable word.for example .gif image .can nay one give me sample code.

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VS 2005 Image Controls Hidden When Displaying Message

Dec 15, 2010

Have following sub that displays message. It works fine except for that when message is displayed then it hides any image controls. After click on OK then image controls are being shown again.

Public Sub UserMsgBox1(ByVal Message1 As String, ByVal Message2 As String, ByVal Message3 As String)
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
Dim oFormObject As New System.Web.UI.Control
Message = Message1.Replace("'", "'") & Message2.Replace("'", "'") & Message3.Replace("'", "'")
Message = Message1.Replace(Chr(34), "" & Chr(34)) & Message2.Replace(Chr(34), "" & Chr(34)) & Message3.Replace(Chr(34), "" & Chr(34))
Message = Message1.Replace(vbCrLf, "
") & Message2.Replace(vbCrLf, "
") & Message3.Replace(vbCrLf, "
Message = "<script type=text/javascript>alert(""" & Message1 & "
" & "
" & Message2 & "
" & "
" & Message3 & """)</script>"
sb = New StringBuilder()
For Each oFormObject In Me.Controls
oFormObject.Controls.AddAt(oFormObject.Controls.Count, New LiteralControl(sb.ToString()))
End Sub

Mater page:

<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.vb" Inherits="MasterPage" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" [URL]>
<html xmlns=[URL]>
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<title>Job Reporting - Certified Jobs Inquiry</title>..............................

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Web Forms :: To Set A Default Image For Image Control , When There Is No Image Availble?

Jan 15, 2011

I am trying to put a default image in an Image control in asp.net and it should show that particular image on the page when no other image is assigned or no image available in Database.

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Web Forms :: Display Image In Image Control From Image Path

Oct 1, 2010

I know how to display an image in gridview from image path in database. Now, I want to display an image in an asp.net image control from image path in database. Can anyone point me to a tutorial? I haven't been able to find one that explains how to do it when I don't know what the image path will be. The images are in the root folder.

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SQL Server :: Store Null Data In Image Datatype In 2005

Aug 27, 2010

i wanted to store image in sqlserver database image field and i did. But now in some cases i want to store null value in that image field how to do this using file uploader.

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MVC :: How To Save Image In Folder With The Name Of UserId Existing In Sql Server 2005 DB

Feb 21, 2010

I have the problem to upload Image.i want to save image in folder with the name of userId existing in sql server 2005 DB.

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AJAX :: Reduce Image Flickering Visual Studio 2005?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a program that will update the graph (using zedgraph) every 60 sec. Every update it will reload a new image file, when reloading there always flickering effect. Anyone can advice me to reduce the flickering so that it will look much more smooth than flickering.

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Web Forms :: FileUpload Control - Load Image Into An Image Control?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm still a basic user of ASP.NET and i'm trying to figure out how can i use the FileUpload control to give an uploaded image to the Image control.

The FileUpload control doesn't have an OnClick() event so when i hit Upload i don't know what happens with the uploaded file in the back.

what i'm trying to do is choose a file with the FileUpload control, preview it in the Image control and then save it in an SQL Server 2008 database in an "image" field.

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